On top of her huge belly, feeding her.
"Open wide..." he said.
Renamon couldn't see any reason not to do so, so she obliged, and opened her mouth.
"Good girl..." Guilmon said, as he began to shovel a variety of foodstuffs into her waiting mouth.
First was a six-layer cake, slathered in frosting, which disappeared right down her gullet, instantly adding inches to her waistline.
This was followed by 31 deep-fried turkeys; she swallowed each one like a boa constrictor devouring a chinchilla.
"My, we're hungry, aren't we? Don't worry, I've got plenty more..." said Guilmon, as he patted her mammoth gut and jumped off.
He returned moments later with a gargantuan roasted pig, easily 2400 pounds, covered in a rich, buttery marinated, crammed full of a stuffing comprised of yellow cake and vanilla ice cream (hey, it's a dream; why not?), and completed with a candy apple in its mouth.
"I don't think you can swallow this..." said Guilmon. "I think you'll actually have to chew."
Renamon didn't complain, though; Guilmon had picked her up and set her right by the pig, in a sitting position, where she could easily tear off pieces of the pig.
"I'll be back with more of 'em..." Guilmon said as he left Renamon who had dived into the pig, face first.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
A couple of hours later, Renamon is lying on her back, quite full. She's nearly three times the size she was when the dream had started; her breasts were the size of bean-bags, her ass-cheeks the size of, well, one of those pigs, and her belly... Was enormous.
It rose nearly 7 feet into the air, and fell 4 feet to either side of her. It jiggled violently with each breath she took, and at its center was a cavernous navel, over 2 feet deep.
Overall, she was massive; Guilmon certainly took notice.
"Well, well... You've certainly made a pig of yourself, haven't you?" Guilmon said.
Renamon oinked playfully.
"I think you're just about ready, now, for..."