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Rated: · Interactive · Other · #1481651
The temple complex of Amun Re in Thebes

The temple complex of Amun Re in Thebes

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The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Monday, Oct. 06
Describe, in detail, an object that is critical to your story
The temple complex of Amun Re in Thebes

The markets and streets of Thebes took Lillum’s breath away. She had never seem anything like them before. In her village, two or three farmers would lay their produce down on a rush mat and barter with anyone that passed by. A rush basket, or a palm oil rope would buy you a handful of meat, or a bowl of grain. Here in Thebes, everything was so much bigger, and better. They had passed through several marketplaces, each with hundreds of traders, all noisily calling out their wares. The sound of the city was deafening.
They turned another corner and were met by more surprises. Across an open square, two huge statues of an ancient pharaoh stood guarding a narrow entrance through fortified wall.
“That is the main entrance to the temple complex of Amun Re,” their guide told them as he ushered them across the square.
“This is known as the gate of lions,” he informed them pointing to the lion’s heads built into the wall above them. The temple guards only spared them a brief glance as they walked into the entrance, passing quickly through the welcome shade and out into the open space beyond.
Their guide stopped and swept his arm in a broad arc. The outer wall of the complex was huge. A dozen villages could have set up home within that vast space.
"That's the temple of Soth," he told them pointing to a small building set into the southern wall. The structures they could see inside the wall were all composed of a pale honey-coloured sandstone.
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