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Rated: · Interactive · Fanfiction · #1467408
Draco has just moved, the new estate and the new neighbours, will he change?

Draco has just moved, the new estate and the new neighbours, will he change?

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Draco has just moved onto the estate, Frankie and her mum and dad live right next door. Will this be a head over heels in love kind of story or a slight teenage crush. Your desicion is crucial to the out come, I'll start you off.

"Frankie!" shouted my mum from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah mum?" I shouted back down to her. I thought it would be nothing important, but I was wrong.

"The young man from next door has come to meet the family could you come down please?” She said.

I heard her moving away from the bottom of the stairs and I jumped off my bed. I had see the new neighbours arrive, their son was extremely hot. Tall, blonde, slicked back, hair, pale, handsome and even from my window I had seen his startling but entrancing blue-y grey eyes.

I check myself in the mirror, normal, my black hair in ringlets, my big green eyes, with a little bit of mascara and blue eyeliner that seemed to make the green of my eyes shine, my lips, the normal red colour they always are naturally, with a clear sheen gloss on. After checking my face, I checked my low-rise jeans and body-hugging vest top for stains or marks, and then I made sure no one could see my wand.

I did one last check before turning to the door and walking down the stairs slowly, my black curls bouncing.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1467408-9829The-Girl-Next-Door9829