"5274 Timber Lane..." Katherine muttered, as she looked at a mailbox on the side of the road "This must be Katakana's place" she stated, putting the piece of paper into her pocket "I can't believe that I'm finally going to meet this guy after three years, I wonder why he never told me where he lived, seeing how it was just a town over" she said, walking up to the door, and proceeded to knock at it.
"Coming!" echoed a voice as she heard footsteps pounding towards her, the door opened suddenly as she saw the body of her cyber-boyfriend. He was a mouse-boy, roughly nineteen years of age, and 5' 10". "Aphrokitty, I presume?"
"Yeah, and your Katakana19 right?"
"That's right" he said, a smile on his face "Uh... Would you like to come in for some tea?" he asked, stepping to the side of the door, and motioning inside his house.
"That would be lovely" she said, following him inside.
She had just sat down at the kitchen table before it dawned on her. "I'm sorry, but I forgot to introduce myself, my name's Katherine"
"That's a lovely name, mine is Arthur" he said, placing a small plate of cookies on the table "feel free to have some while we wait for the tea kettle"
"Oh, thank you" she said, picking one up and breaking off a bit in her mouth "Wow, this is delicious!" Katherine exclaimed, as the delicate flavors of chocolate and vanilla danced across her pallet.
"Thanks, it's my own recipe, I call it Ying-Yang-Yum" he chuckled, pointing out how his cookies were made up of dark and light cookie dough formed into the shape of a Yin-yan symbol with a dark chocolate chip and a white-chocolate chip in place of the dots.
"They're just so good..." she cooed, before finishing off the rest of the one in her hand, before she mentally stopped herself from instinctually reaching out for another one 'I better stop there, if I have another one it'll just lead to even more, and before I know it, I'll look like a total pig in front of Arthur...'.
"That's what everyone says, normally they can't help but have at least three, I've never eaten them since I don't have much of a sweet tooth" he said, walking over to his stove, as the kettle whistled "I have Rose Red, Earl Grey, and some green tea, what's your pleasure?" he asked, pulling two tea cups from the cupboard.
"I'll have some Rose Red, with two spoonfuls of sug..." she started, before her mind interrupted her again 'I better not have too many sweets, or I won't be able to stop myself, I don't want another incident like that time when I worked at the chocolate store, it took me weeks to work off all of that weight'.
Right, time for the two choices for this chapter.
Choice 1 - Arthur picks up on the first few letters of what she was going to say, and adds it to her tea, setting her sweet tooth off, resulting in a breakdown of will power.
Choice 2 - She tries to presevere, and resists her sweet tooth.