Chapter #3From Bad to Worse. by: Mad Dog  'NO!' You shout as your anger and disgust boil over. 'I WON'T DO IT, YOU SICK BITCH. I'M A HUMAN BEING, NOT A SEX TOY. IT ISN'T FAIR.'
Your mom sighs as an evil grin appears on her face. 'Life isn't fair, dickhead. Oh, but wait. You're not alive are your? You're DEAD. And you're dead because you tried to rob a bank, bringing shame on MY family. And all you got, was hit by a fucking bus. Well, it's ok. If you won't climb inside me of your own volition, I'll just shove you up my pussy. And you can stay inside my pussy FOREVER. Actually, I prefer it this way. I've always had a fantasy about having a guy trapped in my love tunnel. Now I get to fulfil it. It'll so much fun fucking my husband with you trapped in my pussy with his giant penis. It'll be so satisfying to let him cum inside me, knowing that you're have to deal with being trapped inside a cunt full of his hot mess.
You're mom then picks you up between the thumb and forefinger af her right hand, slowly licking her lips as she does so.
'Say goodbye to the outside world, dipshit.' she says with a smile. You'll never see daylight again.'
She lowers you down to the enormous lips of her vagina, and you start to panic.
'NO, NO WAIT.' You say as you struggle to break free of her grasp. 'I'LL DO IT! I'LL CLIMB INSIDE YOU.'
Your mom lifts you up to her face.
'You'll do it now you know that you know I'm serious about keeping you in my cunt forever.' Your mom says with disgust. 'You pathetic little worm. You always were a coward. Well fuck you! It's too late. My pussy is hungry and she wants to eat YOU. But I will make one change. I have to tell my husband about you anyway, so I'll let him decide your fate. AFTER we've fucked. He'll can choose whether you stay inside my vagina forever, or he can turn you INTO my vagina, which will also be permanent. Or..he can ask me to turn you into his penis which will also be permanent. And, just to amuse me, if he chooses the third option, I'll make you suck his dick before I turn you into it. None of them will be particularly pleasant for you. Being my vagina, or his penis will be especially bad, what with the taste of piss and cum. But you'll be like that forever, so you will get used to it. Eventually you'll even love it. But you won't get to know how you'll be spending forever until he gets home, and we've had sex. So, you've got a couple of hours in my pussy to consider the fact that you'll be spending forever either trapped inside my pussy, as my pussy, or as my husband's penis. You can also consider that it's all you're own fault. If you didn't grow up to be such an evil shit, none of this would be happening.'
With that, your mom lowers you back down between her thighs and roughly stuffs inside her vagina.
It turns about to be a very long couple of hours trapped inside your mother's vagina. Not simply because you're trapped inside inside your own mother's vagina, but also because it seems your future is going to be a very unpleasant one. You're either going to spend forever as a prisoner inside your mother's vagina, or you're going to spend forever as her vagina, or, worse still, you're going to spend forever as your father's penis. None of those prospects are particularly appealing, but if you had to choose, you'd pick being a prisoner. But that isn't your decision. You think about trying to reason with them, but somehow you don't think that work. As you're pondering your current position, and whether an escape is a viable option, you suddenly become aware of a rise in temperature within your vaginal prison. It's also getting a lot wetter. With a growing sense of fear and trepidation, you realise that you're mom is becoming aroused. This can only mean that you're dad is not only home, but that they're currently getting ready to have sex. It's while you're trying to force that image from your mind, that you see a large pink object appear between the lips of your mom's pussy. At first you think it's your dad's penis. But it's no relief to realise that it's actually his tongue. You desperately scramble deeper inside your mom, which isn't easy with the smooth, velvet like wall's being drenched in a thick layer of her body's natural lubricants. But eventually you manage to get out of range of the giant tongue.
Eventually, the tongue disappears and for a long time all is still. But eventually, the inevitable happens. The lips of your mom's pussy part once again. This time much wider than before. Then the purple tip, complete with an enormous slit, running from bottom to top appears. You can only watch helplessly as your dad slowly slides his gargantuan penis deeper and deeper inside your mom's vagina. The gigantic purple head completely filling your view as the walls of your mom's pussy stretch wide to accommodate him. Even at just one inch tall, you can tell that your dad is man with an above average sized penis. But that just serves to make things worse. Especially the terrifying thought of spending forever as that part of his body. Eventually, your dad's penis is all the way inside your mom, which leaves you being pressed uncomfortably against your mom's cervix by your dad's monstrous dick. The slit in the tip opens slightly as you're pressed into the soft flesh behind you, making you think that you're about to be swallowed by a giant cock. But after a few seconds, your dad withdraws until only the tip of his penis is left inside your mom. Then he slowly slides back in, until you're once again pressed tightly against her cervix.
This happens a few times. And then your dad slowly starts to thrust faster and harder, until a steady rhythm is built up. You don't know how long this goes on for. But you do know that they changes postions a couple of times, since your dad twice pulls out and then a few seconds later, his cock is slid back in. One time, it's upside down, so you know that he's fucking her from behind. Your dad pulls out for a third time, and then almost immediately slides back in, this time, the right way up. The temperature becomes increasingly hotter and your dad's thrusting becomes increasingly harder and faster until eventually you hear a muffled scream and a deep, muffled groan. At the same time, your dad stops thrusting, holding his cock inside your mom. You lose count of the number of times it twitches, you're too busy being gripped by abject terror as the slit in the top of your dad's penis spits out a seemingly unending stream of thick, hot, viscous semen. After what seems like forever, your dad pulls out of your mom's pussy for the final time. Leaving you trapped inside her cum filled pussy. A short time later, you feeling a tingling throughout your whole body and, to your surprise, you find yourself lying on your back on your mom's heaving stomach, with your giant, naked dad grinning down at you. indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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