Shippo grinned.
"Bigger everything!"
Miroku laughed and said, "Great! But we're going to have to do this carefully. You can't get you're dick wet until your body catches up."
Shippo privately was hoping to keep the monster cock, but he could deal with that when he came to it. So he swung his hard on around, crashing it through a few smaller trees before falling backward into the pool. Miroku couldn't see what was happening since Shippo was under the water, but he saw Shippo's dick wasn't growing any bigger yet, so it must be working. Shippo's huge dick swung, harder than rock, overhead, first one way then the other. Finally, Shippo's head broke the surface. His head nearly took up all the room in the pool. Miroku stepped away from the edge of the pool as his huge lover's giant smiling face rose out of the water, sending a wave that nearly hit Miroku. Even though his head was out of the water, he had been completely immersed long enough to have his whole body be affected. Miroku looked up and up as Shippo continued to grow. Soon his muscular torso had cleared the surface of the pool and Shippo had to step onto land or else his waist would get stuck in the small pool. Shippo kept one leg in and continued to get bigger. His dick had started growing again and was a little over the size of Shippo's body and still thick as a log and harder than diamond. Shippo flexed it and laughed when it smashed into the ground, creating a crater near Miroku. Miroku, taking the oppurtunity, jumped onto the huge pole and rode it as it rose back up to attention, slapping between Shippo's pecs. At this point, Shippo could only have one foot in the pool and he continued to grow. Miroku was having trouble getting his arms totally around Shippo's deck, so he climbed up onto the head and sat against Shippo's chest. Miroku was quite comfortable as there was quite a bit of room. Shippo was towering high above the trees at this point and had only his big toe left in the pool. Miroku was soon standing on a dick head that was the size of a house and still growing. He looked up at Shippo's face and found him smiling happily down at his tiny boyfriend. Miroku gave a thumbs up to indicate that Shippo should keep growing. Shippo had to keep shifting to smaller toes as his big toe filled the pool, followed by his middle toe, his third toe, his fourth toe, and finally his pinky toe. Once his pinky toe filled the pool, Shippo stopped growing as no part of him was small enough to fit into the pool. But he was a truly impressive titan. Miroku felt truly tiny as he stood on a dick head that was the size of the village. He looked over the edge of the dick and saw that Shippo's feet could crush the village as well. Miroku was less than an inch tall in comparison to Shippo. Shippo, his demon senses far more acute than a humans, saw Miroku on his dick and picked him up.
"Big enough for you?" Shippo asked, his warm breath washing over Miroku.
Miroku shivered in lust, wanting Shippo so badly. "If you were any bigger, I'd just be a bug on you."
Shippo grinned and said, "I feel like living a fantasy really quick Miroku. Come on."
He sat Miroku at the base of his dick which was now jutting out in front of him like a spear, balls bigger than houses dangling below him. Miroku saw that they were headed for the village and wondered what Shippo wanted to do there.