"Here they are!" Kirika took 3 of them with water, which actually enhances the growth effects, instead of the growth lasting for a couple of minutes, it's going to last for an entire day at a faster rate. The pills also cure her headache as well, which is nice for her. Fast-forward to the next day, when the growth begins, her chest felt warm, and she hears a couple of gurgles. "What is going on with me?" Her shirt then starts to rip, surprising Kirika. "Oh! I thought the shirt felt tight, but I didn't think it was my growing breasts making it tight!" Her shirt rips, off leaving her with just her bra on. Then, she feels a weird pressure in her breasts. She then felt her bra, which was damp. Then, her bra suddenly snapped off, and felt the pressure in her boobs grow immensely stronger. She could hold back anymore, her nipples turned cold and hard, her face was as red as a tomato, and her body felt warm. Then, she started lactating, causing waves of pleasure to flow through her, which made her moan loudly. After 10 minutes, she ran out of milk and recovered from her lactation. Her breasts were still growing, but she had a headache again, so she took another pill. instead of making the growth last longer, it made her grow faster. By the end of the day, her breasts grew to 900 cm, and the growth still had time before it stopped. Kirika went to bed with 930 cm breasts, and they were still growing! When she woke up, she `knew her breasts were bigger, but she knew something else was different about her as well. It turns out, when her breasts reached 1000 cm in size, another two parts of her started to grow, which was: