The minute Kristi had turned around, she had spotted a boy and a girl, walking out of the cafeteria and into the empty hallway. The boy was slightly taller than the girl, but other than that, he was very ordinary. There was nothing unusual about him. He was skinny and short and he had no muscle at all. He was talking to a girl who had similar facial features. Kristi then realized that the two were siblings: an older brother talking to his younger sister.
"Don't worry, Suzy, if other guys are teasing you! If you get bullied again, then just tell me and I'll stand up for you!" the boy said.
"Thanks, Joey! I'm so glad you're my big bro!"
Joey and Suzy then embraced one another just as Kristi was looking on from a distance.
"Awww... That's so adorable! The bigger brother is protecting his little sister! Well... I need to help out big bro!" she grinned, rubbing her hands together.
Joey was wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts with tennis shoes. This gave Kristi a good "overview" of what he looked like.
While Joey was hugging his sister, he was overcome by a powerful tingling in his legs!
Suddenly, his calves began to swell in the back of his legs, just below the knees. They ballooned out from his legs, filling out with new, raw muscle, pumping up with new strength and power!
Kristi decided to be generous and she made his calves extra-big!
Joey looked down as she let go of his sister. His calves were inflating to the size of melons! They were as solid as rocks! Thick veins started to cover them as his skin became paper thin!
Next, his quads began to thicken and widen at the same time, as new layers of muscle formed above the knees on both legs. His legs began to look like those on rugby players or professional cyclists! Thick bands of muscle formed on the front of his wide, upper legs, making them as wide as oak trees! His shorts felt very tight!
"See you after class, bro!" Suzy said, as she walked off.
In the meantime, Joey looked down, wondering what was going on with his body. He had already gained over thirty pounds of muscle!
Thick ridges of rows and columns of abdominal muscles had formed over his flat stomach while his pectorals suddenly came to life, pushing outwards and sideways as the two large spheres of muscle inflated like mighty balloons. His upper body became noticeably heavier as more muscle was added to his frame!
Joey's arms thickened as his biceps and triceps inflated, while his shoulders widened at the same time, stretching his polo shirt to the limit! Not only that, but an unbelievable amount of physical strength was suddenly coursing through his muscles! Something the boy had never experienced before in his life!
"Whoa!" he gasped, flexing his arms and fingers, causing every muscle in his arm to rise up. Joey was totally amazed by his sudden increase in muscle!
Kristi just grinned as she saw the boy standing there, taking in his muscle growth spurt. What a Hunk! Actually, he looked more like a Hulk than a hunk now, sporting muscles all over his body! He was as big as a linebacker on the football team!
"Hey Joe!" Kristi said, as she walked up to the muscle boy.
"Oh... H-h-hi..."
"Looking good there, Joe! Have you been working out?"
"Well... Uhhh... I had a ...Uhh... Growth spurt..." Joey replied shyly.
"Well! Those muscles look good on you, Joe!" Kristi giggled. "How's Suzy doing?"
"She's okay.... She just gets teased now and then...."
"Well you better use those big muscles to protect her!"
"Oh! Yes! I do! I will!" Joe replied right away. "Nobody messes with my little sis!"
"I'm proud of you, Joey!" Kristi grinned, as she turned around and walked off, leaving the big muscle boy standing alone in the hallway...
Kristi walked to class, wondering who else she could change next...