One day Stella was standing at her mirror posing as always. "Oh man, I'm so beautiful", Stella said. "But I wish my breasts were bigger, they're just too small!" Then Bloom came in. "Oh come on, Stella. Your breasts are perfect", she said."No, they are not", Stella cried."I mean, yes I have a perfect body but I want more. Please, Bloom help me !" Bloom thought about it. "Oh, come on!" "Okay, okay", Bloom answered. "I'll help, but just this one time, okay" "Oh, yeah!", Stella cried and jumped on top of Bloom. "How can I ever thank you?" "Just go down from me", Bloom answered quietly."Okay", Stella said. A half an hour later Bloom came back from the dictionary and had brought an old book. "Okay, okay let us begin", Stella began, but Bloom answered."You're really sure about this, because if you're transformed once, you can't go back again." "I'm really sure about this, just do it", Stella said excited. "Alright then", said Bloom. Then she said the Spell. "Boobaron Expando". What happened after?