Tom looked up and seen the giantess. She sat down and Tom flew up about six feet in the air then he heard her laugh "Sorry about that" Tom got up a looked at her. Tom was looking right a her crotch "Hey eyes up here" Tom looked at her embarrassed "Sorry I'm not used girls having thier panties showing except for when umm never mind" Tom seen her legs extended to each see of him and she was looking at him "What's your name" Tom swallowed "I'm Tom what about you" The giantess smiled "I'm April we should be friends" For some odd reason Tom liked her but didn't nessescarily trust her "Yeah I guess" April moved her legs to sit Indian style with Tom in the middle of the little space between her body. April had mischievous smile on her face then she picked him up "What are you doing and why are you looking at me like that" April licked her lip "Has anyone ever told you you look tasty" Tom remembered a couple times but kept it to himself "No" April smiled then tugged his shirt off then his pants. Tom came into realization of what she was gonna do then started struggling in her hand "STOP DON'T EAT ME" April looked at him "I'm not gonna eat you at the moment anyway I just want to taste you" Tom felt himself fly into the air then seen her her mouth waiting for him. Tom maneuvered in the air a little then he missed her mouth and he started falling toward the ground then he stopped. Tom breath a sign of relief then he felt something wet on his foot. Tom looked up and seen April smiling he was hanging from her mouth from one foot. April started to suck him then she was up to his knee "Stop April I don't want to be eaten" April pushed his other leg into her mouth then sucked more until she was at his waist. She seen he had underwear then ripped it off Tom screamed "STOP" April sucked him into her mouth all the way to his chest then to his neck Tom screamed then her tounge came out and pushed his face inside. The tounge was attacking his privates he felt her tounge lick his stomach then moved down to his dick Tom had to admit this was very pleasurable. Tom got flipped over and her tounge went between his ass crack and Tom screamed. Finally it was over Tom laid on her tounge exhausted "Mmmmm Tom you have know idea how bad I want you in my belly" Tom felt her tounge under him "STOP TASTING ME" Tom could see April smiling "I really want to play with you more but I want to swallow you then play with you right now
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