You stand proudly as you are singled out by Dr. Prynn, and the lecturer continues. "Thank you. Now class, as I said, men are still human, and it is their belligerence that pushed our world to the brink. It is not merely enough for we women to be physically superior, but for us to retain our moral high ground."
There is nodding and murmuring, and you wonder what role you will have to play in this.
"Perhaps our greatest strength, the best principle of the feminine side of humanity's soul, is our empathy: our ability to think of others, to put ourselves in their shoes, to see things from their perspective. How can we judge a lesser being like a man if we cannot understand the plight that they go through every day? So, Ms. Brooke, would you kindly come down to the front of the class, please?"
You nod and turn toward the aisle, but a moment later there is a flash, and you find yourself in a far darker area than before, surrounded by towering, indistinct shapes. What just happened? Calmly, you examine the area, eventually craning your head backward to confirm a hypothesis.
Yes, no doubt about it, but ahead of you are a pair of immense boots. To be precise, they are a pair of Man Stompers, one of the dozens of new brands that rose to prominence following the size-based inversion of society. They're very high quality, with a hilarious marketing campaign that lives up to the name. For as long as you can remember, you've wanted a pair, but have been unable to afford them. Coming from your poor background, you only made it to university thanks to a scholarship!
Of course, money is no object to the person you know to be wearing those boots, the high-class bitch was sitting to your left-back in the classroom. As you gaze up the expanse of Angela, you shudder at the truth that you have been shrunk in place, and that your teacher wants you to learn empathy by scuttling, tiny-sized, and weak, through the room to her!
"Oh, look at you down there!" Angela laughs, craning to look down at you. "How are you ever going to raise your hand high enough to be seen now, hmm?"
She giggles. Angela has always looked down on you for being so poor, and she also resented you since the only reason she's here at all is that her mommy's rich. She's not the brightest bulb. You hate to think what she may do to you now that you're the size of the insect that she's always seen you as.
"Don't worry," she purrs. "I can carry you to the front since your little legs will take so long. Whaddaya say?"
That would be convenient if you could trust the giantess. You could always try to get past without her help, but that would mean running past those Man Stompers, and while you'd like to wear them, you'd sure hate to be caught under them.
Alternatively, you could head forward, between the legs of whoever's sitting before you. You can't remember who it is, but all you can see under her chair is her immense, socked feet, free of shoes, and flailing around. Also dangerous.
To your right, the sandals of Sarah. She's largely indifferent to you, but moving that way will mean taking the long way around, and Dr. Prynn might not take such a delay kindly!
But what is this all a test? Maybe you should just stay here, under your chair, and she will come to you or forget about you?