When you surface, you can't believe your eyes. The bathroom has given way to the entirety of Zora's domain... the waterfall, the tunnels leading to various areas, it's all just like you remember it. It's breath taking, but not quite as breath taking as...
You look down and notice your body. Gone are your clothes, replaced with blue scales. Two breasts sit beautifully on your chest. You would have loved this if it wasn't possibly permanent. Although you are worried and wanted to be you again, you are curious, so you reach down and touch your new breasts. You no longer have nipples, but they are still sensitive to the touch. You massage them, making them feel wonderful.
It's incredible how smooth your skin is under water, it's even finer than silk. You feel your skin all over, trying to get use to the curves you now possess. You submerge into the water, and you have to admit you enjoy the feeling of your skin while underwater.
You expect to be gasping for breath, but strangely, you feel at ease in the water. Heck, it's easier to breath in the water than it is on land.
'This makes sense, come to think of it.' You think as you realize how easy it is to breath under water. 'I am a Zora now, after all.' It's still a strange experience though, flourishing where you would normally be restricted.
You start to explore your body in order to get some good out of this, so you begin to massage and caress your new body. Your hand wanders downward and meets your new crotch. The lack of a penis startles you, but considering you're breathing underwater, it doesn't surprise you as much as you'd think. The feeling emitted from massaging your new pussy is fantastic, though, especially under water... with one hand on your breast and the other on your privates, you explore yourself fully, enjoying the beautiful feeling produced from it. And the crazy thing is, the feeling just builds and builds... it keeps feeling better and better, taking you on a roller coaster ride of pure bliss...
Then, you orgasm. And what a great release it is... you float in the water for awhile, a knowing smile sits on your face. You were definitely looking forward to doing that again, but first you had to find out if there is a way to change back.