This whole thought about becoming a whole other species made him shake. "What? I'm- I'm going to become a dog? Our whole family is? What? I can't let anyone see me become one!" Looking around, he followed his dad back into the house. Once inside he found a Poodle, who he knew was his mom, and what looked like his dad, partially naked on all fours and a ton of fur everywhere. "Dad?" His dad, now engulfed in fur and a tail growing, whimpered and ran upstairs, with his mom following closely behind. The truth was becoming overwhelming for him and Zach fell back almost fainting. A few minutes after his parents went upstairs, he heard a creak from his sister's room. "Oh no! Is Lauren a dog too?" he asked quietly. His question was answered as his sister, still human, came from her room yawning. "Huh? Zach? What are you doing home? You're supposed to be at sch-" She stopped as she noticed how pail his face was. "W-what's wrong?" Zach gulped and tried to become calm. "I was going to school when dad came to me looking a little weird... He was running really fast! I mean it was almost unnatural, but then his tongue would flop a bit! A-and then he told me mom became a dog!" Lauren laughed a little. "Zach? are you alright? People just can't become animals. It's impossible!" Zach knocked Lauren's hand away from his head as she tried putting it there to check his temperature. "I'm serious! Dad told me that sometime before today, Mom cursed our family to become a dog once a day! Mom's already a poodle, and if we look for dad, he'd probably be a full dog now! Though from what I saw, I can't tell what breed he is, but it's not a poodle, so I guess that means we all have different breeds..."
Lauren, after hearing Zach insisting of this dream or thought, became upset. "Alright Zach, if you're just gonna lie so you can skip school, then I'm telling mom!" Zach groaned and left. "Fine! Don't believe me! Just prepare! It could happen to us at any second!" Lauren marched upstairs in case the part of their parents being home was the only truth in his story. She thought that even if it wasn't, there would still be a phone to call them with. Once she entered the bedroom, she called out for her mom and dad. "Mom? Dad? Are you really here?! Mom? Daaadd?! Figures..." Lauren was about to leave when she heard a whine. "Did I hear a whine?" Looking around more thoroughly, she tried to find the source of the noise until she looked under the bed. A fluffy St. Bernard whined, but came from under the bed. He looked embarrassed, but Lauren was too distracted that there was a dog in the house to realize it. "A dog? Was Zach... No! It's still impossible!" Lauren tried to forget Zach's story and instead tried to play with the dog, deciding not to call her parents. Her and Zach's dad, though mortified that his daughter was seeing him now, felt instinctively happy and began wagging his tail. "Baroff!" Lauren was so happy that the dog was there, even though it was weird how it could've gotten in. "You're a good dog aren't you?" The St. Bernard licked her cheek as his tail wagged more. He knew it was still his daughter, but the canine urges pulled him to lick her like a pet would to it's master or other people. Soon, a poodle came out from hiding, shocking Lauren. "A poodle?..." Why did the sound of a poodle seem familiar? Then it hit her. M-mom?" The poodle nodded, making Lauren jump. "Oh my gosh! Zach was right!"