You're a wild young Pikachu boy that had been in Sinnoh's Trophy Garden with your family and friends for all your life. You felt quite happy about this place but those happy moments were about to end because trainers will always come to find and catch new pokemon to train them. One day, one of your closest Pokemon friends was hunted down by a trainer. As you sprint over to where the trainer is, you are shocked as you see your friend get hit by a Poke Ball and is captured by the human trainer that seems to be wearing a yellow jacket with a black shirt with lightning symbols on it. He appeared to be a fan of Electric-type Pokemon. You sprint over to the trainer, ready to tackle him. When you almost were about to attack him, another person suddenly throws a Poke Ball at you and succesfully catches you.
You had no idea that another trainer was close by and you couldn't do anything about it now. It was too late. A few hours later, you are let out of the Poke Ball. You open your eyes slowly and see a lab. As you look around, you see that you're no longer in the Trophy Garden. "Hi Pikachu." A voice came from behind. As you turn to look back, you see a man with a lab coat. "I'm Professor Maghony Jericho and I..." "Pikachuuuuuuuuu!!" You shock him with a Thunderbolt and paralyze him with the charge of the shock you gave him. "I-I-I think we started off on the wrong foot here!" A few moments later, the professor tries to introduce himself again, but you gave him another Thunderbolt and paralyzed him again. He tries again, but this time, he's wearing a rubber suit. When you try to shock him again, it fails since rubber protects against electric shocks.
"He he, you see, this time I came prepared for you!" He gets closer to you. You close your eyes and crouch. You were really scared for your life, and then you felt his hand touching you and rubbing you on the head. Your fear goes away, realizing now that he isn't going to harm you. "See? Nothing to worry about." After a few moments, you felt much better.
"Okay Pikachu, how about we give you a name, shall we?" You didn't understand what he was talking about. "Okay, nod if you like one of the names I'm going to name you. Hmmm how about Shocker?" You just gave him a confused look. "No? Then how about Sparky?" Again, you gave him a confused look. "No? Then how about Little Pulse?" You like the sound of that name, so you nod. "You like that name then?" "Pikaa pii!", you said to him. "Okay, so Little Pulse it is then. Okay, I just need to do one more thing Little Pulse." He leaves you for a moment and started looking at his desk for something. He comes back with a needle in his hand. You start feeling scared again. The needle contained a strange colorful liquid in it. You begin to worry about what he was going to do with you. As he injected the needle, he let go of you and started to rub your head so you won't feel worried about it. After a few moments, you started to...