Temari had stopped the horrible bouncing that had been ravaging Sakura's backside for so long, and was heading towards that mildly large stump that sat at the head of the clearing. Still, Sakura had a bad feeling about the stump, there had to be some reason for it, there was always a reason for what Temari did, which only succeeded in scaring her further. Sakura really just wanted to know what Temari was thinking, and what she was about to do with her. She got a pretty good idea when Temari sat down on the stump and slipped Sakura over her lap.
Other people may have asked what the hell Temari was thinking, however, by now Sakura wasn't going to be surprised by much, so she skipped right to the next step. "Temari, no, set me down now, I let you have some fun but this..." said Sakura as her face turned another, deeper shade of red. However it seemed not to matter to the blond kunoichi, as she slid the other woman's bike shorts down to her already chakra glued ankles. Sakura was outraged, not to mention embarrassed beyond belief, she whipped her upper body around to face Temari.
"Temari, cut this out NOW!" said Sakura as she began to start flailing slightly, there was no way that she was going allow this to happen to herself. She was a ninja wasn't she? She could find a way to stop this, right? And yet, Temari was a ninja as well, and a much better and one with a very high I.Q., she lamented silently. And for the moment, her mind was a bit clogged at what was happening to herself, just as she was thinking this over, her captor's voice interrupted her thoughts.
"You know, if you keep this up, I will be forced to become much nastier with you." said Temari, and there was a hint of menace and slight impatience in her voice now. She did not want to scare her prey too much. However she would have to learn who was in charge, it was time to make her be quiet. She quickly wrapped both of her hands along her captive's frilly, pink waistband. She pulled lightly at first, causing Sakura only a bit of pain. Sakura, who seemed to be resigned to this fate now, merely sighed heavily.
Temari began to pull harder and stand up, Sakura was starting to feel way too much pain in her rear, and let out a small gasp. "Aw, what, hurt already, well we're just getting started." said Temari as she moved her hands from the waistband down to the leg holes and grabbing the middle of the wedged panties, which now resembled a thong, with both of her hands and pulled, hard. "AHHH!, no, NO, please stop it, you're going to rip them!" said Sakura as she felt, and heard the panties start to tear, not to mention the intense amount of pain her ass was in.
And for some reason, an underlying amount of pleasure. Was she starting to enjoy this? No, no way. And then she felt it, her panties let out a small 'snap', the part Temari was holding stayed in her hand and Sakura fell. Fortunately, Temari was fast enough to catch her again. Unfortunately for Sakura she decided to catch her around the waistline of her bike shorts. Sakura screeched as the much rougher fabric rubbed against her already-sore behind. Temari didn't seem to notice, except for a small grin that spread across her face.
Still wedging her shorts, Temari lowered Sakura to the ground, and let go of her pants, and without a second glance to the other kunoichi, she turned around and took a look in the bag she had brought with her. "Where is that stupid..." said Temari, trailing off in her search. Sakura was outraged, how dare she go through her personal stuff. Then again, she had been the one to steal them from her house before now. "Ah, found it!" said Temari in a happy, singsong voice.
She turned around and began walking toward Sakura, grinning very widely, hands behind her back, she was hiding something. Sakura had no idea why, really she could and had done whatever she pleased with Sakura already, yet she felt an odd sense of fear and something else...excitement? "Hey Sakura," she said in an inquiring tone, as she sat Sakura up and positioned herself behind her, while grabbing the torn panties from the ground without the other noticing, and making sure to also keep the other item hidden. "Are you ticklish, by any chance?" Temari already knew the answer to this of course, as she had been watching her very closely.
Sakura looked behind her to face Temari she shook her head slightly, her eyes, however, were pleading. Temari's face held that same, very scary, grin on her face again. She unzipped the younger woman's top and began to gently stroke her fingers across it. Sakura instantly stiffened at the touch. Then, unexpected by Sakura, Temari began vigorously moving both of her hands across the younger girl's stomach. Sakura began laughing as hard as she ever had in her life, she had tried resisting but found that she could not, Temari seemed to have a way with tickling.
Finally, she threw her head back and laughed, almost hitting Temari. However this is what Temari had been waiting for, she quickly stopped tickling her with one arm (not that Sakura noticed) and used it to pick up the ripped pair of panties. Then, just as quickly, stuffed them into Sakura's mouth, Sakura seemed too momentarily shocked to stop her, then quickly picked up the duck tape next to her and taped her mouth completely shut. Sakura was completely stunned at this, but quickly regained her head and turned around to face Temari and yelled. "Temari, now you've gone too far get this of of me, NOW!"
However, to Temari it merely sounded like "Mph-Mph-mph-mph-MPHH!" "Sorry hon' can't understand you." said Temari, gesturing to her ear to further mock her captive. Obviously Sakura was not happy, not that she could do much, she could not use her hands, legs, and now, her mouth. She could not escape. And yet, did she want to? Maybe she was starting to enjoy this, so said by a small voice which she had always associated with her inner self. She once again found herself being lifted up and place in the same position next to Temari's waist.
'Wow, this is getting exciting,' said Sakura's inner self, 'seems like your friend is getting really serious,' Sakura couldn't believe this, was her inner enjoying this torment? 'Like you aren't' said the inner Sakura again, most likely after reading her mind. But before Sakura could say anything Temari had returned them back to their original position. She, sitting on the stump, and Sakura over her lap with her shorts bunched up by her ankles. Except for the few differences like the panties that were now taped inside Sakura's mouth.
Which was still disgusting Sakura, this was her undergarment and it had been wedged forcefully up her ass. Not to mention she had been training for about twelve hours on end. Which merely caused her to be grossed out even more. 'Note to self, brush teeth more than usual tonight.' she said to herself. Her inner started to giggle, 'that's if you're friend allows you to go home tonight,' she laughed, 'I wonder if she's any good at this.' Sakura knew exactly what her inner was talking about, however she hoped that Temari was terrible at what she was about to do.
Her legs were so tantalizingly close to the ground that it was nerve wracking, she rather felt that Temari had intentionally made it so that her ass faced the air as if asking for what was about to ensue, manipulative, sadistic bitch. "So, ready hon?" Sakura knew that it wouldn't matter if she was ready or not, so she merely tensed her rear as much as she could. *Swat*. Sakura's rear immediately felt intense pain. Was Temari really this insanely strong? Sure, she had been able to keep a hold of her, however she had believed that to be a fluke, or that she had used some chakra to enhance her hold.
This was way too much for the young Chunin to take, she had never actually remembered getting a spanking, she had been a really well behaved child, meaning all of this was new and really, really painful. *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack*. On and on it went, for what seemed like hours of complete torture to Sakura.
And complete pleasure to Temari, she had found that she was enjoying walloping the young pinkie's ass even more than she thought she would, it was also addicting for her to watch as it bobbed up and down and the small moans that issued from Sakura's mouth, through her gag that is. And yet the most curious happening was happening with Sakura, she had noticed that most of her moans were slowly becoming some of pleasure, not pain. She also noticed that she was now slightly leaning her rear into her spanking, wanting it more and more as it went on. She was starting to yearn for the older woman's strong, firm hand against her own soft, tender rear.
How could this be, she was getting a spanking from her friend, who was relishing every blow. 'You're enjoying it too!" said her nagging inner self, seemingly euphoric at that fact. 'Look at yourself, you're a masochist, tears streaming down your face, ass probably beet red by now, and yet you're getting turned on, I wonder if you're getting wet all over your new friend,' she added as an afterthought, with a laugh. Sakura had not thought of this, she had been foucousing all her attention to her rear, wanting to feel every second of the punishment, which only served to augment her inner's argument. She had not even been aware about what was going on with the rest of her.
Her senses shifted from the pain in and on her rear and she could feel liquid, she wondered just how long it would take for Temari to realize the same thing. For a while, Temari seemed to be merely content with pummeling Sakura's, *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack*. And then Temari seemed to come to the same realization as had come to Sakura a few minutes before. "Hm, what's this Sakura-Chan, could it be you are enjoying this as well?" Sakura lay quite still, she did not really expect Temari wanted her to answer anyway.
And then a sharp swat, much harder than what she had been experiencing for the last what felt like hour, met her already-red rear. Sakura immediately jerked around fiercely, in immense pain, screaming very loudly into her gag. "I believe I have asked you a question, meaning you shall nod your head or shake it." Sakura immediately felt herself become wetter at the commanding tone that the other woman now assumed. Was she starting to glean any sexual pleasure from this? Did she really need to ask anymore, she was sure that by now she knew the answer. She turned around to face Temari, she nodded hesitantly.
"So then, how about we do something a bit more...fun?" Sakura knew that Temari wasn't going to do anything that was going to be fun for her. 'Don't be too sure, you are a masochist, remember. You'll probably enjoy it. I know I would.' intoned her inner's voice once again, and to Sakura's complete surprise her inner bent herself over and administered a sharp smack to her own backside and began giggling herself silly. Sakura would have gapped had she not been, once again, hefted up to the left of the older girl's waist. She saw that her captor was now taking her to...