This choice: Fess up to Cassie and see if she'll join you • Go Back... There was just something about the way Cassie admired you that you just couldn't use her body out-and-about and definitely not in private. You could use her knowledge and skill with the spells, although she may not be strong enough for digging up graveyard dirt. You're not even sure you could shovel four hundred pounds or even how much that was. What if it's wet then weighed less when it dried and wasn't the right amount? What would be the right volume? The instructions didn't specify.
Most likely it would be regular soil just moist enough to compact, not wet nor dry.
Cassie's help, like that thought, would be good as you get further into the book. Obviously, her mind could approach these things a little more logical than yours.
The other evening that you first spent with Cassie played back in your mind, but it was from her perspective - getting her thoughts and feelings: How much she wanted you to join her, and you did. How she wanted you to listen and smile and add little bits, and you did. How she wanted you to say you enjoyed being with her, and you did. How she wanted you to contact her to get together again, and you did, although you didn't ask for her number. She was worried that she had thrust it on you, but you used it and did just about everything that she hoped you would, at least with clothes on.
No matter how much your teenage male self urged you on, delving any further into her memories was not what you should be doing. Right now your issue was getting all the ingredients for the spell. Being her will just distract you, so you might as well get back to yourself.
As you peeled off Cassie's clothes, an excited quiver ran through you. Not sure whether it was you or Cassie initiating it, you hastened to switch back, but the cold air suggested it best to put your own clothes on before removing the mask. This drove Cassie's enthusiasm even higher. The sensation of your grubby clothes sliding over her bare skin warmed you with Cassie's happiness. Her feelings and thoughts were so strong that you paused on the floor, caught in the sensations of arousal between your legs and fullness of your breasts with hardened nipples being caressed by your shirt with every breath. Finally you grabbed, recited and pulled. It was like a plunger sucking your face until all thoughts stopped.
* * * *
The lights at the shopping center where Cassie worked gave your truck's cab an funky orange interior. Your eyes stared at nothing as your mind kept churning how best to tell her what you had done - maybe. At least to find out if she might be interested in magic disguises, or something, if she didn't think you're nuts. Well, it all depended if she would accept that you tried out her body without her having you arrested for being a ...
"Will! What a surprise to find you here." You almost hit your head on the roof. "You're not stalking me - are you?" A head of florescent tangerine hair framed a smiling, freckled face that continued without a pause as she peered up from the bottom of the door's window. "That would be OK, I guess, so I wouldn't have to keep stalking you."
You almost had your tongue back out of your throat from the previous shock, but she kept going.
"Not that I'm really, actually, stalking you. It's just that, um, it's nice that our paths cross, like here and school in English and with Astronomy. It's like the stars have destined, to, um, cross us like this."
With her slowing, you pull your courage and interject, "Um, yeah. The stars. They seem, ah, bright tonight, and might, yeah, be good to see. Looking up at them. I mean, the constellations and things."
Her eyes went glassy along with a sigh as she stepped back pointing her chin skyward. You thought she was about to swoon, and bolted from your truck. The door swung into her causing her to teeter away. Fortunately she bounced off another car but kept twirling like a top peaked with a red glowing ball, until you caught up to her in the middle of the next row.
"Cassie? You OK? Not about to faint again or anything are you?"
"Oh, Will," she sighed, then became very alert. "Um, no. I'm fine. Wonderful. The stars and yah-um, everything." Her lips formed a smile across a glowing face, and her blue-gray eyes were reflecting a weird salmon color as she stared at you. "It's like magic. Things coming together as if foretold in an ancient book." She blinked then looked away as she continued. "You know, how the planets align and form connections, as they say about astronomy." Her face then turned upward. "Like sparkling images or clouds that look like, um, ah ..."
"Things, rabbits or flying dinner plates." That made her giggle and look back at you. "I thought, maybe, we could try to find some things we're learning in Astronomy class, you know. Unless, ah, do you have to get home?"
"Well, eventually, I probably should show up before my parents put in a missing person's report, although I understand the police won't take those unless you're gone for at least forty-eight hours, not that I can really stay out until Tuesday, but it's not imperative that I get right home. Just not too late since it's a school night. I usually take the bus through town and have to connect, anyway, which takes about an hour unless I stop at a coffee shop or diner for a snack. For some reason standing around the store always makes me hungry, more so than when I'm running crazy doing chores around the house. I often wonder if non-physical activity is more draining, like our bodies were meant to keep moving rather than sit around like in school all day. They really should have more field trips."
The typical Cassie rambling finally broke for a breath so that you could insert a suggestion of going some place to talk since there was little time earlier (when you knocked her out to copy her in a mask). Starbucks was crawling with late-nighters, so you got a couple drinks and pastries to go. It wasn't hard to convince her to park at the old elementary school where the athletic fields would be dark enough to see the stars.
* * * *
"Do you believe in magic?"
"Oh. Like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother changing shy mice into bold stallions?" She wiggled her eyebrows but didn't stop. "Or like slight of hand, quarters behind your ear, and all that smoke and mirror stuff, misdirection? I saw one of those shows once when I was in middle school. I know that they stuff rabbits and birds in a secret compartment and felt a bit bad for them, but it's like a job, they get room and board, I guess, but I wonder if they get to hop around or are stuck in cages all day when not up some magician's sleeve."
"Um, more like real magic - things that science can't explain but actually happen. Maybe being able to change, ah, from one form to another"
"So, stuff like witches turning into black cats or a full moon bringing out the werewolf in ..." Suddenly she jumps back against the truck's side door. "OH MY GOSH! You're not, not, a, a, vampire about to turn into a bat and thuck my blahd?" She turned her head to over-emphasize exposing her neck then gradually relaxed. "Yeah, guess not. I have seen you in daylight, I suppose, unless."
"Well, not exactly. At least the bat thing. It's over-rated anyway. Now the blood." You smirked and took hold of her hand. That just sent her into a fit of giggles. When she calmed a bit, you added, "But what if there is a way to turn into someone else? Like, maybe I could turn into you?"
You mentally kicked yourself for adding the last, but it just escaped.
"Oh, shapeshifter magic. There was that old X-files episode where the guy sired kids with tails, and he replaced Mulder near the end, almost got Scully seduced. Are you Mulder or a shapeshifter who just looks like Will Prescott? I think I'd be good as Scully, red hair and all, I mean. Whether I'd be that practical?" She twists her mouth in thought.
"What if there was, is a way to be able to transform. A book that describes how to copy a person and then use that to be physically and, um, imitate them."
"Plastic surgery and mental training like in those spy stories. James Bond is so sexist. I guess anything is possible, although anything that's really," she air-quotes,"magic, you'd have to prove it. As they say, proof is in the pudding which I've never really understood unless what they mean is that making pudding is proof that you can make pudding but would chocolate be different than say ..."
You stopped her with, "I can prove it. But." You held back. This was where you come clean and hoped she doesn't consider that you were James sexist-vampire Bond.
From under the seat, you pull the mask and hold it out to her. "This is what ..." You swallow and inhale, but she starts before you can finish.
"My name. My whole name. And an image of me." She turns it side-to-side. "It's like a hologram inside. That's so sweet, Will. It's, it's, sort of pornographic."
Oops. The image didn't have clothes and turning it looked down and around from the face. You began to wonder what lockup would be like. Probably not as bad as what your dad would do to you or whether he would let your mother bail you out. You were sure that he wouldn't.
"I like it. It's so amazing. Thanks, Will." She jumped across the seat and gave you a big kiss. The surprise froze you for a few seconds before you reciprocated and started tasting the strawberries. The next several minutes got your blood heated and moving to your crotch which started to take control. You knew that Cassie would eagerly let you do it because you had already been in her mind. But you still needed to explain that it wasn't a gift, that it was a mask, and there was so much more. Maybe you should just show her.
 indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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