You leap to your feet, clearly something is going on. Forcefully you grab her arm, "Well girl, enough of your lies. If it takes torture, then I'll have to take you to the dungeon myself."
You always liked playing the bastard, and the game is truly excelling itself. As she tries to wriggle free of your grip, she looks genuinely terrified.
Her breasts jiggle distractingly, and her toes just scrape the floor as you drag her along.
As you reach a large door, she sobs for you to stop, with a promise of the truth.
Dropping her down she lands on her ass, before scooting backwards into an alcove where she cowers almost hidden beside a statue.
"Please sir. I too was once a player like yourself." her voice quivers as she speaks.
"It's the company... if you run up debts in the game they get to keep your body.... and if you stay here for long enough .... well this tends to be how you end up." she indicates her abundantly feminine body.
"Besides even if you are rich, this can still happen to you." she warns you. "Besides if you can't reach your exit point for whatever reason, then they will start adding penalty charges." Her hands play with her collar as she speaks.
"I had a rich companion, called Abud and he liked to provoke confrontation,.... as an excuse to boost his experience and a chance to show off his sword fighting prowess."
She sobs as she speaks, tears run freely from her eyes, and you kneel down beside her. You stroke her hair in a reassuring manner, "and did he abandon you here?"
You want her to continue, but dread it as well.
"No!! He didn't abandon me. I abandoned him. He was arguing with a slaver, and didn't see the guard. With a swift blow from the cosh he was down without a fight. I watched as they poured a potion down his throat. Even as he slept it transformed his body, thinning his arms, stealing his strength and hypnotised I watched as his ass started to swell, to match the growing softness piling up beneath his nipples."
"There, there. I will put my resources into finding her and freeing her." you say feeling a quest forming.
"It doesn't end there, when they brought out pony girl tack, I watched as life returned to her eyes, she saw her fate. With the bit muffling her scream, I fled."