Your eyes fly wide open. "Oh, just a dream." you mutter to yourself. This "dream", though seemed very vivid, almost as if you were there. Most dreams, you just forget about the details and only remember a vague outline on what's the dream about after you wake up, but not this one. This one, you could remember every little detail with ease. "Well, might as well get out of bed." you think to yourself. You jump out of bed and stretch. You look around the room, not all that impressive, though it's home. You share your room with your younger sister, since you two are the younger side of the family, you being twelve, while your sister being seven. Your older brother and sister share a room as well. Your brother being sixteen, while your sister is fifteen. Your mother is alone, since your father died from heart attack when you were eight. His lose is still grevius to you, but you did not brood over it. You have been bullied a lot during your life, being 4.6 and having very little athletic skill, attracts many of the other boys to tease you. You are relatively light skinned, and you have short blonde hair. Your name is Rune.
Your little sister (Abby) remained fast asleep in bed, curled up with her stuffed rabbit. You grinned at her. Although she is five years younger than you are, she is, and will always be your favorite sibling. You walked downstairs, and poured yourself some cereal. As you ate it, you reflected on your dream. Okay, you were on a pedestal with a mural of a character made by a well known company etched on it. You were given a choice of 'paths' and you chose the rod. Maybe... no this dream cannot mean anything, although now that you thought about it, you did feel the same sensation as when you touched the rod, as if you could wield the might of an army with your mind.