Chapter #3Silly plots by: Unknown The spies came crashing down into the plane each landing on a cusion of the wide love seat in the center of the whoop jet, Alex and Sam landing rightside up but Clover came tumbling out and landed upside down.
"Oh there you are ladies" Jerry said from a large leather office chair closer to the front of the plane with a smaller desk made for the airplane sitting between him and the girls "Took you long enough"
"What... but you were just.. and we were falling..." Alex stammered trying to get a grasp on the situation
"Hey!" Clover squeeled clamering to get herself up and charge Jerry's desk "Whats the big idea?! Do you really expect us to gain weight to do something as stupid as this?! I worked hard for this figure thank you very much!
"Wha?" Jerry sat looking back at Clover truely stunned "You... you thought I was serious...?" Jerry slowly realized before bursting into a roar of laughter "Oh... oh... hooo..." Jerry chuckled holding his side and wipping a tear from his eye "You... you thought...."
"Enough!" Clover yelled getting cross "What do you mean? whats going on?!"
"Ooooh...ho... I'm Sorry..." Jerry said at last as his laughter came to an end "I didn't think you girls would take that seriously, I mean come on, why would we fatten up out agents and reduce their mobility and overall effectivness on this mission? Thats the kind of crazy nonsensical garbage you find in lame fetish pandering fan fiction..."
The Girls shared a moment of stunned silence at both the crule joke and Jerry's odd refrence.
"It's so obvious..." Sam said trying to salvage her own image as the smart one "I mean why fatten us when there are plenty of talented female sumo wreslers already in japan who are already well trained to compeate and we could just fund their rise to the national level to fill in for the missing stars until we investigate the situation fully" Sam explained, her eyes closed nodding her head knowingly as she held her finger up as she often did when she acted as the voice of reason.
"I know I'd certainly have a hard time investigating anything if I was hungry all the time and couldn't even touch my toes " Alex chimed in not wanting to let her own gulibility show "I mean think how often we get chased, can you imaging trying to run with your thighs rubbing together? I mean we'd be lucky if we could waddle away!" Alex said laughing as Sam joined in, Clover just glared back at them for singling her out as the air headed blond.
"Oh my yes..." Jerry said chuckling again "Next thing you know you'd be expecting us to fatten you up to 500 pounds or more! Oh my You'd be more immoble than the Sumo wrestlers you're off to investigate... I mean between your muscles not being able to life that kind of weight, and 500 pounds + is nearly immoble for most women anyway, I mean-"
"Ok!" Clover cut him off "Enough with the bad Fan fic hypotheticals! What IS the plan?..." Clover took her weight off Jerry's desk and stood up stright to return to the love seat forr her breifing as Jerry began
"Ahem, yes well... You girls will act as reporters for a Japanese Sport magazine, We've secured an interveiw with each of the Sumo wrestlers who have fallen victim to this strange problem, You will visit with them and see if you can find anything they have in common we can tie this situation to." Jerry pressed a button on his laptop and robotic arms came down from the celing handing each of the girls their equipment "You will have the standard comunication compac for this as well as the Hurrican Hair dryer, Tsunami Tampons, and Sleepy time lipstick capable of deliving a tiny dose of knock out drug with a kiss, this one is still in beta testing but we've cleared it for feild use. And al lthe info we have on each of the girls so you can appear as well informed reporters... So... any questions?
The girls were staring blankly at Jerry once again
"...what?" Jerry asked worried
"Tsunami...tampons?" Alex asked, Clover and Sam still staring.
"What? I haven't given you this inention before?!" Jerry asked in shock turning bright red "Ahem! Er... it's not what you think! These are tiny devices made to prevent you girls from getting drowned, as you are often in danger of, they can be dropped into bodies of liquid and will convert it into water vapor at a rapid pace, each can displace about 1 or 2 gallons of water per second, workign together they are highly effective, either enough to save you or at least buy you plenty of time, we call them tampons because well, girls often carry them, we like to keep names catchy by having them start with the same letter and well... (Jerry began to chuckle again) They... do prevent leaks" Jerry began laughing aloud again.
"What!?" The Spies screemed in unison jumping up
"You sexist.." Alex began as she charged
"You dirty old..." Clover howled as she ran for Jerry
"You pervert!" Sam insulted as she got ready to jump Jerry
"Oops!" Jerry said looking at his screen "We're there!, good luck girls!" Jerry smiled as sweat slid down his brow before hitting a remote and opening the floor from under the girls as they charged him.
"You haven't heard the end of this!" Clover called back as the spies fell towards the island below. The girls opened thier parachutes and decended to the land of the rising Sun...
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About an hour later The girls stood in front of a small home in an upper class neiborhood, Alex was weraing a sporty but professional outfit with a pair of shin length biker pants and decently covering tank top. Sam was dressing in more upscale buisness attire with a buisness jackets and a skirt the came to just about mid thigh. While Clover had lost sight of the mission and chossen the latest in trendy J-pop pink tube top and short shorts with thick platform heels, cute, but not exactly report-est clothing.
"OK!" Sam said lets see... this is the home of... Mao Hana... Age... 20, wow shes young!" Sam read from her file Jerry had given her "She was due for a match three days ago but never came, when her trainer came to find her she was shocked to find the typicaly 230 pound Mao was now... over 620 pounds!! Oh my god! Since then despite numerous freinds and family's pleas to consult a medical proffesioanal Mao has shut herself in and refused any visitors, looks like we have our work cut out for us, but at least we get to warm up on an easy one, this will be much simpler without anyone else to hinder the investigation." Sam said putting the file away
"Well lets go!" Alex said takign a step forward
"Wait!" Sam stopped her "Look at us, we look like a group of preformers! The way we are dressed is terrible mismatched, what will she think? besides who sends 3 reporters? It will be better if we each investigate the Girls one on one while the other two snoop around her house for clues, I mean shes immobile right? she won't know whats going on unless it's in front of her."
"Fine I'll take this one, you two do the snooping" Alex said prancing inside
"Ok lets go!" Clover smiled eager to do some ninja recon and slid around the side of the house peering through windows to find an empty room to slip in
"Is it... so hard to stop and form a plan..." Sam groaned as her team mates left her behind.
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Mao was easily larger than the report indicated, she was now up to almost 700 and nearly flattened her couch, she Sat stuffing as many pastries as she could into her mouth as a small Honda assitance robot came and went from the kitchen area to bring her more food. She saw Alex come in and looks surpired untill Alex flashed a reporter badge at her with Mao seemed to undertand.
"konnichiha, docchi he?" Mao said through a mouth full of food "himojii omoi? motomeru?"
She said gesturing to some of the food beside her
"Oh I... Um... So.. Miss... Mao..." Alex started unable to focus when confronted with a girl of such an enormous size "I.... came hoping.... to ask you what.... what.... what happened to... you"
"Oh..." Mao said, "How odd I expected you to speak japanese... Don't you work for a Japan based Sports magazine?"
"I... Um... " Alex stamered like a deer caught in the head lights "I'm new!" was all she could come up with "Transfer from america!" She smiled
"Oh... I'd have thought they'd have at least have sent someone more seasoned... I thought I was more respeced than this... I suppose they really are treating me different because of my new weight." Mao said looking a little upset
"Oh no it's not that, it's.." Alex began trying to cheer her up
"It's ok" Mao assured her "I don't care anymore, ever since I was given these wonderful kaminokudashitamoutamono... Oh thats it to say, these god sends, these little slices of heaven" Mao said rasing a small pie to show Alex what she ment "Ever since Ami let me have some of hers I've been hooked! I just don't care abotu sumo or anything! I'm happy so long as I can just spend all day eating all thise wonderful treats the Happy Funtime cook company makes!"
"Ami? "Happy funtime cook? Alex asked looking for clues,
"You don't know?" Mao said looking surpirsed "You really are green aren't you?" Ami is one of the other Girls like me who gave up our compatative lives to spend all our time devoting ourselfs to these amazing treats! I wouldn't be surpised if all the other sumo wrestlers give up their jobs to live only for these things very soon, I mean who could resist... You should have some!. Mao said offering some to Alex
"Oh no I couldn't..." Alex said tryign to sound polite
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"Wow...." Clover marvled at the kitched stacked high with boxes and boxes of fatting foods all marked with the emblem of the "Happy funtime cook" company. "How bizzare" Clover said looking at one of the boxes, the emblem looked like a simple smiling chibi face but the hair was a large ball of grey. Clover looked inside and found it full of chocolate eclaires. "Oh wow! These look great!" Clover siad mouth watering grabbing one.
"No!" Sam said batting it from her hand "The last time we let you sample possible evidence you turned into a bloated pig!" Try to control yourself this time"
"Oh come on I've been on this really tought diet since yesterday and I think it's time I had a reward!" Clover whined "They smell soooooo good!"
"that may be, but we need to stay focused" Sam said putting the box back "I'll bet we find more of these at the other girls homes..."
Clover's stomach growled "That may be" She thought "But I'd like to see you stop me from trying one when you're doing the interveiw..."  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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