This choice: Fitting Clothes, Bianca has always been chubby • Go Back... Bianca took her signature clothes (that she had 7 pairs of, for some reason), and gave her rounded potbelly a satisfied pat. While most girls would freak out at having a little jelly roll, Bianca had been pampered with home cooking her entire life, so had always been rather large. She was in no way obese being 5’2’’ and weighing 158 pounds, but she was clearly getting there. Bianca had grown to love her blubbery belly and buxom breasts as part of her identity, and resented any attempts by Cheren to make her diet and exercise.
Said buxom breasts were one (two) of Bianca’s biggest...assets. They were rounded and perky, swollen with Bianca’s slothful gluttony, and when she laid flat on her back, those titanic tits were the only thing she could see. The girl would regularly give them a gentle, squeezing grope in appreciation of their voluptuousness.
The Rubenesque young lady’s swollen stomach was her largest (and favourite) area. It was quite a big belly; it was not firm at all and the rounded curve of her softness stuck out in a sharp angle above her nether regions. Bianca was so attuned to her gut’s constant growling (that she wasn’t embarrassed about) that she’d learnt to tell the time based on pitch and intensity.
Bianca’s big bottom bounced as she tried to fit her skirt over it, a task that grew more difficult every day. It wasn’t especially large just yet; Bianca hadn’t yet realised how gluttonous she could truly be, but it looked like it would burst in size soon enough.
Once Bianca got dressed, she jumped onto her bed, which groaned under the excess weight, and began to rub her round swell of a gut. She marvelled at the fleshy consistency, at the sheer amount of jiggle when she smacked it, and at the amount she could pick up when she grabbed it. She didn’t understand why Unova was so fat-phobic when being fat (Bianca wasn’t going to beat around the bush) felt so...euphoric!
In the midst of her chubby-girl high, Bianca became inspired to sit on the floor and do push-ups. She confidently did her first push-up, then her second was met with a moan of pleasurable pain, then she didn’t even finish a third, as she collapsed, breathless not just from being so unfit but also from the realisation that she was so unfit. Fitness was a foreign concept to Bianca and she’d bluntly decided a long time ago that she wanted no part in it; she was happy being a little bag of fat, thank you very much.
Bianca couldn’t take the pressure any more. If she kept this up any longer she might just...
‘UUUUURRRRRRPPPPPPP!’ Bianca belched, relieving the pressure in her chubby tummy.
‘Darling?’ Bianca’s mother called up, having overheard the commotion. In fact, she’d already called, but Bianca was too busy exploring her fat to hear.
‘Yes, mother?’ Bianca said, her mood settling.
‘Are you okay? You sound hurt!’
‘No, I’m fine. I think my flab stopped me from being hurt.’
‘Dear, you’re not flabby at all! You’re a growing girl, and your curves are just settling in! You don’t need to beat yourself up...’
‘I’m fine, Mom.’ Bianca replied, with a hand on her belly.
‘If you’re sure. Would you like a brownie, sweetheart? I made some earlier and they’re still warm!’
Bianca drooled and licked her lips. Of course she didn’t say no!
This rather excessive pampering had started when Bianca was only little (both in age and in weight), and was essentially why she had blimped up. It was therefore surprising that she wasn’t obese yet, though this could have been due to the fact that Bianca walked everywhere. She wasn’t trying to get fat, after all, it just...crept up on her, and she felt appreciative of its presence.
Bianca’s mother had decided when Bianca was younger that she didn’t want her to undergo any hardships in life. She just loved her daughter too much for that. In fact, Bianca’s mother (lets call her Maisie) went one step further than that, and ensured that Bianca was happy at all times. Doing this meant ensuring that her daughter was never starving. Quite the opposite. Bianca, who had already begun to lead a sedentary existence due to Maisie’s excessive mollycoddling and insistence that she’d hurt herself if she exercised, was stuffed to the brim on a regular basis. Maisie already had stellar cooking skills; they’d won Bianca’s father Trevor over, but now she was seriously improving them with a taste tester who was happy to indulge in her gluttony.
Despite what she’d told Bianca about her weight earlier, Maisie was aware that Bianca was a bit big for a girl of her age. She’d played off her daughter’s ‘concerns’, as she saw it, so as not to make her cry. Little did she know how wrong she was.
Despite Bianca’s ballooning bodice, Maisie kept feeding her. Bianca enjoyed the food greatly and Maisie found cooking for her baby girl too damn fun to simply stop! It was a win-win situation for everyone, Maisie reasoned.
The consequence of this pampering, other than the obvious physical consequence, was that Bianca had grown up a bit spoiled. She was the friendliest girl you could ever meet; Maisie had taught her manners cost nothing after all, but she was a bit idle and aimless, and didn’t generally bother with anything new if she felt it would be difficult. She was setting off on her Pokémon journey that afternoon, but only out of a desire to treat herself to all of Unova’s cuisine. Even Maisie, indulgent mother though she was, could recognise that this wasn’t sustainable for Bianca’s future. Maybe her daughter would need a helping hand...
Just then, Trevor, Maisie’s husband walked in. Unlike Maisie, he did not want his daughter to sit at home feasting on her mother’s cooking. Trevor wanted Bianca to get off of her lazy-daisy backside and learn the meaning of discipline and hard work. He felt that she expected other people to make decisions for her, to live her life even. That wasn’t a healthy way to live. It had taken a lot of cajoling to even get her to agree to the Pokémon journey. That would be healthy for her and teach her how to persevere. Unfortunately for him, he was in a weight gain fanfiction, so his efforts would be futile.
Whenever Trevor would try to get Bianca to come and exercise, she would shudder, making her roll of belly-fat shake, as if the very word ‘exercise’ was a sign of evil. Then, she’d give a cute little yawn-belch hybrid that almost made Trevor believe she was actually tired. Finally, obstinately refusing to even entertain the idea of being slim, Bianca would collapse her jiggly rear onto the sofa she adored so much and, in a display of pity in how exhausted and stressed her daughter looked, Maisie would hand-feed her. On days where she felt especially overindulgent, Bianca would feign exhaustion so that she would be hand-fed, as she didn’t even want to achieve the monumental effort of lifting food into her mouth. Bianca may have been as sweet as the doughnuts she gorged herself on, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be sneaky sometimes.
Trevor sighed. He wanted what was best for his daughter and he loved his wife dearly, but Bianca’s big butt was harder for him to move than if he were moving a Walrein, and Maisie’s coddling ways were...enabling Bianca’s slothful attitude.
‘Hello, honey!’ Maisie called. ‘I have an idea! I think one of us should accompany Bianca on her journey! She’ll get hurt by a strong Pokémon if she goes by herself!’
Trevor’s ears pricked up. Once again, his wife was babying Bianca...but she had a point. This could be the perfect opportunity to make her a healthier, happier woman! Why hadn’t he thought of this, when knowing Bianca, she’d eat back any calories she lost and then some! She’d be as fat as a house if she had her way! Trevor knee that, as a hard worker at Devon Corp overseas, and with a generous boss, he could take time off to help his daughter shed those pounds!
Bianca burped, loudly and proudly, with not even a hint of a blush; that was how used to her gaseous emissions she was. She was hearing the conversation as well, and it dreaded her to think of travelling with her father. She didn’t WANT to be skinny or active. Why couldn’t he see that?
Now travelling with her mother sounded more like it! Bianca knew that with Maisie on board, she could indulge to her heart’s content and see the sights of Unova! Even so...
‘Mum.’ Bianca said. ‘Can I travel with my friends?’
Normally Trevor would have been overprotective (he had to admit he was like Maisie in that regard) st the idea of his daughter leaving by herself or with her friends, or anywhere out of his site. He would have forbade her to go, no questions asked. But he was desperate to make sure she lost weight, and that Cheren boy seemed to be on the lookout...
‘You can if you’d like.’ Trevor said.
Maisie was more reluctant.
‘But...if you get hurt, sweetheart...what would you do? How would I know?’
Maisie was already hysterical. Deep down, she knew that she should be letting Bianca make her own choices. See the world, with her friends at her side. But...she was her baby girl! It didn’t feel right!
‘What do you want to do, Bianca?’ Trevor asked.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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