Once all of the girls' dicks were securely placed inside the pipes, Hinata gulped. Sitting down on her knees, she lifted up her part of the pipe and stuck it firmly in between her lips. Sakura smirked and whispered, "Good...very good, Hinata..."
Then...a loud ecstatic moan, and it began. Huge amounts of a thick opaque white cream began pouring through the passages of the pipe, all of them leading into Hinata's gaping mouth. 'I can't do this...I can't do this...' Hinata thought nervously, but those thoughts of doubt vanished the moment she tasted the cum. Hinata almost felt like she was going to have an orgasm as the creamy liquid rolled down her throat and began piling in her tummy.
Faster and faster it came, pumping Hinata with more and more fat. The Hyuga girl could practically feel her body swell as she grew bigger and bigger. Unzipping her coat, which was becoming incredibly tight, a large fat gut rolled out, along with a pair of hefty jiggly breasts.
"Ooh...she's filling out quite nicely!" Tenten commented as a burst of cum exploded out of her dick. Hinata, completely overwhelm with joy, zipped her pants all the way down to give her belly more room, but her butt and thighs had swollen so much that her pants just teared in half, leaving her completely naked on the bottom except for a pair of panties that was wedged deeply in between her ass cheeks.
'More!' Hinata demanded in her mind, 'I want more! I want...MORE!' Her entire body was getting so big. Her panties and sweater both exploded into pieces, but Hinata just kept drinking and drinking. Her belly filled out incredibly, overflowing over her waist and resting about a few feet in front of her, complete with two extremely flabby rolls on top. As she drank faster, cum began pouring out of the sides of her mouth, and hitting against her fat red cheeks and growing double chin.
Her breasts burst from her bra and hung heavily on her chest, both of them huge jugs of delicious mother's milk. Still drinking, Hinata cupped her ever-expanding breasts in her hands and moaned at how soft and jiggly they were in her chubby fingers. She now had nice chunky thunder thighs and a huge filling ass that continued to push further and further out, now at about two feet long. Hinata just couldn't stop drinking. Her belly was so huge...so fat...so soft...
Unfortunately, this soon came to an end when Hinata realized the cum wasn't flowing anymore. Looking around, she saw that Sakura and her three friends were all out of breath, completely exhausted. They didn't have enough cum to keep going at the moment.