“Ladies and gentlemen,” a female voice cooed through loud-speakers, just as Cherry put her camera away after the flash, “the judges are now in place. Competitors, you may now start to eat. Enjoy your meal, eat your fill… and may this year’s International Vore Competition… begin!!”
There were cheers. Cherry was smiling, a predatory smile. Beside François, May grabbed his arm, moving closer to him. “This is it!” she whispered, the excitement in her voice causing a thrill to rush through his entire body. “François, we’re going in! We’re going to be in her stomach!”
“I know.” François grinned, and put an arm round May; she gave him an excited hug. “I know,” he said again, looking into her beaming face before looking up into Cherry’s, which loomed above them. Cherry smiled once more, her lips parting slowly to reveal her teeth; she poked the tip of her pink tongue out between her tantalising pink lips, and ran it invitingly over the edges of her teeth.
“So…” she asked. She seemed as excited as they were. “Who’s first?”
François wanted to call out, respond to her invitation into her body, but for some reason he said nothing. Yet. Several people around him cried out “Me! Me!”, but only one actually thought to step forward, out of the crowd, standing alone to face the giantess Cherry. It was the red-haired girl.
“I’d be honoured,” the girl said, almost in a whisper, before her excitement seemed to overcome her. “Go on, Cherry!” she shouted. “Gobble me up!”
Many of the nineteen men and women behind her, François among them, cheered. Cherry laughed, and licked her gorgeous lips again. She brought her hand down close to the redhead… then paused, teasingly. “All right!” she said at last, and plucked the girl off the table between three fingers.
“Whoa! Wooooooo!!” the girl shouted. “Yes, yes, YES! COME ON!! Eat me, eat me!” Her shouts had an electrifying effect on François. His already hardened penis jerked upwards with a tremor, and he felt the urge to stimulate it further. He restrained himself. For one thing, he was standing with his arm round beautiful May, and for another, this was too soon. He gazed up, utterly thrilled, as Cherry lifted the red-haired girl higher and higher up, away from the table. She carried her up above her own face, then tilted her head back, and opened her mouth. The girl about to be eaten was ecstatic. “Yes, go on, please! Eat me! Eat me all up, eat me now!!” Her voice was trembling, as though she were almost sobbing with excitement. That excitement was shared by the nineteen onlookers; it was echoed, too, by what was happening all around them, as the other competitors started eating too.
“Bye bye, beauty,” Cherry teased her food girlishly. “You’re on a one-way trip to my tummy.” She opened her mouth wide, positioned the naked redhead above it… and then let go.
The girl fell with a long yell of joy into Cherry’s waiting mouth.
Her head and torso vanished from sight as she landed in the giantess’ mouth; her bottom and her legs stuck out still, the latter kicking with unrestrained excitement. Cherry allowed her to linger there for a moment, perhaps to give her a good, long view of the inside of her mouth, and of the cavernous drop into her oesophagus… then she sucked her in smoothly through moistened lips. Most of the ninteen remaining volunteers cheered, shouting their pleasure and excitement. François was silent, staring in awe. He watched Cherry savour the girl for a few moments, her jaw shifting, a moan of pleasure escaping her now closed lips. And then she swallowed with a wet, audible gulp, and François watched the lump travel down her throat before disappearing. The red-haired girl was gone, eaten.
“Wow…” he whispered, and shivered, marvelling at what he had seen. His penis shuddered, and he grinned.
“Wow, indeed…” May echoed. Already, others were stepping forward, urging Cherry to pick them next.
“It’s amazing to think we’ll never see her again,” François said, shaking his head, a little dazed. “Nobody will. She’s going to be digested… absorbed into Cherry…”
“Actually, Cherry will see her when she goes to the toilet tomorrow,” the young man standing beside him said, sounding very happy about it. “She’s just begun her journey through Cherry’s digestive system. And we all now where it ends.”