You yelp in shock, jumping almost a foot into the air as four very large shapes instantaneously materialize around you. Screwing your eyes shut and clutching your chest, you wait for your heart to beat normally once more before reopening them.
Immediately in front of you is a large wall of fluffy, brown feathers - feathers far larger than they should have any right to be. Looking down, you see a pair of thick, trunk-like yellow legs covered in what seem to be scales; both legs culminated in three massive, wicked-looking talons. Looking up, your vision is obscured by two huge, feathery globes that seem to sway From left to right ever so slightly.
Needless to say, this was not a basic NPC. You hadn't even added anything more advanced that the equivalent of a stick figure that walked about to the simulation yet - and especially not a massive bald-eagle-woman that made you seem like a child by comparison!
Looking to your left, you are met with a sight that is both familiar, yet different. Another furry, of around the same scale - but a different animal. This time, you are met with a wall of stormy grey. Reaching out with a hand and brushing it, it feels almost rubbery. Looking up, a more moderately-sized pair of breasts only partially obscures your view of a bottlenose snout. Crouching down and peering through the gap between the dolphin's legs, you sight a long, thick, fluked tail bobbing back and forth.
"What the hell is going on?" You mutter to yourself. A glitch of this magnitude was utterly beyond the simulation as it was in its current state - or at least, it should have been! Perhaps someone else had been granted permission to work on it, without your knowledge? Was this a joke of some kind?
Looking to your right, you see another wall, this one composed of ebony-black scales. The legs of this furry ended in solid digitigrade feet, with long claws for nails. Crouching once more and looking between her solid, heavily-muscled legs, you can see a long, arrowheades tail slowly swishing back and forth. Looking up, the predictable sight of draconic breastflesh partially hides a pointed muzzle, thin wisps of dirty black smoke drifting from her nostrils.
They were NPCs, so... did they have AI? Could they do anything besides stand there and make you look insignificant? God help you if they were malicious...
Turning around to face the final furry, you gape in shock at the sight that meets your eyes. A massive, fleshy, veiny pillar, black in colour and flared at the tip high above your head pulses softly, twitching back and forth. Gulping, you lower your eyes somewhat, to around the level of elevation they're normally at. Two pendulous balls, audibly churning within their furry black sac dangle in front of you. Even the other furries, as over-busty as they were, hadn't been quite this upfront. Looking down, you can see two giant hooves attached to powerful legs, thick muscles easily visible through the black fur. Looking up beyond the huge shaft, you can see a massive horse's muzzle staring back at you.
View switching rapidly between each of the four massive anthro animals, you decide then and there that this needs to end. Now.
Bringing up your menu, you slam your index finger into the exit button with all your might, forgoing voice commands.
Nothing happens.
Feeling a rising sense of panic as you repeatedly attempt to exit the simulation, you whip your gaze between each of the Furries in turn. Throat drying out, you fidget for a moment before taking a gamble.
You throw yourself between the eagle's legs, squeezing through the brown-feathered monoliths and out the other side. Shivering slightly as a feathery tail brushes the top of your head, you begin to sprint away from the four giants as fast as you possibly can...