Path to this Chapter:
  1. Chelsea's Petty Revenge
  2. The Someone Else
  3. A Heel Turns
Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/2548719-Chelseas-Petty-Revenge
by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1510047
A mysterious book allows you to disguise yourself as anyone.
This choice: Samantha Carpenter  •  Go Back...
Chapter #14

Chelsea's Petty Revenge

    by: rugal b.
"Hey Samantha!" Chelsea exclaims in a cheery manner you don't think you've heard from her. "So this is who I was waiting on. You know Will, don't you?"

Samantha Carpenter looks at you, her expression inquisitive but otherwise neutral. Quickly she shakes her head. "Can't say that I do," she says but stops and gives you a harder look as if she's caught on to something but just as quickly the look fades. "I mean maybe he looks a little familiar but..." she trails off with a shrug.

"Well you're definitely going to know him soon," Chelsea replies and titters at her own little joke. "Actually, I think the both of you are going to get to know each other really well. In fact I'm hoping for it! Counting on it, even!"

Samantha raises an eyebrow. "Uh huh," she says with skepticism. "Are you... you're not trying to set us up are you?"

Immediately you feel your face turn red.

"Maybe I am," Chelsea answers coyly and you can already feel the sweats coming on. Fucking Chelsea, she should've joined up with the theater kids if she loves the dramatics so much. It's made even worse when she turns to you. "You brought that thing I told you to bring didn't you?"

Thrown off guard you scramble to remove your bag, unzip and dig through it. There's the mask of yourself that you took from Caleb's as well as the blank you'd made up earlier and the sealant; you've already glued the band to the inside. There's also the tub of the new goop, made from your own hair, that you had to make so you could treat your mask; the rest, using Chelsea's hair, is up in the fuck room so you had no access to it.

But you're happy, that means everything is here and ready to go.

You pull out the blank and mull it over in your hands for a second before turning back to Samantha. Chelsea, at this point, has moved along to the bed and is sitting besides the now also seated Samantha. "So do you want this?" you ask her.

Chelsea can only look at you like you're an idiot. "Uh, no? Give it to her," Chelsea says.

So nervously you hand the mask to Samantha who takes it and looks it over. "Thanks?" she asks as she eyes it and flips it over. "This is... for me?"

"It's something that Will made," Chelsea says giving her most venomously sweet smile.

"It's nice I guess," states Samantha; you can tell she's as uncomfortable as you are. Just what the hell is Chelsea doing anyway? Samantha then looks from the mask to you. "Are you in an art class or something?" she asks.

"Um, no," you answer nervously. "It was just, you know, something I did at home. Like a hobby."

"Huh, well it looks good," she states as she hands the mask back to you before turning her attention back to Chelsea. "I appreciate what you're trying to do for your... friend? But I'm not really interested so I think I'm going to---"

"Wait!" Chelsea insists. She looks at you and you can see an amused look on her face. She is one hundred percent doing this on purpose. "Will, I want you to take a seat next to Samantha."


Samantha and you say it in unison though the tones are different; where you are more panicked in your response Samantha shows a cool disbelief. Maybe it's because of that disbelief that you don't even think and instead just do as Chelsea says. You feel very hot and you can feel the sweat on your forehead as you sit down on the bed. You want to fall into a hole.

"Oh my god," you mutter under breath and then a little louder so that only Samantha will be able to make it out you add, "I'm so fucking sorry."

You feel completely embarrassed, humiliated even. Samantha might not know you but you know that, aside from the library this morning, the two of you have the same class in fourth period. If she didn't recognize you from there she'll sure hell remember you now which means you're going to be the butt of ridicule. Or you would if you didn't have this mask. Frustrated, you decide that you've had enough of Chelsea toying with you and that you just need to get it over with.

Without thinking and before Samantha can react you take the mask and shove it onto her face. Samantha falls backwards, her breathing shallow and her eyes open, as it sinks into her. At the same time you can hear Chelsea's own giggling. That just irritates you even further.

"What the hell?!" you explode on her. "You were doing that on purpose weren't you?"

For her part it's a full minute before Chelsea's laughing fit ends and she's able to compose herself. "Oh my god, that was so funny!" she exclaims in probably the most joyous tone you've heard from her yet.

"For you maybe."

"I was just messing with you, Will," she says still fighting down her own laughter. "I just wanted to get back at you a little. You kind of threw my plans out the window because you wanted, well..." Her eyes dart from you to Samantha. "So do you like her or something? Because she's really random."

You're still hot, more physically than emotionally however, so all you can do is shake your head. "I just threw a name out there. I've got her for fourth but I don't know her," you admit. "I just kind of thought that, um, it might be weird if you started suddenly hanging out with Yumi or Cindy considering..."

"That's true," Chelsea states with a thoughtful look. "I guess I was just so excited to jump in. But I should probably be a little more careful. Get some eyes and ears in there first or something." She then looks at you more pleasantly. "But I think this girl's on the basketball team. I don't really have any connections there so you get to be my eyes and ears there! Isn't that great?"

That gives you pause. The basketball team? Well that makes sense you suppose: you always see her hanging around Kristy Suffolk -- who you know is on the team -- in fourth. Shows how much you pay attention to the school's non-cheerleader teams.

"Oh well, anyway grab her feet Will. We need to get her into the bathroom so you can get changed."

* * * * *

In the bathroom and with an intense amount of trepidation you begin peeling off the layers of Samantha's clothing. First comes the windbreaker, something for the basketball team you figure because it's red and gold (the school's colors) and embroidered on the chest is S. CARPENTER. Almost paradoxically though, the clothes she wears aren't necessarily what you'd expect to find for mid-autumn.

First is a tight short-sleeved shirt. One that hugs very nicely to a chest that, while not exactly big, is certainly big enough. Below that are a pair of shorts that do a lot to show off Samantha's long, and surprisingly strong -- if kind of skinny -- looking legs. With a deep breath you slowly, carefully, begin to remove the shirt. Maneuvering an unconscious person's arms out of one is surprisingly frustrating but you're eventually able to do it.

Next is the tennis shoes and socks and finally the shorts down those long legs. You're left with a girl who, you can tell, is tall and somewhat lanky but who must just be naturally a little skinny because there's still definition on her arms, her legs and stomach.

A little impatiently you wait a few more minutes before the mask finally comes out of her. Quickly you scoop it up, grab your own treated mask and throw it onto her. What you're left with is the bizarre and frankly disturbing visual of yourself in Samantha's underwear.

"Kinky," your double says as he picks at the bra.

"Ugh, just get out them," you say as you begin divesting your own clothes. Once they're off and you've seen that your doppelganger is in his birthday suit as well you shove them them at him. "Put 'em on," you tell him.

"Yeah, sure," he says as he grabs the underwear first. "So what's up? Where are we?"

"Gimme a minute. I just need you to fill in for me and not ask any questions," you tell him. "Actually once you're out of here just keep away from me unless I initiate it. It'll be easier that way and a lot more normal."

As he dresses and you seal the mask you talk to him. You kick yourself when you realize that he's a bit behind the times because the mask has been stashed at Caleb's for weeks; you make sure to bring him up to speed. You're relieved to find out that he does have to listen to you and follow your commands. Since everything seems to be in order you tell him to get going once he's finished dressing.

"You're at Chelsea Cooper's," you say and blow past him before he can respond. "Just tell her that Will's getting ready and will be out when he can, then go home."

"Uh, okay," he says clearly confused. But once everything's on he does as you say and is out of the bathroom.

You look the door behind him and pile up Samantha's clothes. From the sink you grab the mask. In it you can faintly make out features that you vaguely recognize as her own. Flipping it over reveals, in blue, a name where the band glued into the mask is.


With a deep breath you take a seat on the floor against the wall and put the mask to your face. Samantha Mae Carpenter; that's the name burned onto the band and from here on out, for how long you're not sure, it'll be your name as well.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/2548719-Chelseas-Petty-Revenge