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Your a new type of living doll and everyone wants one. Giant humans, anthros, and animals. |
Your a new type of living doll and everyone wants one. Giant humans, anthros, and animals.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
You and countles others like you where created in a lab. Your Barbie sized, and indastructable, your self sastaned so you dont need to eat or drink but you can if your owner wants to give you a treet. You dont need sleep eather but if you dont you start to slow down and grow weak. Your alive so you can feel, tast, and have a will, and thoughts of your own but becouse of the way your brain was daveloped if your owner tells you to do something you do it, no mater how much you dont want to. but if someone els tells you to do something you have a choice. becous your kind are born with perfect bodies, pointy ears, and silver hair you are called Elf you have no persanal name until your owner gives you one. Also Earth has maid contact with a race of anthros. and created a pill for there pets that can make them be able to talk but not every pet got one. Peapole have pet wiled animals like wolves and big cats but thay must have taken the smarte pill so that there smart enouph to know that humans and anthros arnt food.
#1 only female owners.
#2 no sex with men, even if you choos to be a female Elf. or children for that mater.
#3 No size change or magic.
#4 I don't care what you interact with as long as you get back to your owner.
Have fun and sorry about my spelling I'll use spell check in the story. Please add. |
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