Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1507990-Scrubs-Weight-Gain
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Entertainment · #1507990
A story for the men of Sacred Heart Hospital to start filling out their scrubs.

A story for the men of Sacred Heart Hospital to start filling out their scrubs.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
The boys of Sacred Heart Hospital are filling up. The male doctors have noticed something is changing at their hospital...their quickly expanding waistlines!

The characters are any of the male characters in the t.v. show.

John "J.D." Dorian - Mid 20's. He has a very lean body type. His best friend is Turk. He loves his occasional appletinni. Is in love with Elliot Reed, another doctor at the hospital. Also, he has a child with Kim, but they are not together. He is a very sensitive man. Has an older brother named Dan.

Chris Turk - A surgeon at the hospital. Is also in his mid 20's. The best friend to JD. He has a heftier build and is sporting a softening, but not flabby belly. He is married to Carla and has a little girl named Isabella. He is VERY competitive. Has an older brother named Kevin.

The Janitor - Late 20's/Early 30's. Very tall and lanky. He is a prankster and has it out for JD. Not much is known about his personal life.

Bob Kelso - Early 60's. Stocky build with a good size belly. Chief of medicine for the hospital who has recently retired. He is a stickler for the rules, but has a soft heart (that you seldom see). He is married to Enid, but cheats on her a lot.

Dr. Cox - Late 30's/Early 40's. He is lean and fairly in shape. He is the sarcastic and narcissistic, with a cruel wit. He is also very concerned about the way he is perceived in the hospital, often making very illogical and self-destructive decisions in order to keep his bad boy image. He is divorced from Jordan Sullivan, but they retain an exclusive relationship. They have two children Jack and Jennifer.

The Todd - Mid 20's. He is fairly thin but has a softened belly. He is a surgeon at Sacred Heart Hospital and is commonly seen sporting speedos (or banana hammocks) and insists that anyone sleeping over at his apartment has to hammock up. The Todd's excessive boorishness towards women is over-compensation for homosexuality.

Ted - Mid 40's. He is thin but has a starter belly. He is the Lawyer at Sacred Heart. Ted is pushed around and insulted by most of the hospital's staff, especially Dr Kelso, who goes out of his way to make Ted's life difficult, and Dr Cox, both of whom know Ted hates them but also know he does not have the courage to do anything about it. Was once married but his wife left him.

Sean Kelly - Mid 20's. Average stature. He is one of Elliot's boyfriends. Works at Sea World with the whales and dolphins.

These are just a few of the characters feel free to add in any of the other characters from the show.

Just have fun and add as much or as little as you want. You can make it realistic or fantastical, your choice.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1507990-Scrubs-Weight-Gain