Tails thought for a moment, trying to sort out the random ideas whizzing about in his head.
"Maybe I could test it out on one my lab animals," Tails pondered, unsure of himself, "then I wouldn't have to worry about endangering myself or another per..."
Tails' voice trailed off as soon as he realized that today was the day when he needed to remind himself to restock on lab animals for experiments.
"Shoot, I get so caught up on my work, that I forget all important stuff I have to do later on," mumbled an exasperated Tails as he facepalmed himself, but soon after, something of significance popped up in Tails' mind, "Oh no! I think I left the shower running!"
Tails sprinted across the lab at such blinding speed, that it would even make Sonic jealous.
"Man am I going to have one heck of a water bill!"
After he unlocked the lab gate, the young fox took like a rocket and was about to scamper desperately like a madman. But Tails was so caught up in his conflictive mind, that he didn't notice that somebody was standing outside the gateway.
Tails put his hand to his forehead as it throbbed intensely. He then took it off his head and reemerged into reality. He rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light after the shock of ramming into a solid object...or should I say person? Tails' line of vision was clear enough to see what he had run into.
Of course, as the name the of the chapter implies, there was the headstrong Knuckles, standing there, staring off into space with his fist in a knocking position.
"Oh! Tails I didn't see you there," said the red echidna in his usual confident, but calm manner, as if nothing happened, "Um, why are you on the floor?"
"Knuckles, are you O.K.?" asked Tails as he looked at Knuckles.
"Huh? What do you mean by that?"
"Didn't you notice that I ra..." Tails stopped talking, and then thought to himself, Hmm, it seems that Knucklehead wasn't paying attention when I ran into him. He doesn't even have a scratch on him! Well, running into Knuckles would be like running into a parked semi-truck, or maybe Eggman...
Tails chuckled to himself at the thought.
"Tails? You were saying?" asked Knuckles as he gestured Tails to continue talking.
"Oh...uh...never mind!" exclaimed Tails as he go up onto his feet and brushed himself off.
"Uh, O.K.?"
"So Knux, what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be guarding the Master Emerald?
"Nah, I'm taking a vacation. I'm having Mighty watch the Emerald back at Angel Island."
"Oh, alright...hey wait, who's Mighty?"
"*sweatdrops* Oh, sorry."
"Knuckles, sometimes, I wonder what goes in that head of yours...wait a minute...oh yeah..."
"Tails, why are you looking at me like that?"
"Come with me for a moment, I need you for something."
Back in the lab....
Note: Knuckles likes grapes just as Sonic likes chili dogs (look it up).
"...so, if I let you test this machine on me, you'll give me a truckload of grapes?" asked Knuckles gazing at Tail's latest invention.
"Yep, I know this guy that owns an orchard full of them, so yeah, I can pull a few strings," replied Tails cheerfully while sitting at the machine's controls.
"Sounds good enough to me," stated Knuckles, so he ran into the machine.
"Okay, time for testing," announced Tails as he clapped his hands together.
"You sure this is 'safe'?" inquired a skeptical echidna.
"Ummm...I'm positive," assured the fox.
Tails closed the machines door, and readied himself.
"Now don't have me grow extra limbs or give me polka-dotted fur or I'll kill you!"
What should I do? If I tick him off, I'll be dead meat, and then be mounted on his wall above the Master Emerald. No, I must go through with this, he's already in the machine and besides, lab animal prices have skyrocketed.
"Alright, initiate testing!" proclaimed Tails.
"Bring it!" shouted Knuckles.
Wow, sounds exciting, but how will our young hero transform Knucklehead? Click any of the choices below to find out!