Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them. Well I guess not, cause she's was under the haystack with Little Boy Blue blowing his horn.
"Now, where's them damn sheep? Never did like them furry stinking little boogers. They sho a lot of trouble. Wait, what's that coming this way. Why it's a big hairy rabbit."
She barely had time to jump out of the way when this big hairy rabbit came barreling by.
"I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to stop, no time to chat; I'm late, for a very important date!"
"Wait, Mr. Rabbit. Oh, puleese, wait. I have a very important question."
"Is it pertinent to my business? You know, I'm a very important person and can't take time with a nobody. The Queen is waiting for me."
"Well, I don't know you business, but it might be."
"Well, hurry up. Don't dawdle; speak up child!"
"Uh, do you like sheep?"
"Do I like sheep? Why that's a very silly question, child."
"Yes, I know. That's because I work for the Queen and I am her Minister of Silly Questions."
"Indeed! That sounds like a very cushy job and the answer is No."
"Good, then we'll sell our sheep and buy a rabbit farm. You do like rabbits, don't you?"
"Well, of course, you silly... Oh, that's right, you are asking another silly question. Very good. Uh, what do we do with the rabbits?"
"Well, they make great fur coats and most people do like rabbit stew."
"Yes, that is true. Wait a minute! I'm a rabbit! And I don't like what you're saying."
"Well, you don't need a fur coat, cause you already have one and you don't have to eat the stew."
"Yes, I suppose so. But those are my people you're talking about!"
"This is true, but you..."
"No, No, definitely NO! Besides, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to stop, no time to chat; I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. So hello and good-bye."