This choice: They leak into Frankie's Room • Go Back...Chapter #5Yummy Yummy in Frankie's Tummy by: Duskmor ![Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/ That night Frankie trudged into her room exhausted. A full day of chores and cleaning up after the house residents had left her worn out. Frankie changed into her nightie and climbed into bed. Frankie placed her head on her pillow and fell asleep snoring slightly her mouth open. In the room above the drum of pudding that had tipped sideways was still under great pressure. The force of the other drums against it had caused the drum to flex and become crushed squishing it against the wall making the shape of the drum more of a long oval. The new shape of the drum forced the lid loose taking the path of least resistance and the pudding leaked out pouring onto the floor. Through the floorboard the pudding flowed seeping down through to Frankie's ceiling forming a large puddle clinging to the ceiling. As the weight of the pudding increased flowing through the cracks in the floor above and ceiling below it started to hang down into a drop and finally it fell. Frankie rolled over in bed leaving her half cocked mouth pointed upwards. The wayward pudding drop fell delicately into Frankie's open mouth melting onto her tongue. Frankie smacked her lips tasting the chocolate, the corners of her mouth curling up into a smile at the flavor. Frankie opened her mouth again instinctively for another as more drops fell. Slowly the weight of the pudding pooling above her and the pace of the drops quickened. Faster and faster they fell into her mouth, without missing a drop Frankie caught them each time and savored the flavor. In her dreams Frankie was the Queen of Fosters, her subjects kneeled before her. They praise her for the years of house work she had done and crowned her queen in recognition. They brought her the silkiest pillows to lay on making her so comfortable she never wanted to move. They gave her hot stone massages relaxing her muscles to the point where she felt like they had turned to jelly. The pace of the dripping continued to increase now falling only half a second apart. Frankie loved the taste, it was choclately like her grandmother's cookie she loved so much. In her dream her subjects brought her these cookies, Frankie's psychological need for them deepening her trance induced by the chocolate taste, Frankie was practically sucking the drops of pudding in now. Frankie closed her eyes in the dream and leaned back, she was to comfortable to get up, to relaxed to move, and all she wanted to do was lay there and let her subjects feed her cookies. Now the pudding was practically a steady stream, Frankie's mouth filled quickly with the pudding and she had to close it every few seconds to swallow. A small amount of pudding was dribbling around her mouth each time she closed them to swallow but it was immediately licked off as soon as she opened them again. For nearly an hour and a half Frankie sucked up the pudding miraculously consuming every drop in her sleep sure not to miss a bit.
As the night went on the contents of the drum lessened, since it was tipped to the side only about 10 gallons of the pudding managed to leak out and as Frankie licked up every bit that got to her, a good portion of it was just being absorbed by the floor boards. As the drum finished evening out the flow slowed to but a few drips and it wasn't long before the flow downstairs had slowed considerably too. By now Frankie was enjoying her fantasy so much the small part of her brain that knew this had to be a dream was wishing desperately she'd never wake up. As the flow slowed to but a few drops every second or so Frankie began to frown. In her dream the cookie supply was running low, her grandmother had stopped baking them forever she said and Frankie was quickly depleting the remaining surplus unable to stop consuming them at the pace she was. Frankie begged and pleaded with her grandmother to keep baking before she ran out but her grandmother laughed evilly and told her no. All around her the faces of Fosters were laughing at her, soon she would run out and never get anymore. Frankie was to hooked to stop and could only watch in anguish as the pile of cookies got smaller and smaller. Outside her dreams the pudding was slower now, only a drop every few seconds and they were getting smaller as the weight behind them weakened. Frankie's dreams were becoming nightmares as she saw the pile nearly gone. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she relived her childhood when she never got enough cookies. Frankie was almost crying in the real world to her nightmare taking it's told on her. She was no longer queen, she was but a servant again. All around her the Foster residents were getting cookies for themselves, she was lucky to get but a crumb as she swept the floor behind them. Frankie was desperate for the cookies but watched in horror as the pile was completely demolished by the greedy hands of Fosters. The last drop of pudding finally fell into her mouth just as she picked the last cookie crumb off the floor and tried to savor it. For the rest of the night Frankie tossed and turned in her sleep darting her tongue in the air trying to find the chocolaty taste again, none was to be found. In her dreams she swept the house again and again hoping to find a few more crumbs, but there were never any left.
Frankie blinked a few times at the bright sunlight peeking into her room. Frankie yawned loudly and stretched out on her bed trying to unstiffen her body. The large brown stain on her ceiling went un noticed as Frankie rocked back and forth in her bed a few times trying to get herself loosened up and awake enough to crawl out of bed. Normally Frankie was used to a little stiffness and exhaustion in the morning from her daily life of endless chores, but this morning she felt like she had just run a marathon. Frankie's body stiffly fought back against her attempts to get up trying to pursued her to take an extra hour or two of rest.
"Come on body we have a lot of work to do today" Frankie Yawned She tried to look over at her Alarm clock to see how much longer she could afford indulge her body's fantasy of sleeping in, but it was no where to be seen. Frankie peered over the edge of her bed and saw the alarm clock broken on the floor several feet from the night stand.
"That's odd" Frankie thought out loud "Did I knock it off? I don't even remember the alarm going off..." Frankie tried to recall as she glanced across the room at the clock she had hung on the wall. With in moment Frankie was up and rushing about the room.
"Crap crap crap!" She bite her tongue unable to say anything worse due to years of holding her tongue back around child like imaginary friends "How the frick did it get to be so laaaaaaate!" She whined tossing her clothes on. Frankie ran out of her room and down the stairs before she even put on her trademark green jacket.
Down in Foster's Foyer Mr. Herriman paced back and forth impatiently checking his watch as Frankie bolted down the stairs. Mr. Herriman grumbled something as he snapped his pocket watch shut and placed it into his vest pocket.
"Miss Francise you are officially two hours fourteen minutes and fifty seven seconds late for your job! Just because you live in this house doesn't mean you're at work by simply living here, you are expected to arrive at your designated post every morning at seven o' clock sharp! Mr. Herriman chastised
"I know but" Frankie tried to protest
"You understand your duties include setting the dinning hall for the "friends" morning breakfast which is to be done by seven thirty..." He continued
"Yeah but!" Frankie tried to cut in
"They were forced to get their own meals today miss Frances, I can not imagine how neglected they must have felt knowing you abandoned your post this morning..."
"Yes but you see..." Frankie conjectured
"Furthermore you have choosen to arrive to work in a most disheveled state of appearance. Your shoes are not tied, your socks are mismatched, your blouse is on inside out, you are missing one green jacket, your hair is most untamed and you have chocolate smeared all over your face...."
"Yeah but I was running late... and the shoes were... and I couldn't find the right socks... and I didn't see the shirt was... and I was in such a hurry I forgot the... and I couldn't find my comb.... wait what?" Frankie countered at each observation, however the chocolate one threw her off. Frankie ran to the mirror in the foyer, indeed there was light chocolate smears all around her mouth. Her dream came rushing back to her, What the hell happened...
"Miss Frances I am not finished!" Mr. Herriman called out frustrated as Frankie ran past him to the mirror. "While I am on the subject of your appearance I must note your shirt no longer fits properly" the rabbit noted pointing to Frankie's shirt which no longer came to the very top of her skirt but rather left about a half inch gap of skin showing. Miss Frances This is not some "Hoot-ers" you can go about showing unclothed flesh in areas that should remain covered, perhaps your new found job neglect has carried over into other areas hmmm? Perhaps you're no longer able to perform the fosters laundry without shrinking some articles of clothing eh? I must say my vest has felt tighter lately, and here I was blaming myself for overdoing it with the carrot juice in recent weeks..." Frankie tried to pull down her shirt to hide her skin but it was not cooperating very well. "Oh I told Ms. Foster we should have required a uniform of you... Maybe you'd have taken more pride in your work if you had a strict dress code to adhere to..."
Frankie glared at the rabbit over his mention of a uniform for her to wear as she stormed up the steps back to her room to get redressed and clean her face off.
In her room Frank threw her chocolate smeared handkerchief into the clothes hamper and checked herself in the mirror. Hair was combed, her usual amount of touch-up make-up was in place and most important her face was clean of any chocolate. Frankie tugged on her shirt once more, still it pulled taunt against her midriff. Frankie poked her belly once. It might have felt a little softer than usual, or it could just be her now to tight shirt was pressing the fat down into an easy to notice pot belly, or it could be the start of a few extra pounds. Frankie didn't even want to think about her weight being the issue, this house was enough of a chore to manage, managing her weight would be the straw to break the camel's back. Frankie just took a deep breath and assured herself "The rabbit said his vest was tight, maybe it is just a little shrinkage" Frankie looked back at her reflection in the mirror her eyes pulled straight down to the reversed image of her belly peaking past her shirt "It better be..." she muttered before throwing on her trademark green jacket and heading for her first chore of the day.
Down in the Foyer Frankie was pushing a mop around the floor. A light rain had fallen all morning and the ground outside was becoming damp and muddy in spots. As such numerous smudges and muddy foot/paw prints were scattered every which way across the foyer. Frankie dunked the mop in the bucket again, pushing it through a set of foot prints that were certainly straight out of a very muddy puddle. Frankie's eyes lost some focus as she started to stare past her mop and into space. The color of the mud was brown, brown spots everywhere.... little speckles of brown.... like cookie crumbs everywhere... Frankie shook her head.
"No" Frankie muttered pulling herself away from the developing fantasy "It's mud, just mud" she repeated. Frankie's dream bore many similarities to this setting, in her dream the foyer was covered in cookie crumbs as selfish friends gobbled down every cookie and left the messes all over. Frankie began mopping again her eye's slowly drawing inward as she looked past her mop again. All around the house the foot prints trailed, Frankie started to work her way out of the foyer into one of the halls following the foot prints through the house. She pushed the mop ahead of her cleaning the cookie crumbs up. Before her this trial of those delicious chocolate cookie crumbs were leading her to another pile of those wonderful little... Frankie stopped and knocked her head on her mop a few times.
"Get yourself together girl!" She chastised herself "That was a dream, those cookies won't even be made again until winter anyway!" Frankie's head slumped down, she had depressed herself thinking about how long until her grandmother would be making those cookies again. Frankie's stomach let out a low gurrgle followed by a slight rumble. "Oh so it's your fault" She smirked putting a hand on her still flat albeit softer abdomen. This made sense, she was just fantasizing about food because she hadn't eaten yet, understandable. Frankie dunked the mop back into the bucket and went to the kitchen.
It was almost eleven o' clock Frankie couldn't afford a large meal right now since lunch was only a short time away, but she needed something to satisfy her for that short time, everytime she tired to prepare lunch on an empty stomach she'd end up snacking on junk food the entire time she was in the kitchen since it was so easy to access from the pantry. Frankie opened the doors of one of the cabinets, nothing seemed to jump out at her. Frankie check the pantry, aside for the junk food calling out her name nothing in there looked good to hold her over to lunch either. Frankie looked in the fridge. The was a grapefruit in there but as soon as she picked it up the rhine collapsed in her hands. Frankie threw the mushy fruit into the compost and scanned the kitchen. The chocolate cake on the counter beckoned to her. Frankie could almost taste it just by looking at it.
"Stupid dream" Frankie bit her lip resisting the advances of the sugary confection "I love those cookies so much, that dream was soooo real" Frankie pouted and grabbed a pack of soup crackers from the near by cabinet to stuff in her mouth before her hunger got the better of her. "I've dreamed about them before but never that real!"Frankie reminisced "I wonder if I could have that dream again if I tried..." The dream was ruining her concentration but given the chance to have it again Frankie knew deep down she would jump at the chance to taste those cookies right now...
Frankie looked at the clock, 10:53, She should start lunch soon, then once the friends were served maybe she could use her lunch break to take a nap... and try for that dream again, oh she couldn't wait till tonight to see the cookies again! Frankie dismissed the thought, she slept in this morning, there was no way she could nap only a few hours later. Frankie did feel a little tired though... Nonsense! It was just the weather, she always felt like sleeping on a rainy day, everyone did, heck rainy days were made for sleeping in! Frankie was finding the soup crackers most unsatisfying, Absent mindedly she had removed the cover from the cake tray and was looking for a knife to cut it with. Frankie yawned, the thought of a nap was sounding more and more appealing. Pulling a knife from the drawer near the cake Frankie cut herself a generous slice still imagining a cookie filled dream. Frankie took a big bite of the cake and savored the sweet taste. Frankie quickly took another bite, then another, and another. Frankie stuffed the last of the slice into her mouth and licked the frosting off her fingers, but she wasn't satisfied. Something about the cake wasn't enough, it just couldn't compare to her grandmother's cookies. Frankie felt empty now, the cake had gotten her hopes up for more chocolate chip cookies but couldn't finish the deal. Frankie felt frustrated, grabbing the knife again she cut off another piece only bigger. Frankie crammed the slice into the moth as quickly as she could and wolfed it down. Chocolate frosting dotted the area around her mouth and crumbs decorated her lips. But Frankie only felt more frustrated. Frankie got another slice still unfulfilled in her chocolate desires, Frankie couldn't help herself she had a chocolate itch she couldn't scratch and giving up wasn't an option. Frankie kept stuffing slice after slice into her mouth desperately reaching for that chocolate zin she had felt in her dreams but only felt more hollow as the cake couldn't satisfy her. Soon the cake was gone and Frankie was filled with remorse. Chocolate was smeared around the area close to her mouth only a few crumbs managing to make it further away onto the cheeks. Her stomach felt stuffed with an entire chocolate cake churning inside her but her appetite had not subsided in the least. She wanted the cookies she loved so much, and nothing in this kitchen was going to answer that call.
Twenty minuets later Frankie was stirring a big pot of tomato soup on one burner and a pot of chicken noodle on the other, It was Foster's tradition to eat big bowls of soup on rainy days, mostly because that's what most kids did and the friends were used to this routine. Digging her hand into the bag on the counter beside her Frankie crammed a handful of chocolate chips into her mouth. She was still full but her appetite demanded more chocolate, Frankie was barely arguing anymore, she just found a bag of chocolate chips, the closest she was going to the real cookies that she loved, she reasoned anyway. Frankie looked like a zombie at the stove, her expression was blank and her eyes seemed heavy and half shut, her stare was unfocused almost dim. One hand methodically stirred the big pots of soup slowly alternating while the other brought a steady pace of chocolate chips to her mouth. Frankie lost track of time until the bag was empty.
"So much to the extra large bags..." She muttered in a monotone sigh. Frankie check the clock, 11:46, The friends were probably migrating to the dining room by now. She grabbed a serving cart and piled a few cartons of soup crackers and tossed a platter piled high with grilled cheese sandwiches. And pushed it to the door into the dining room. Frankie then got a second cart with bowls stacked on it's lower shelf and two hot plates installed on the top. Frankie reached for a rope near the stove and gave it a big yank. After a few moments Eduardo walked heavily into the room.
"Hola Frankie" He happily greeted "You called? Oh Frankie you don't look so good" Eduardo commented seeing Frankie's dull expression.
"It's fine Ed..." She dismissed "Would you mind getting the soup pans off the stove for me?"
Eduardo nodded and lifted the heavy pots onto the serving cart with ease. "There you go Frankie" He smiled
"Thanks Ed, don't know, don't wanna know, what we'd do without you" Frankie sighed happily a smile returning to her face. "Ed I know I usually only ask you to help me with the soup pots but today would you mind helping me by serving the soup for me too? I'm really tired for some reason today..."
"No problama" Eduardo agreed
"Wilt will be in in a sec to help with the other tray, I'm sure you two can handle it, and thanks again Ed" Frankie smiled
"De nada" Eduardo assured her and pushed the cart through the doors
Frankie started for the door out into the hallway leading to the foyer but grabbed a grilled cheese sandwich on her way. As strange as it felt she was still hungry, however Frankie reasoned she was only going to eat this to get the taste of chocolate out of her mouth, maybe if she had something other than chocolate maybe she wouldn't feel so much need of those cookies...
Outside the rain began to fall harder as the long day continued on. The rain made a rhythmic chorus as it blanketed the roof, the sound of the rain on the old roof echoed through the wooden halls of Fosters and traveled to even the smallest nooks and crannies. All of Fosters was bathed in the soft beating of rain on the roof and windows as a reserved silence seemed to follow it. Frankie was almost falling asleep while she trudged back to her room. The white noise of the rain was like a handful of sleeping pills to her mind right now. Frankie's shoulder pressed up against the hallway walls she she tried to keep herself standing as she walked. Frankie's shoulder drug against the wall all the way to her room. Frankie licked the speck of melted cheese off the corner of her mouth, the chocolate tastes was gone but her desire still hung in there strong. Frankie plopped down onto her bed and rolled her feet along with her. Frankie barely had time to listen to the rain rap softly against her window before she was sound asleep.
No rest was found in Frankie's dreams. She tossed and turned listlessly unable to find comfort. The bed felt hard, the air was to cold, worst of all her dreams were completely void of any hint of chocolate. Frankie let out a grumpy mumble as she tried to relax in her bed, she tried fluffing her pillow and wrapping the sheets around herself but all that did was make her pillow lumpy and she quickly started to over heat. Frankie attempted to sleep for nearly an hour before Mr.Herriman came looking for her. ![](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/ indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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