This choice: Continue swapping the girls • Go Back...Chapter #45Girls on a Merry-Go-Round by: Seuzz  "I need you to run a short errand for me before you hook up with your new boyfriend," you tell the new Dana. "Pick up Carrie and Joanna and drop them by my house. If their parents ask, tell them you're taking the girls out for ice cream."
"What's going on?"
"Joe and I need to talk to them about what comes next."
"Will I have to pick them up afterward?" she asks with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. She perks up again when you say you'll be taking them home.
* * * * *
Lynch has recovered enough spirit that he's pissed off when you haul him back to the house. "The fuck is going on?" he complains. "If you're not going to get me a new face, I might as well go home."
"You'll be going home," you assure him. "Your new face is on her way over now." Lynch visibly starts at the pronoun, but you ignore it. "In the meantime you can hide your old face back in the bedroom where I don't have to look at it." You lay a finger against his chest and push him backwards down the hall and into the bedroom, where you shut the door.
"Charming fellow," Joe mutters. "Has he any snakes lurking in the branches of his family tree?"
"Rumor has it he has a very tiny worm in his shorts." You waggle a pinkie finger.
* * * * *
It's another forty-five minutes before Joanna and Carrie ring the doorbell, which gives you time to eat. Carrie's eyes are shining with anticipation; Joanna is much more subdued. "Is Maddy here?" Carrie asks.
You shake your head as you usher them into the living room and direct them to the sofa. "You'll have to wait until tomorrow, Carrie. We're taking care of Joanna right now."
Carrie's eyes freeze, and then melt again. "Really. Who did you pick, Joanna?"
"First of all," you interrupt while Joanna squirms in her seat, "let's get Joanna's mask up to date, so that the Joanna who wakes up in the morning will know everything she's supposed to. Just put this to your face," you tell her as you hold out the mask to her. "It will put you to sleep for a little while, but that's all." Her shoulders sag but her hands tense as she takes it. She holds her breath as she puts it on.
You turn back to Carrie as Joanna falls to the side. "While she's out, you and I will talk. It will spare her a certain amount of embarrassment. She's decided that she wants to become you, Carrie."
Carrie stares, and then takes the biggest gasp you've ever seen a human being attempt. "Me?" she squeals.
"Are you going to be using your face?" you ask her quietly.
"Well, no, but--"
"Do you like sharing your things with your friends?"
"Well, yes, but--"
"If one of your friends said that you had something she really, really liked, and you weren't going to be using it anymore, would you give it her?"
"I--!" Her eyes widen, and her mouth falls open. "She-- She wants to be ... me?"
"I already said that." You cock an amused eyebrow at her. "She looks at you, and she says to herself, 'That's what I want'."
Carrie turns very pink. "Really?" she squeaks.
"Mm-hm. And I'd say it's a good choice." You lean down to give her knee just the tiniest pinch.
Her blush deepens. "Wow. Well, I guess that would be okay."
"I'm glad you understand, Carrie. You're a good friend." Her expression turns very smug. "Now, how about you put this mask on, so that Joanna won't miss a minute of your life." She takes her mask from you, and only the magical properties of the mask keep her from breaking her own nose as she slams it against her face.
"Can you believe the ego on her?" you asks, turning to Joe.
He leans over her, hands behind his back. "If I was three years younger I'd give her so much attention her ego would swell to encompass this state and all the ones next door."
"That would count as ego-deflation with this one, I think."
Minutes pass, and a mask falls out of Joanna. With some handy scissors you snip off some of her hair, then gently shake her awake.
"Okay, sweetheart," you say. "How about you go hide in the guest bathroom while I finish up with Carrie. Get undressed, and pass your clothes to Joe. And Joe--" You glare at him. "Be a gentleman with her." He sticks his tongue out at you.
"Is Carrie going to become me?" Joanna asks with obvious terror.
"Of course not. I wouldn't do that to you."
"But if I go home as her, who's--?"
"Don't worry about it. We've got a mindless thing in the back that is going to step in for you, so no one will miss Joanna Johnson. And Carrie will have a temporary home until tomorrow, when I switch her with Maddy."
Joanna looks dubious, but suffers Joe to lead her away. You, meanwhile, take Joanna's mask back to the bedroom. "You got that mask of yours all charged up," you ask Lynch. He nods. "Good. Now get out of your clothes. I'm getting your stand-in ready."
He grunts and begins to tear his clothes off. When he's done, you indicate that he should fold them. When he's done with that and you've collected them, you make a point of staring him straight in the face. He glowers back, and then defiantly turns full-frontal on you. You pointedly refrain from glancing down at the fork between his legs, and he gets progressively redder and redder as you ignore his crotch.
Not until Joe pops up behind you with a comment does Lynch break into grimace. "Whoa, will you look at the size of that thing," Joe says. "Well, try looking at it if you've got a microscope."
"Ignore him, he's an idiot," you tell Lynch. You take Joanna's clothes from Joe and pass them and her mask to Lynch. "Here's your new body. Temporarily. We'll talk about your next move after you've got it all on." You almost wink at him, but decide that would be less cruel than just shutting the door with a mirthless smile.
Carrie's mask has reappeared by now, and you wake her. "We're all set for the next step," you tell her. "You wanna undress in the garage?"
"I don't mind stripping here," she grins. "I'd rather you see the real me."
You turn your hands palm-side up, and shrug.
She starts with her baby blue sneakers; probably she means to be coquettish as she pulls them off, but she's still young and more than a little clumsy. After that, she unbuttons her crisp white blouse, letting it drop off one shoulder and then the next. She forgot to untuck it, though, so there's another fumbling moment as he pulls it loose. She turns around to unbutton her blue jeans, and smiles over her shoulder. She has a cute butt, which she exposes as she pulls the jeans down, but again the effect is more than ruined by the way she thrusts it out as she bends over to pull her feet out of the legs, and she tumbles face-first onto the sofa. She rolls over, and with a thin smile you tug the jeans off her. Then she's back on her feet, and again turned around as she starts to take off the bra. Her fingers tug at the back, and you direct Joe to help her. Finally she peels off her panties, and turns around with a "Ta da!" expression.
Joe claps enthusiastically. You just smash Lynch's mask onto her surprised face. Jason instantly appears, and he falls back onto the sofa. "Get up, Lynch," you snarl, and hurl Lynch's clothes at the golem. "Go back in the bedroom and see if your dipshit original is awake yet."
Joe hums softly to himself as he gently folds Carrie's things. You shove her mask at him. "Just get all those things back to Joanna."
Lynch, in both golem and Joanna form, is the first to appear. You jab a finger at the golem but direct your instructions to Joanna.
"I'm going to be calling that thing tomorrow, to bring it over for another switch. You tell it to come when I whistle." Joanna mumbles the instructions to the golem, and then you send it home. "As for you, Lynch. There's a girl in the bathroom. She looks like Carrie Carmichael, but she's really this girl here.
"No," you continue, "As far as she is concerned, you're a golem. You stay perfectly in character when you're with her, and you do what she says, like a good golem." She flushes. "She's got a brother, David, and we're going to arrange for him to come out here tomorrow, and you'll switch with him."
"Can you at least tell me what to expect when I get back to this cunt's house?" Joanna snarls at you.
"No, because I don't know a thing about her. Just throw a tantrum, hide in the bedroom, and tell your mom she doesn't understand you when she asks what's wrong. By tomorrow morning you'll know what's what. Joe." You turn to your brother. "Take her home. We got 'er her ice cream." Joanna snarls, but Joe's grip on her upper arm is firm.
You drop onto the couch and wait for the new Carrie to appear. You're starting to get a headache, and hope she doesn't cause any new issues for you. This whole day has been one big--
And then she appears, stepping almost shyly into the living room. Her expression is wide-eyed but gnomic. She slowly advances on you.
"How is it?" you ask her. Carrie continues to advance. "You know I had to give Carrie that line we talked about. You wanting to be her." She doesn't slow or pause, even when she's at your feet. "I don't know how long--"
She straddles your lap, throws her arms around your neck, and mashes her lips against yours.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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