Over the next week, Luke kept sneaking extra food here and there. After meals, he would always have more desert, or sneak an extra packet of crisps. Three more nights, he crept down to the kitchen again and had another midnight snack. At the end of the week, as he was getting ready for a bath, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. Luke paused for a moment, checking the minor changes to his frame.
His stomach, which used to curve inwards slightly, now went flatly down to his lap, and his abdominal muscles were starting to be covered by fat. His ribs were disappearing too, and the rest of his body had plumped up, though by only a very small amount. Luke saw the changes, and was surpsrised, as he did not expect the weight to pile on so quickly. He wasn;t worried however, and did not therefore check how much weight he had put on.
Luke continued to gorge slowly over the final week of his school holiday. Another four midnight snacks, and once again he snuck occasional extra food from the kitchen with his meals. At the end of the week, on Sunday night, with just one night left before he returned to school, he dicided once again to have a thorough look at his progress, and headed for the bathroom. The eight year old undressed to his underwear, and stood before the mirror.
He was wearing a curious expression, marvelling at how fast his body had changed. Just two weeks before, his stomach curved slightly inwards, and his abdominal muscles were slightly visible. His ribs poked out before, and his faced was quite thin and bony, as were his legs.
Now though, as he stood before the mirror in his underwear, he saw the changes. His tummy now curved out slightly, and his belly button was deeper. Luke ran his fingers over his smooth skin, and felt the silky-to-touch layer of flab that he had aquired. His ribs had now been enveloped somewhat too, as they were barely visible. His legs and butt had also grown slightly, as had his face, which was now adorned with the beginnings of a double chin. Luke decided to see just how much he had gained, slighly worried at what the outcome would be.
The scale climbed as hs stepped on it. The digital readout finally stopped on 52lbs. Fifty two lbs! Four pounds in two weeks! Luke though for a second, about whether or not he should be upset by his gain. But then he remembered how good it felt for his belly to be full again, as for the proceeding year, his mother had tried to keep her children in shape, and cut down portion sizes, often leaving Luke hungry. He looked down at his new tummy, and absent mindedly stroked it. This also felt good, he thought, and he smiled. He shouldn't be worried, or unhappy. If it felt good it was good, and he got off the scale, still stroking his slightly fleshy midsection.
Luke pulled up his trousers, and noticed for the first time since he could remember, the waistband was cutting into him slightly. But that was fine, his new weight was bound to make his clothes feel slightly tighter. He pulled on his loose shirt, and was thankful for its bagginess. He would have a hard time explaining this new belly to his mother if it poked out or strained it.
He walked back to his room, lay down on his bed, and started watching the TV in his room while eating some crisps. Buddy nudged the door open.
"Hi Buddy," Luke said to his dog, and patted area on the bed to his right. Buddy yipped happily, and padded over to him, jumping up onto the bed. The combined weight of boy and canine made the matress go down slightly, as the springs adjusted. Buddy lay down next to Luke, and his owner began stroking and petting his beloved Labrador, running his hands over his smooth, short fur. As Luke's hand reached Buddy's belly, he felt the new fat that Buddy had gained. It was soft and pillowy, and felt good under Lukes fingers.
Buddy had always been of normal size before the first 'little snack', but that had all changed after. Luke had started giving him lots of table scraps, and when it was feeding time, Luke always gave Buddy extra. Plus, on the nights when Luke had a midnight snack, Luke put something down for his Labrador. After all, pudgier dogs are cuter, Luke would think, and it was hardly doing him any harm. Buddy's belly was now distened slightly, hanging a little when he walked, whereas before it curved upwards. His waist was losing the battle against the flab, and his haunches were wider too. But Buddy was happy, and so was Luke, although it meant that Buddy almost expected food when he saw Luke.
Luke watched until it was his bedtime, stroking Buddy's growing tummy. He went downstairs, said goodnight to Mum, and returned to his room. He slipped into his pyjamas, and noticed that the bottoms felt tighter around his waist than before. He loosened the drawstring, and went to bed.
Later, Luke woke up, hungry again. He tiptoed into the kitchen, and began his feast, eating several small cakes, and a packet of rice crispie squares, and put down a packet of ham slices for Buddy, before going back to bed, hunger sated once again. Luke lay awake for a little while in his bed, caressing his slightly bulbous midsection, before finally dropping off to sleep.