Lilly asked, "What's this symbol stand for?"
Mom examined for a moment and then remembered what her friend told her about the medallion, "That's the transportation function. You gotta adjust the timing dial for that one."
"Cool. Set it to somewhere warm or the beach! We need a fun vacation! I can't wait to suddenly appear somewhere else!"
"It doesn't work like that." Mom explained, "Whatever article of clothing you touch the medallion with, you teleport into their body wherever they are in the world."
Lilly asked, "What happens to the person that you suddenly become?"
"They become you." Mom picked up a skirt that belonged to her sister explaining, "Your Aunt Stephanie wore this skirt last when she was in high school. If you use the normal function on the medallion you'd become her exact high-school body when she wore this last. But if you set the teleportation function, you would become Aunt Stephanie's body now and she would become you."
"What do you think she is doing right now?" Robby asked.
"Who knows? I've been meaning to call her lately. I haven't spoken to her in forever. One of us could find out. We could do a test run and set the timer for a short amount of time."
Lilly pointed out, "It's kind of risky isn't it? What if she's driving a car and is making a sudden turn or about to slam the brakes at a stop light."
Mom nodded, "There's a built in function to protect for accidents like that. When you teleport, there's a 10 second lag where time stands still. Whatever position or posture the person is in, you'll have 10 seconds to figure out if they are in a live-saving moment or are about to take a step down a staircase. I guess that means whoever teleports into her body has to be ready for whatever situation she might be doing. You gotta think quick and adapt to whatever she is up to at the time and make a quick decision if you need to."
Robby joked, "That would be hilarious if she was popping-a-squat on the toilet."
Mom added, "Actually, that would be one of the safer positions to teleport into. There's not much that could go wrong while somebody is urinating."
"Unless you teleported into a GUY's body. They have to aim properly and make sure they land their pee inside the toilet."
Robby considered another scenario, "What if they were sleeping at the time?"
Mom shook her head, "I don't know? Maybe you just fall asleep too?"
Lilly looked at the time, "It's 9:42 on a Saturday. What does Aunt Stephanie typically do on a weekend at this time?"
"Your guess is as good as mine. She could be sitting, jogging, swimming, watching TV, walking down the street, feeding her baby...Who knows?"
Robby giggled, "How funny would that be if she was right in the middle of breastfeeding Taylor? That would be amazing to find out what it felt like to do that."
Lilly suggested, "Maybe we should call or text her first to warn her."
"That would take the fun out of it." Mom smiled, "Plus, she'd never believe me. I can imagine it now, "Hey sis! What'cha doin? Okay...Well in 5 seconds you will suddenly teleport into Lilly's body and vise versa. I'll see you soon!"
Robby interjected, "Hey? Who said Lilly has dibs on the first teleport?"
Mom laughed, 'Oh? I didn't realize you'd be willing to change your gender. I just assumed Lilly would do it so I could talk to my sister once she teleports into her body."
Lilly rolled her eyes, "Maybe Robby should use the regular function on the medallion for his first female experience. Otherwise, all he's going to do is suddenly grab his tits and start playing with them. Just imagine if Aunt Stephanie is at a business meeting or somewhere in public when it happens. It would embarrass her big-time to suddenly break from the current conversation and start fondling her boobs."
Robby eyes his sister's body with a wink. He picked up a pair of jeans she'd worn a few days ago while saying, "You are right. Maybe doing a test is smart. That way I could play with YOUR tits for 12 hours while get used to being a female."
Lilly quickly replied, "Eww!" She grabbed a toddler dress from a box smirking, "If you wanna learn the basics about the female body you should start with a younger form. How old was I...? 2? Maybe 3 when I wore this last?"
Robby glared, "Yea right. You didn't even have boobs then! Why would I want to test-run a female body that was in diapers and drinking out of sippy cups?"
Mom laughed, "Your sister has a point. It would be a good introduction to losing your dick and getting used to wearing dresses."
Robby retorted, "FYI..The same scenario goes for both of YOU. I'm sure with the medallion that you will both eventually end up in a male body. I'm guessing the first thing you both do is grab your manhood and start playing with it. Don't make it sound like I"m the only weirdo here!"
Mom and Lilly gave each other a knowing look giggling. Mom winked, "That is going to be fun to find out what peeing standing up feels like."
Lilly agreed, "Right! Not to mention taking all of 30 seconds to get ready. Boys have it soooo much easier. They just put clothes and a hat on. They don't have to worry about hair and makeup or smelling pretty."
Mom suggested, "Maybe we should run some tests. We don't even know if this works or not. Maybe we should all just choose some clothing and use the normal setting on the medallion and stay home. We have tons of options. Me and Lilly can become boys....or MEN so we get used to having a male body. Robby can choose anything he wants to turn himself into a female. That way, we all get experience at the opposite gender. Once we know the medallion works, we can try the teleportation setting."
Lilly nodded, "We could always do an easy test with the teleportation setting. We could just teleport into each other standing here to see if it works. Or, if somebody is brave enough, they could teleport into Sparkles for a minute or two." All of them glanced over to the scratch pad where Sparkles their pet cat was.
Mom explained, "We gotta see if this medallion works or not. What should we do?"