Standing up, your rolls of fat shake and quiver as you stretch your arms, letting out a wafting fart from the exertion. It's been too long since you've had some fun in the forest, you've decided. So you endeavor to head outside, your arms raised up to let the sweaty stench of your armpits leak into the air.
Strolling through the forest, you notice several other Pokemon, all avoiding you and your foul stench like the plague. An innocent Ratatta accidentally steps into your path, and comes close enough to smell your putrid feet. The pathetic thing is paralyzed by the smell, and turns a pale green, before you playfully kick him aside. The smell was clearly too much, because as you walk away you hear it vomiting in the bushes.
You pass under a small clasp of trees, and cut a rancid fart that blows your stained dress backwards. You crudely snort, and laugh as the noxious odor drifts upwards. A hapless Pidgey caught in the cloud nearly has a heart attack, before falling out of the branches, mouth foaming and eyes rolled into its head. Nothing could take a whiff of you and walk away the same, so nearly everyone avoided you. It's just one of the benefits of being the queen of stink, as many Pokemon have taken to calling you.
As you walk along, you reach a hand down into your crack to scratch an itch between your cheeks, moaning in a disgusting manner at your filthy pleasures. Then, for no reason other than to be as disgusting as possible, you sniff your soiled hand, taking great joy in the ungodly stench stuck to it. As if you cap off your filthy fun, you manage to lean down and cut a god awful fart. The fumes pour out of your anus like a pressurized tank, and the odor is something to behold. Anything fifty feet behind you is probably gasping for breath now, only to choke on your butt air. You proudly pat your rumbling stomach, and smile. Now would be a perfect time to relax and enjoy your work, when you heard something rustling in the foliage beside you.
"Shh, please, shh!" Something's talking in the bush beside you, "Shh, she'll hear you!"
A sly grin crosses your face, you know exactly what to do to get the out of hiding. You face away from the shrub, and flip your dress up over your back, exposing your fetid butt. Then you carefully spread your slimy asscheeks and blast a deadly, wet fart, knocking most of the leaves off the bush. There is a lot of hacking and wheezing, and after merely a moment, two Oddishes and a Belossom fall out of the bush, about to puke.
The Belossom looks up at you, tears in her eyes, "Why are you doing this? Please just leave my daughters alone! They've done nothing!"
"Shut up!" You growl, as if you had any concern for what she had to say. Your eyes begin to glow, and each of the plant types finds itself on their back, tethered to the ground with psychic energy.
"Now open wide," You snicker, "Because it's time to...