Chapter #3Nurse Joy, what a joy... by: KUUGA  Brock and his friends was taking a rest in a pokemon center one day, after a long walk to get to this new town for some supplies before heading off for the next town, for the badge Ash wants
while Ash, May and Max went to grab something to eat at the local caffe, Brock decided to stay behind and check out the Nurse Joy of this town first before joining them
While he walked into the room where Nurse Joy was taking care of the pokemon, he saw a Lunatone just laying there in one of the beds, not moving or doing anything, wondering if it's alright or not Brock walked over there to get a closer view, as a rock type pokemon trainer, he just couldn't leave a rock type pokemon when it's not feeling a 100%. He started patting it and asking how it was feeling, then gave him some of his special recipe pokemon food.
After Lunatone had some, it begin to move in joy all of a sudden, it seems like Brock's special home made taste really put some energy back to Lunatone.
"Thank you young man" appeared a voice in Brock's mind
"What? is that you Lunatone, are you talking to me in my mind?" Brock asked
"Yes, it is I, I have been laying here for quite some times now, and they can't seem to find what's wrong with me as I always feels really tired, but after havong some of those food you gave me, for reason unknown, I regain and recover to full health. To thank you, I will grant you one wish, any with you like, as I have great powers gained upon many thousand years of survival with in the wonders of the nature world... Ask and be given what you desires... young one" Lunatone says within Brock's mind
(really? hmm... I don't want to doubt him as he said he is all powerful, so I guess I'll just ask for one, and see if it really works.... let see, something I always wanted but can't have...... Nurse Joy!! and Officer Jenny, and all those beautiful girls~~~~~) Brock thoughts
"Alright, Lunatone, please grant me the power to posses the body of other females, allowing me to become them" Brock wishers as he is in the same room as Nurse Joy and don't want her to hear him saying something like this
"It is done..." upon saying that, Lunatone vanishes into thin air
(hmm.... I don't feel any different...) Brock thought...
"Hello there~ may I be at service mister? hey where did the Lunatone go, the one that was laying here?" Nurse Joy comes over and said
"ah.. oh~ the ah.... it's trainer come n took it away saying he'll try other helps from other places~ ah ha ha~" Brock said with a slight panic
"oh.. that's too bad, I hope it was for the best, now are you here to have your pokemon restore to health, or do you require special help with something?" Nurse Joy asked with a sweet angel like smile
(hmm... the doors closed, and people don't normally come in here unless to see their pokemon.. and there's only one other pokemon here resting other the Lunatone that is now gone, chances of any one coming in here is thin, Ash ans the guys won't be back for a while... why don't I try out if I really have the power to posses girl bodys...) Brock thinks while smiling at Nurse Joy
"why yes, I do have this question I've been wanting to ask, Nurse Joy, how does it feel to be Nurse Joy? I mean? to be in your shoe and all~ helping the pokemon every single day" Brock asked with a rather odd looking smile
Nurse Joy giggles and said with a smile "why I feel very fortunate to be able to help pokemon every day and become friends with them~"
"that's sweet" said Brock while thinking (now, tie to put that new power to use... to see if it really does work or not)
upon saying that, Brock cleared his mind and focused on looking at Nurse Joy, while thinking... (I want to become Nurse Joy.. the one standing right in front of me)
all of a sudden, Brock blanked out and regain his vision within less then a second, but who he sees in front of him is not Nurse Joy, it's him self
"what the..... hah!!! did it?" Brock looked down right away as soon as he realized he was speaking in Nurse Joy's voice and saw him self now controlling a female body named Nurse Joy, wearing the dress she always wears
(oh my gos it worked, I really have the power to become other girls now!! but wait... what happen to Nurse Joy then, is she in my body now as I'm in her body? )
Brock looked at his body, and realized it's just standing there now as a doll, a manikin, body with out a soul, however he did found out that he can control the movement of his own body, even have it pull a facial or speak the words he wants it to. And to his surprise, Nurse Joy seems to have acquired a slightly bigger breast, is this one of his powers too?
He did a few more test runs to see what els he can do, he found out that he can some how access Nurse Joy's brain, recall her memories and thoughts, thus enabling him to act out a perfect Nurse Joy with all her medical skills if he wanted, all the personal memories she had of her life, which means he can take over Nurse Joy's body and live the rest of his life as her if he desires to, and after a few more trails, he found out that's pretty much it. Now he wants to see if he can change back to his own body, because if he can't, then there might be a problem, and it'll also be less fun if he can only be Nurse Joy for the rest of his life, but before doing the switch back test, he wonders how he can explain to Nurse Joy if she asks questions about what just happened, will she remember the body switch? and the bigger breast she now has....
upon wondering about how to answer those questions he switches back to his body and hoped for the best...
"hm? oh my? did I just blanked out for a sec there? I'm sorry, I must have been working too hard today" Nurse Joy said with blushing a bit, with a slightly embarrassed smile on her sweet goddess like pretty face
it seems like the girl Brock possessed has no memories during the time while Brock was in her body, and her breast also return to it's normal size after Brock leaves her body
Nurse Joy smiled, placing her finger on her cute lips while looking up and said.. "now where were we~? ah that's right, as Nurse Joy I am...."
(good...) without out another thought after that, Brock jumps right back into Nurse Joy's body and finishes her sentence for her...
"I am.... always feeling very slutty~ all those pokemon I wanted to hump, all those mens I wish to have sex with, oh~ I'm so naughty in this pretty pick dress of mine, I just want to have some one humping me from behind~" Brock says in Nurse Joy's sweet sweets voice, with Nurse Joy's innocent angel smile
upon saying that as Nurse Joy, Brock wonders what Nurse Joy thought about him few moments ago, so he went into her mind and check, and found out that she thought he was a little pervert, asking odds questions like that while looking at her with a rather disgusting smile... Brook felt a but pissed out there for scanned her mind to see if there's anything dirty he can dig up and spread around to get her back for it... he don't believe it, she's a perfect girl with nothing embarrassing or dirty to be revealed...
(Well all that's going to change from this point on wards as now I'm in control of your spotless life... ) Brock thinks as he wonders how he should play with this body and mess up her life at the same time.. then he got an idea and begin acting it out..
"Brocky~ I'm so sorry to think of you as a pervert, the truth is~ I'm the biggest pervert and slut~ oh, won't you suck your dig to make it up for you?"
as Brock kneel down facing his original body's pants, he had his original body take off it's pants and got out his cell phone, while Brock handed over Nurse Joy's personal cell phone
he started sucking his own dig as Nurse Joy, using her cute little mouth, shoving the dig right down his throat, sucking as hard as he can with Nurse Joy's mouth while having his body take photos of it. When his body come, he let it shoot all over his face, the face of Nurse Joy which he now occupies and smiled as slutty as as can
then he takes off the dress he's wearing, walked over the on sick machop, with his original body, and started raping machop, sucking it's dig and kissing it, with machop laying there too sick to do a thing, he climb onto it and engulf it's dig with Nurse Joy's vagina, while his original body was video recording all of this
"oh~~~ fuck me~~ yeah~~~~~ I'm so slutty~~ I only get turn on by pokemon, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~~" Brock burst out laughing using Nurse Joy's voice, the of it turns him more even more, and the dig inside him is way to big for Nurse Joy's small vagina, it was making Brock feeling dizzy as well, when machop come Brock was filled with a sensation he never felt before
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~ ah~...ah...... so this is what it's like to get fucke by a pokemon....."
machop's semen was all over the floor as it was way too much to fit all inside Nurse Joy, Brock then started licking the floor and drinking the remainder semen on the floor, all of course video recorded.
Brock then quickly get dressed into Nurse Joy's cloth, got his original body to follow him into the male's toilet without any one seeing, then he got his original body to tie him up on the toilet seat, gag him, blind fold him, and wrote 'Please fuck me over and over, I'm a slutty nurse, tell your friends to come fuck me too~ Love Slutty Joy~' with Nurse Joy's lip stick on his stomach. then he switched back into his old body, found a computer, and with the knowledge he's got from Nurse Joy's mind, he uploaded the photos and videos form Nurse Joy's cell phone to her personal blog, and changed her password, while mass e-mailing it to all her friends using her e-mail before he went back into the toilet, found Nurse Joy's struggling while setting her cell phone on vibrate dial to her own number and shoving it deep into her ass, smiling with joy as he see Nurse Joy shivering her body due to the vibration while crying as she urinates all over her dress...
Brock then leaves the pokemon center to join Ash and the guys while they were about to go get him to leave for the next town, after a quick catch up, they headed off for the next town
Nurse Joy, tied up in men's toilet, was raped by several pokemon trainers and left to vagina to drool with semen, she was eventually found when the cleaning staff come in to clean the toilet, arrested by Officer Jenny for abusing her role by having sex with a pokemon and the distribution of her nudes on the web,they can't explain how or why is she tied up in the toilet, buy Officer Jenny and other staff just assumed as she sexually offended a pokemon first, it's pretty obvious that she got a random trainer to tie her up and fuck her while getting him to spread the message to some and enjoy her, Nurse Joy was putted away in jail sobbing, not knowing a single thing Brock did as her, only the violent rapes he has after Brock leaves her body...  | Members who added to this interactive story also contributed to these: |