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by deemac Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · In & Out · Comedy · #986307
A Linerick is a Limerick written one piece at a time!
WELCOME TO LINERICKS ... that's Limericks written a line or two at a time!

So whether you're that
Old Lady from Aachen
or that
Young Man from Zurich

or indeed anyone from anywhere in between, if you're addicted to Limericks, just add your line whenever!

*Note1* NOTES:

*Bullet* For a quick refresher on how best to structure a Limerick, check out https://tinyurl.com/ykmpx2ym

*Bullet*PLEASE DO NOT POST COMPLETE LIMERICKS. The main purpose of the In&Out is to share the blame fun, so please add just one piece at a time.

*Bullet*If a fifth line has already been posted, please go ahead and start the next one off. OR ... feel free to add an alternative/additional fifth line if you like!

*Bullet*To make for easier reading, please colour tag each first line.

*Bullet*Linericks should be witty, with plenty of euphemisms and innuendo. Our 18+ rating means bawdiness is OK, but not as a substitute for cleverness; so please, NO gratuitous lewdness.

*Bullet*PS: Having fun is compulsory!

Quill 2024 Nominee

the cat, from the noise, did cower. (Dad Author Icon)

with a yowling protest // I shrank back, underdressed (Rhyssa Author Icon)

Cat's lucky I wasn't yodelling full power. *Smirk* (deemac Author Icon)

Off-Topic - Holiday's flying past far too quickly, it'll be Christmas soon and I'll be back home in the cold! This weary old traveller's battery's gone flat, (DS Author Icon)

Nearly time to hang up his hat (deemac Author Icon)

I soon turn sixty-five / Thank God I'm still alive (Dad Author Icon)

A Linerick line-a-day helps with that! *Wink* (deemac Author Icon)

With sixty-fifth birthday come Medicare (Dad Author Icon)

and buy more insurance so you have insurance to spare (Dad Author Icon)

And can take up sky diving /or perhaps racecar driving (Roscoe Author Icon)

and reach sixty-six in a motor-chair (Rhyssa Author Icon)

*Laugh* Next up on my bucket list (deemac Author Icon)

Is to learn how to dance the twist, (DS Author Icon)

I threw out my back / thanks to the talent I lack (Dad Author Icon)

I'd prepaid for the course so was pissed *Angry* (Roscoe Author Icon)

The next dance I tried was the tango *Smirk* (deemac Author Icon)

*Blush* Looked like I'd eaten a diseased mango. *Sick* (Dad Author Icon)

Argentine 'twas not // I moved like a 'bot, (DS Author Icon)

that was rusty and needing some drain-o (Rhyssa Author Icon)

So the merengue is the next one I'll try. (Dad Author Icon)

Nothing could possibly go wrong, said I. (Dad Author Icon)

And that's how I met / My um, chiropractor, Annette *Blush* (deemac Author Icon)

Who always cracks me up, I won't lie (Roscoe Author Icon)

Christmastime is finally here! (Dad Author Icon)

May Michael Buble' soon disappear (Dad Author Icon)

the air's filled with carols // they've turned me quite feral (Rhyssa Author Icon)

Mom's bought Dad this present, I hear... *Smirk*... https://youtube.com/shorts/L256hI4oiTQ?si=V8pi9PbcWUddctVl (deemac Author Icon)

OT: Grrrrrrrrrrrr (Dad Author Icon)

As 2024 comes to an end (Dad Author Icon)

Another year younger, I intend. (Dad Author Icon)

To right all that's wrong // With Mariah's old song (Soldier_Mike Author Icon)

Best wishes to all our Linerickers we send! *PartyHatB* (deemac Author Icon)

We're back! With resolutions all set, (DS Author Icon)

To make our 20th the very best year yet (deemac Author Icon)

We often will post. /. On our laurels we shan't coast (Dad Author Icon)

And perhaps our 50th rating we'll get! (deemac Author Icon)

OT: *FingersCrossed* (Dad Author Icon)

I know that I have reviewed this (Dad Author Icon)

Hugs! (If you don't mind I won't send a kiss) (deemac Author Icon)

I'll even the score // and wish to do more (Rhyssa Author Icon)

Thanks to Rhyssa and all, I'm in bliss! *InLove* (deemac Author Icon)

I find that by writing "Linericks (Dad Author Icon)

my blocked up words are quickly fixed (Rhyssa Author Icon)

And I find rhymes galore / For lines 3 and 4 (deemac Author Icon)

with my metaphors thoroughly mixed (Rhyssa Author Icon)

Fifty ratings and now another thrill (deemac Author Icon)

Quill 2024 Nominee We've just been nominated for a Quill! *Bigsmile* (deemac Author Icon)

being goofy is tough. / I have to think and stuff. (Dad Author Icon)

I will do it, yes, I will. (Dad Author Icon)

These cold winters! I can no longer endure 'em! (Dad Author Icon)

I've had it! I'm moving south to Durham! (Dad Author Icon)

Is life really that great / in so-called tar heel state? (assuming Durham NC) (Roscoe Author Icon)

If not, maybe Mom's presence will cure 'em? (Dad Author Icon)

If it's true that life's best things are free (deemac Author Icon)

And our grandkids are the best that we'll see (Dad Author Icon)

Grandkids cost a mint // and they've left me pure skint (Rhyssa Author Icon)

Thank Goodness I've only got three! (deemac Author Icon)

They're called Curly, Larry and Moe (deemac Author Icon)

Our three puppy-dogs on the go (Rhyssa Author Icon)

They've made a mess of their food. *Frown* // And on the carpet they've pooed. *Angry* (Dad Author Icon)

Much the same as their namesakes you know *RollEyes* (Roscoe Author Icon)

The thing that annoys me the most (deemac Author Icon)

Is when that mutt o' mine starts licking my toast *Angry* (deemac Author Icon)

He slobbers on the jam // or he eats all the ham (Dad Author Icon)

and goes crazy when I add a slice of roast. (Dad Author Icon)

She said, "He had a lot of nerve!" (Dad Author Icon)

'Driving that fast around that sharp curve!" (Dad Author Icon)

Pseudo force centrifugal/ gives your innards a shoogle (Roscoe Author Icon)

And if yer laces git fankled, ye'll swerve (deemac Author Icon)

As Roscoe's fourth and fifth laws of motion observe. *Wink* (deemac Author Icon)

OT: *Laugh* (Roscoe Author Icon)

A Gypsy told my fortune last night (Dad Author Icon)

which gave me a terrible fright (Rhyssa Author Icon)

With her brows in an arch / She cried, Beware Ides of March! *Shock2* (deemac Author Icon)

So I'll skip the Caesar salad that night. (deemac Author Icon)

OT:. *BigSmile* *Laugh* (Dad Author Icon)

Dee's line was the cause of a big laugh! (Dad Author Icon)

I feel sad though on Caesar's behalf (Roscoe Author Icon)

It was Caesar's last wish / to be named salad dish (Roscoe Author Icon)

"Lettuce pray," said his epitaph. (deemac Author Icon)

While out and riding my bike (Dad Author Icon)

In the park, saw a duck on a hike (Dad Author Icon)

As I laughed at her waddle / I fell off my saddle (deemac Author Icon)

I've now changed from a bike to a trike ☹️ (Roscoe Author Icon)

The girl at the Seven-Eleven (Dad Author Icon)

resembled an angel from heaven (Dad Author Icon)

It plucked my heart strings / The way she flapped her wings (deemac Author Icon)

Bingo wings are quite common in Devon *RollEyes* (Roscoe Author Icon)

OT: probably because of all those cream teas ... (Roscoe Author Icon)

Why does 7-ELEVEn typeface (Roscoe Author Icon)

Have a last letter in lower case ??? (Roscoe Author Icon)

It's all down, (say some,son) / To a certain Mrs Thompson ... https://rb.gy/cqs09w (deemac Author Icon)

who lacked a capital for that place. (Dad Author Icon)

One morning while eating my oatmeal (Soldier_Mike Author Icon)

looked out window, saw a goat kneel (Dad Author Icon)

the goat brayed "Pease stay put // my contact's underfoot!" (Rhyssa Author Icon)

*Laugh* The screams made the paint on my boat peel. OT: These delicious rhymes could go on forever - anyone up for a 10-liner? (deemac Author Icon)

Blew out the color, turned my blue coat teal. (O.T.: Here's line #6!) (Dad Author Icon)

But barnacles cleared from hull and keel *Smile* (Roscoe Author Icon)

I said, "How does screaming make your poor throat feel?!" (deemac Author Icon)

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/986307-Linericks