Your mom helps you slip into this tiny black dress, from Paris, apparently. It was definitely strange being you mom, having the extra weight to lug around on your chest, and compensating by standing up particularly strait. You would also question why you were wearing sexy lingerie, but you already knew the answer to that one. Perhaps you should have the forethought to take them off, but your Mom tells yourself that there is no time.
She pushes you down the stairs, to see your dad, Larry waiting with a smile and a suit. You both get into the car, and go off to the fancy French restaurant you had reservations in.
All dinner he tells you about his day, and you laugh and smile, and make up ridiculous stories about what you did, because really, you didn't know what the hell you did actually do, as your mother.
You head home and get into the gargage. It's about 8:30 PM, now, so it's dark. Your "husband" turns to you and smiles.
"You know something, darling..." he says to you, "There's something about you tonight... You have a certain... sparkle of youth in your eyes."
He leans forward and gives you a kiss. You blush into a deep red, not expecting that. You sat stock still and wondered why you feel so funny.
He then quietly says "Meet you in the bedroom." And leaves as he closes the garage. You sit in the car for a second and then follow after him.
Your Mom, in your body, stopped you in the hallway.
"How'd it go?" she said.
"I-It went really well, actually." you nervously say.
Your mom gives you a look, with her trademark hand on her hip, which was silly looking because she was in your body.
"Are you hiding something?" she asks, quizzically
You shake your head and look her strait in the eye.
She sighs for a second and continues. "Good. Now make sure you tell him that you have something special planned for tomorrow. Make sure you refuse sex! It's your father!" She seemed so sure you were gonna have sex that she was almost yelling. She pointed back to the bedroom upstairs,
You obey your mother and head up to your bedroom. You peak in their room, grasping back in hopes your Dad isn't in a naked, seductive position on their bed. And thankfully he's not. The bathroom light is on, so you sit on the bed patiently, waiting for him to come out.
And he does so, completely stark naked.
"You ready for the thunder?" he says, his dick half erect already.
You freakout and start to stumble, retreating to the back of the bed, against the wall.
"C-can we not d-do it todaay? I g-got something s-special planned for you."
You father chuckles and gets on the bed, approaching you on his hands and knees.
"Now now, darling." he says, getting face to face with you, "I have to work late tomorrow. Daddy needs this now."
He kisses your face and starts to rub your left nipple. It is awfully pleasurable but....