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Stories of the strange, paranormal, undeniably peculiar, and downright bizarre. |
Stories of the strange, paranormal, undeniably peculiar, and downright bizarre.
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![Blue Moon Antiques [#1336624]
Curiouser and Curiouser Banner](https://www.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Curiouser and Curiouser
A new antiques shop, Curiouser and Curiouser, has opened its doors just around the corner from your apartment. You gasp with longing as you fondle the beautiful paintings, ornate mirrors, ancient books, and filigree jewelry that decorate its shelves and walls. You want to buy everything, but know you must settle on only one.
The pieces are exquisite and the prices fair, but out of your range—yet you feel compelled. You must buy something.
"Can't make up your mind?"
You practically squeal in surprise as you turn to see the old man standing behind you. Embarrassed, you lower you head and say, "No. I can't really afford to buy anything. I'm just looking."
"Oh, come now. Our prices are reasonable, and we have a very liberal return policy. If you decide you don't like something, just bring it back within forty-eight hours and exchange it for something of equal value. No questions asked."
Something about this man makes you nervous, and then you notice you're the only customer in the store. You begin to have a bad feeling. Something is wrong here. You put down the blown glass vase you've been admiring and head for the door, but the old man reaches out and grabs you by the arm.
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