Now, I did say AND, Didn't I? That's right, all three of these legendary beauties will be featured prominetly from this point on. Now let's get down to business.
A Skitty, a young one, was tossed before a large cave. She was an offering, to the feared "Goddesses of Stench", who, if not pleased, would choke the earth with their fumes. She wriggled in her ropes, and looked to the cave before her, noticing the strange drawings on it's entrance
Mew, smiling playfully, was featured to the left, her feet drawn to great detail, and thick green lines permeated them as a warning. To the right, was Jirachi, her arms held behind her head, a saucy wink dotted her face and from her petite underarms, similar lines were drawn. In the center of the two was Celebi, who was drawn with her rear towards the viewer. A wry grin was plastered on her face as similar stink marks emitted from her green cheeks.
"Please!" She begged, "Don't leave me to them!" She had heard tales of what happened to the young little girls and boys offered to the Godesses of Stench. But no one heard her.
But, she wasn't alone for long, before she smelled something raunchy in the air. Her worst fears were realized when a voice spoke.
"Oooh, Mew, they left our present!"
"Oh poo, that means we can't go down and visit! Sorry Celly, I know you wanted to share your fumes with that cute Mankey you saw."
"Oh, it's okay Jirachi, I know we'll have fun with this one. She looks like a screamer!"
And that Skitty was just about to scream, before one of the shadowy figures picked her up by her ears, and exhaled softly in her face. She sniffed, and her eyes watered at the horrid odor she inhaled. The cloud around her head wouldn't disappate, and soon, Skitty passed out, hearing the giggling of her captors.
"Wake up little baby, " Skitty felt something nudge her face, something furry, and soft. "Waaaake up..."
That same something was suddenly thrust into her mouth, and it was hardly a taste to wake up to. Her eyes opened at the wretched taste, and she fell back, and noticed her surroundings. She was in a well furnished bedroom, lights, a few easy chairs, and a large bed on one corner. The floor beneath her was also carpeted, and she realized, through feeling the ground, she was no longer bound, atleast fully. A nice, shiny pair of handcuffs locked her wrists together.
She looked up, it was Mew, the one who's socks could paralyze from their stench, let alone her bare feet.It was her socked paw that was stuffed in her mouth.
"Surprised, babydoll?" She purred, mockingly, "These natives will steal all sorts of stuff from the towns nearby to appease us. Now, let's make some use of you, little miss offering. We'll start off small...."
Mew pulled her socks(Most likely another gift from Skitty's tribe)close to the poor girl's face, and she unwillingly inhaled the rich musk of the legendary's paws. It was just as horrid as people described, her vision blurred just from a light sniff, and the continous scent was driving her senses mad.
"Mmmm, sometimes it's just nice to know someone's enjoying the scent, but now." She peeled(Quite literally, the socks were stuck to her feet from over use, Skitty could tell they might have been pink at one time, but were now a dull shade of grey with undertones of pink) the socks loose from her long feet, and wrapped the moist, sticky cotton sponges around Skitty's nose, murdering her sense of smell, before she placed the foot directly into her mouth. It was definately legendary, to say the least. A foul tasting of salty sweat and onions tortured the Skitty's mouth. Just when she was about to lose it, another voice called.
"Hey! Mew, quit hogging her I wanna turn!" Mew, still moaning in joy at the pleasure of her mouth foot massage, took a moment to realize her friend had adressed her.
"Oh, how selfish of me, Skitty, meet Jirachi!" She turned the girl's head across the room to where a familiar face lay spread out across a beanbag chair. It was Jirachi, though she seemed a bit chubbier, and well pampered. She was chewing an onion, and sweating heavily, fanning herself with her free hand.
"Bring her over, I don't wanna get up, I just got comfy." She groaned, and Mew nodded, peeling the most socks off of Skitty's face. She paused a moment, to sniff them deeply, shuddering in enjoyment, before she pushed the struggling girl into Jirachi's jiggling belly. The wish pokemon giggled and held Skitty's face against her flab, relishing the malodorous fumes her sweat produces.
"Ah, consider yourself lucky little one, I was quite the diva in my time." She laughed, and pulled the hapless Skitty close to her, her onion breath signeing her nose. "Now do me a favor dear, and lap up some of the sweat in my underarm, I just can't find a good deodorant that will cover up that musk! Only pokemon slobber will do."
She grinned evilly, and lifted her arm, exposing the netherreaches of odors beneath. Skitty immediately gagged on the choking stench cloud that permeated her every being. But, these pokemon were stronger than she knew, and Skitty swallowed her pride(And a substantial amount of thick sweat) and began to run her tongue along the greasy, mildly hairy reaches of Jirachi's underarm, her captor giggling and shuddering at every inch she explored with her tongue. Moving on to the next, the foul flavor only seemed to ferment on her tongue, growing worse every second, and with the amount of sweat dripping from Jirachi's armpit, she had to swallow to avoid drowning in the grease.
"Ah, that'll be enough darling," Jirachi said, after what seemed like hours, "Now, if you'll assist me in some personal cleaning, I've always had trouble staying 'fresh'" She giggled, and Skitty grew horrified as the nature of her captor's next request dawned on her. But, thankfully, another voice called, and interrupted their "Session"
"Hey, quick, bring her over here! I'm taking my turn now, I can't wait any longer!" Skitty turned and found her next captor, Celebi, sitting by a small table, she held a spoon in one hand, and was clenching her stomach with a pained expression. On the table, an empty pot of stew, made of cabbage, broccoli and beans, was overturned and licked clean.
"It's coming, and it's gonna be big!" Celebi groaned, and her stomach gurgled in agreement. Skitty was aghast, but the other two girls grabbed her head and pushed her into the time pokemon's crack. Skitty struggled to break free, Celebi's filthy asscheeks rivaled anything she'd smelled so far. But it was too late. A slow, burbling jet of gas escaped, pouring into her nostrils, followed by a thick burst of noxious fumes. Celebi moaned in ecstasy as the ripping torrent burst out of her rear and was gulped down by their slave.
Finally, she sputtered to a stop, and the three legendaries smiled, pulling out Skitty to examine her. She was unconscious from their fumes, and know they had to decide...