Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1494390-A-Dastardly-Dilemma
Rated: E · Interactive · Fantasy · #1494390
Shrunken to three inches in height, you are about to be faced with quite a moral conundrum

Shrunken to three inches in height, you are about to be faced with quite a moral conundrum

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

You just can't comprehend how something like this could have ever happened to you. During your twenty-five years, you've led a pretty uneventful life. Five days a week, you would sit and work at your cubical, working diligently through endless stacks of forms and documents. Perhaps you would periodically engage in some office banter with your co-workers, many of whom hold at least twenty years on you. Then, you would go home, maybe see an acquaintance or two along the way, and pretty much keep to yourself until the next day. Nothing in your routine would even remotely suggest your current predicament to be fathomable.

It all starts with Jeannie, the twenty-one year old college intern. Referred to by many of your fellow males in the office as a cute side-dish (which is really creeps you out, considering their ages), Jeannie seemed to be a sweet girl, if not a bit flirtatious. Other than exchanging pleasantries and answering one of her occasional questions, you didn't really deal with Jeannie too much despite the significantly smaller age gap between the two of you. That's why you are having such a hard time understanding why she would do this to you.

You had just stepped past the threshold of the glass door exit when she called out to you. You found it odd for Jeannie to attempt fraternizing with you after working hours, so you decided not to pretend you didn't hear her (standard procedure when seeing most co-workers outside of the office). As you turned around, your eyes were already level with her chest. You quickly found her pelvis across from your face. Your line of sight traveled down her leg (without any movement of your neck) until you were staring at her ankles.

Jeannie wasn't too gentle in picking you up. She flashed you a twisted smile as she carelessly stashed you into her right jean pocket. Now all you can do is wait to see just what Jeannie has in store for you.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1494390-A-Dastardly-Dilemma