Chapter #2First Pick: Dara by: T.J.  At the end Ryan chose Dara, as he liked the cute red dress she wore. He placed aside the other four girls on his computer desk and opened the girl up, gently placing her on the far left side of the desk, whereas the other girls were on the far right. However, Ryan noticed odd about the figurine: it was as if her hair was undone or messy. Ryan was confused by this: Most figurines' hair wasn't realy hair so much as plastic molded to look like hair.
Another thing about the figure Ryan noticed was that this Dara was in a different position from that of the box, which featured the girl holding her hands next to her heart and her eyes closed, as if she was praying to someone. This Dara, however, had her arms down and on her shoulders, kind of like a penguin. Ryan proceeded to pick up the figurine and look at it from all sides, until he heard a slight scream, like that of a female.
"What the..!?" Ryan asked himself, looking at Dara's face. He then noticed that the girl was moving her mouth! Freaked out, Ryan accidentally dropped the girl, who then fell on his bed a foot or so below. Although Dara wasn't hurt, she did rub her butt from the impact she felt upon landing. Soon afer she looked up straight up at the 15 year old boy who bought her, which then proceeded to freak her out.
"AH!" the girl gasped, hiding under one of Ryan's pillows in fear. Ryan tried to talk to her, but he too was scared of the current predictament and couldn't bring himself to talk.
"Is she r-r-real?" the boy wondered to himself, panicking more than just a little. He then remembered the black box from earlier, proceeding to pick it up and place it next to his mouth. After taking a few deep breaths, Ryan proceeded to speak into the box.
"Dara, grow to 5 feet, 5 inches", he said outloud, and before he knew it the once six inch tall figure was now a normal-sized teenage girl. Ryan watched as Dara's increasingly enlarging legs popped out of the pillow, followed soon by her arms, part of her head, and lastly her whole body peeping out. Although the girl's clothes grew with her, Dara was no less freaked out than before. In fact, she was more freaked out now.
"W-w-what's going on?" she asked Ryan, the first words she spoke to him. "Who are you, and why am I here? And how did I get so tall just now?"
"My name's Ryan Jordan", he said to the girl in a calm, gentle voice, proceeding to sit next to her on his bed. "And you're a figurine I just bought."
"Figurine?" the girl asked, confused. "But I'm not a I?" The confused look on the girl's face caused Ryan to blush. She already looked pretty cute to him in her red dress that looked that of a princess, but her childish, confused look made it all the cuter.
"You're not?" Ryan asked.
"Well, maybe I am...the truth is, I don't remember who I am..." Dara then looked at Ryan and inched ever closer to him, embracing his hands with hers. "But since you bought me, Mr. Jordan, I am in your debt until you say otherwise." Dara then jumped off of Ryan's bed and bowed her head in his direction. "It's very nice to meet you", she told him, smiling all the while.
However, Ryan was still blushing red at what Dara said, but at the same time he knew his mother would never allow such a thing in his house. But he really wanted her company, so he laid down a rule for her:
"I'm sorry, Dara, but if you want to stay, you'll have to resume your size as a figurine", he sadly sighed to the girl.
"I understand", Dara replied, bowing her head to the boy. Ryan was quite surprised by her reaction: he expected her to pout or put up some kind of fight. "Shrink away." Ryan then picked up the black box and spoke into it.
"Dara, shrink down to 3 inches", he smiled to himself, watching the girl shrink in size to an even smaller size than she was before in the box. Ryan then placed the box she came in next to the girl, which to her was as large as a 10 foot tall wall.
"Why did you make me so small, Mr. Jordan?" the girl politely asked, trying her best to hide back her worried state.
"I think small things are cute", Ryan smiled impishly, holding up the black box once again.
"Dara, shrink down to 1 inch", he then said, and the already tall girl shrunk to on-third of her already tiny height. Now the box looked as big as a house.
"Dara, shrink down to one-tenth an inch", Ryan continued, and Dara watched in fear as the box grew ever larger, now looking like the size of a hotel. He then got out a magnifying glass to see the tiny girl standing next to the box, looking very sad next to it. Poor Dara looked like she was about to burst into tears.
"W-w-wait, please don't cry", Ryan told the girl, but he was too late. The girl started crying very tiny tears, barely above an octave only dogs can hear. Ryan felt bad about what he just did, hormones or not, and decided to speak on the box one final time for now.
"Dara, return to normal", he said into the black box, and the boy watched as the very tiny Dara returned to her "normal" height of 6 inches. She smiled in relief that she was no longer shrunk.
"I'm sorry I did that", Ryan said to the girl, reaching out his left hand in apology. "Can you forgive me?"
"Sure I will", she smiled in reply, bowing her head to Ryan. "I know you wouldn't do anything to harm me, Mr. Jordan. I can tell from looking at you." Dara then noticed the other four boxes on the other side of the boy's desk.
"Are those other figurines?" the inqusitive girl asked.
"Yep", he replied to the girl. "I was thinking about opening another one, but I don't know.."
"Please do. I wish to see my other 'sisters'. We were in that shop for a long time, having to pretend we were figurines.."
"You mean you're not?"
"I thought we just talked about this. The truth is I don't know WHO I am, but maybe one of the other figures might know?" indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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