"I'm telling ya Pumbaa, crunchy ones are best," Timon said.
"No, slimy ones are," Pumbaa replied, "They're..."
Kiara listen to the irritating argument that her father's 'friends' played out every time she was out with them, "Shut up."
There was absolute silence for a moment, then Pumbaa asked, "is something wrong princess?"
"Yes, you two," Kiara replied, "you're always going on about bugs, it's disgusting."
"There's nothing disgusting about bugs," Timon replied, "perfectly good food."
They're so icky," Kiara replied, "and they're real small too."
"How would you know," Timon asked, "have you ever tried one?"
"Well, no," Kiara admitted, "but they're so, eew."
"Hey, I tried Zebra once," Timon replied, "and you know what, that put me right off meat."
"But Zebra's nice," Kiara replied.
"Not where I stand," Timon said. He though for a moment, then said, "I'll make you a deal, you try eating bugs now, and if you don't like em, I have to eat meat for three days, okay?"