You look up to see that there was a large hole in the roof, and perched on the edge, looking down at you, sat a white Noble Gryphon. You crawl back in fear of the beast, but it sits there, watching you. Raising its left front talon, it scratched at its neck as if in thought. Then, it hops down to the floor, you shriek in fear, pressing against the wall, trying desperately to push through it, but to no avail.
You could only watch in horror as it slowly comes closer. You shiver violently, but as it got within a few feet of you it stopped, as if sensing your fear. It looks down slightly, just standing there. Then it began to coo softly, and you realize from its size and demeanor, that is was a female. It remained this way, making no attempt to hurt you, cooing continuously until you slowly grow more comfortable.
You continue to remain wary of the beast, you let out a coo of her own, knowing it would show that you were no longer afraid. The hen lifts her head up happily, moving slowly closer to you, nuzzling comfortingly against your belly, sniffing softly. you smiles weakly, caressing her head affectionately,” my my, your a sweet little hen aren't you?"
The Hen coos louder, taking your shredded right sleeve in her beak, pulling softly, as if suggesting you remove your clothes. You decide to do so, using the time to look around the room to find a possible escape route. You find a nearby window to your left; it was barricaded, but only with a few chairs. If you could distract the hen long enough, you could easily remove them and climb out to freedom.
On the other hand, you know not where you are; you could run, only to find your death in the forest. You groaned at the thought, the hen tilting her head questioningly, and you quickly finish removing all your clothes, leaving you naked, your injuries visible to the light. you blush deeply, using your hands to cover yourself. You heard what could have been a giggle from the hen. She moves closer, sniffing along your body, taking deeper sniffs over the scratches and cuts.
After several minutes of this, she stops, moving higher, her slender tongue slithering out from her beak. Pressing against a cut on your arm, the wet appendage begins to lick and clean your wounds. The feel of its causing you to shiver in both fear, and enjoyment of feel of her warm, wet tongue along your skin, each cut stinging at first to her licking, but then feeling very good once it was clean.
Your mind begins to wonder in the subtle pleasure, thinking of how wonderful her tongue would feel licking along her lower lips. You shake your head, such a thing could never happen. When you open your eyes, you see a rusty spearhead leaning against the wall which you stood against, and it gives you an idea....
[hmm, desisions desisions, what should you do?]