On the Tuesday night of Halloween, one year after the web show began, the crew was preparing for their next show, on Friday, Halloween. The girls and Freddie decided on doing a show, on the different fears that people had.
"They have so many, different phobias on this site!" Freddie exclaimed.
"Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to show different people, with their phobias," Sam suggested.
"Ev-even us?" Freddie stuttered.
"Yeah, come on Freddie it'll be fun. Now let's right down each others fears and see if we can get others to volunteer to do it as well. Sam, what are you afraid of?" Carly said.
"Um, I'm afraid of ventriloquist's dummies," Sam replied, ashamed.
"Oh, so you have uh, Automatonophobia," Freddie explained, looking it up.
"Okay Freddie, what about you?" Carly asked.
"Wh-why don't you go first," Freddie suggested.
"Okay, I'm afraid of Clowns, or Coulrophobia," Carly said. "Now you," Carly requested.
"Fine," Freddie agreed. "I'm, well, I'm, uh I..." Freddie started.
"Spit it out!" Sam demanded.
"FINE! I have pteronophobia," Freddie said.
"Huh?" Sam and Carly said, simultaneously.
"Fear, of being duhduhduh," Freddie, mumbled.
"Come on Freddie. Just say it?" Sam yelled.
"Okay, I'm afraid of being tickled," Freddie said.
"WHAT?" Sam and Carly said, in unison.
"Afraid of being tickled?" Sam said, laughing.
"I didn't even know you were ticklish?" Carly said.
"Well, I am and please don't tickle me or tell anyone," Freddie pleaded.
"On one condition, tell us where your ticklish," Sam said.
"Ah come on..." Freddie started.
"Freddie..." Carly said.
"Fine, my most ticklish spot is my toes, followed by my soles, then my belly-button, then my belly, after that my underarms and finally my ribs," Freddie said.
They left for their homes after that and didn't see each other till the next day.
That night, Sam thought all about Feddie's fear and how she could use it.
She decided