You guess Kyrah is the only one who can help you at the moment, so you carefully get out of your hiding place. When you approach your giant 'little' sister it really hits you how small you're. Kyrah is still calling out your name and doesn't notice the little figure approaching her. "Julie!," the giantess calls out again. "Kyrah! I'm over here!," you shout.
"Julie? Where are you? I can't see you," Kyrah looks around, but can't find her 'big' sister. "Down here!," you shout up, while waving your arms. The giantess bends her head and you can see her eyes opening wide. " that you?," Kyrah gets moves her face closer to the ground to get a better look at you. "Ehhmm... yes," you feel your head turning red and quickly cover your breasts and crotch.
"OMG, you are so small!," your sister moves one of her hands closer to you and places it in front of you. "What...what?," you look up confused at Kyrah. "Don't worry I'll be gentle," your sister says comforting. You guess it wouldn't hurt you so you sit down on the palm of your sister's hand. Kyrah slowly lifts her hand up to her face, when you look down you see you're moving farther and farther away from the ground.
"Aww... you are so cute!," Kyrah says as she takes a good look at you. "Hey! I'm not a doll!," you say angry. "I never thought it would turn out this great," your sister says while carefully stroking a finger true your hair. "What! What do you mean!? did this to me?, you shout out, while you try to push away the finger. "Not exactly, it was the potion who made you this small," Kyrah says with a grin on her face. "What potion!?," you respond as you jump up.
"Well me and Mandy were walking at the park and we met some gypsy woman. We had a nice conversation and she sold me a potion. The potion would take care of all my 'big' problems, so I slipped it into your juice. You can think out the rest yourself," your sister says with a smile. "You bitch!!," you start to kick and punch her big fingers. "Oh! Aw! That hurts so much! It just tickles 'big' sis!," Kyrah says as she laughs about your little rage.