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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · #1477708
Here, you are shrunk in Azumanga Daioh. No adds less than three, five line paragraphs.

Here, you are shrunk in Azumanga Daioh. No adds less than three, five line paragraphs.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:

John(You): You're an ok student in London, England, until you are accepted on a transfer program to Japan. Knowing it would broaden your horizons, you accept. You know martial arts, and are very logical and deductive. You're also a bit of a pervert, liking girls feet. But, you know your fetish could never overwhelm your logical knowledge of danger, having been bullied your whole life for being "puny"

Tomo Takino: A very wild and hyper girl, who is very impulsive and unknowing or uncaring of the consequences of her actions. Makes bad grades and is rather a slacker

Koyomi "Yomi" Mizuhara: Tomo's classmate since elementary school, and the one who often has to keep her in check. She's not fat by any standards, but seems to watch her weight. She's fairly smart and sort of athletic. Tomo's "Straight man."

Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga: The number one airhead and ditz of the school, she can best be described as 'Special', Osaka is plain, flat-chested, and feeble. Ayumu considers herself "slow" and "spacey" - but she lacks the energy or motivation to dispute it.

Chiyo Mihama- A child prodigy, Chiyo has skipped five grades to tenth grade, and is still at the top of her class. Still a child, however, and definitely the smartest of the group.

Sakaki: Tall, soft-spoken Sakaki is uncomfortable with her height and her busty physique. Because she is shy, she seldom speaks, and this reticence is misinterpreted and admired as "tough", "mysterious", and "cool"—a reputation compounded by her natural athletic ability.

Kagura: She has a one-sided rivalry with Sakaki and attempts to outdo her in all activities, be it playing softball, sprinting, or even eating lunch. This is how her character was introduced to the rest of the cast, when during 1st year's field day, she was defeated by Sakaki in a running event. The next time the two meet, Kagura has decided to make Sakaki her rival, yet she also makes continuous attempts to be a good friend to Sakaki. Sakaki is a natural athlete (and doesn't remember a thing about running against Kagura during the first Athletics Fest, which stuns Kagura) and defeats her in almost everything except stamina events. Like her would-be rival, she is sometimes embarrassed when Tomo calls attention to her large breasts.

Yukari Tanazaki:She is the girls' English and homeroom teacher (class 3), but a teacher with very unconventional methods and a rather close relationship with the class. Her students are casual enough to call her by her first name (Yukari-sensei in lieu of Tanizaki-sensei, with a few, mostly Tomo, addressing her as the extremely-informal Yukari-chan). Depending on the day, time, and her mood, she can be either a horrible tyrant or one of the sweetest, most touching teachers ever. Her behavior ranges from mercilessly teasing Chiyo and hitting students with blunt objects to kind and gentle words and simple, encouraging notes on tests telling students she believes in them. She is often selfish, irresponsible, miserly, and generally dysfunctional, and shamelessly expects her friend and fellow teacher, Minamo Kurosawa ("Nyamo"), to not only tolerate all of this, but to enable it.

Minamo "Nyamo" Kurosawa: A gym teacher at the girls' school. In the girls' first year of high school, she is the homeroom teacher of Class 5. During their last two years, she is the homeroom teacher of Class 2. Minamo is a high school friend and rival of Yukari Tanizaki; Yukari relentlessly insults and freeloads from Nyamo, but Nyamo gets her digs in, too. "Nyamo" is a nickname from her student days, but Yukari calls her that, and so does Tomo Takino. Other students call her Kurosawa-sensei. Whereas Yukari appears to be an older version of Tomo, Nyamo resembles Yomi (more in personality than looks) and the two teachers' odd relationship is similar to the one that Tomo and Yomi share.

Popular with the students, Nyamo is nicer, less obnoxious, and far more in control than Yukari. Yukari often teases her about her past romantic relationships and that she is a "stupid P.E. teacher". During one of the summer trips the girls take together, Nyamo gets very drunk (usually, Yukari is prone to this behavior; as a matter of fact, Nyamo drank specifically to keep the alcohol away from Yukari) and tells the girls all about the birds and the bees, which embarrasses Sakaki and confuses Chiyo, but impresses the other girls.

The Story: Your name is John Stevenson. You are a student in England, well versed in martial arts and a self acclaimed philosopher. Your looks are about average, and you have never had a girlfriend. Your grades, however, are excellent. You win an opportunity to go to Japan as a transfer student. However, while touring the facility on your own, an explosion went off in the lab, after you slipped on the wet floor and knocked a table over.


- Decently written additions only, at least a few paragraphs please.
- Please spell check and use grammar.

What I like, and you should expect to see:

- Feet
- Mouth play
- Breasts
- Butt
- Other Creative Situations

**If you like the story, please add. It's easier to continue writing when I know somebody enjoys contributing.**

**Please ensure all adds are not just a paragraph consisting of :She sits on you you are helpless.**
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