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Speak out as a real man, an all woman woman or... |
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** This I&O lets you speak your mind as a man or a woman, regardless of your actual sex.... He said...She said ![]() ![]() A third choice is added to this battle of the sexes... It said Lets say an alien from another galaxy ![]() The purpose of this third option is to introduce a dispassionate or alien viewpoint. Make a statement,write a poem,ask a question,get a story going... Can be funny,sarcastic,angry,honest,logical but always ![]() ![]() For Instance... He: Honey,(scratches crotch) can you get me the remote off the table over there, I want to change the channel She: Oh,(yelling from kitchen) you mean after I wash the kids off, clean up the dinner dishes and run to the store - or did you want me to change my priorities? It: Why do you wash the kids off? No particular order, genders can repeat and you don't need to be the sex of your character (or an alien). ![]() ![]() Hey, ya know...you say what you gotta say... ![]() |
"It: Why do you people park in the driveway and drive in the parkway? Is it me?" "She: Do you remember what tomorrow is?" "She: I can't believe that you don't remember that tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of the day before Barb set us up for our first blind date! You Bas***d !" " "He: (3:02 am) But sugarbutt, I came home to you. Come on sugar, give me some sugar *hic* She: (3:02 am) Ahh honey *smack, slaps his face* Sleep on the couch sugarbutt! IT: What is a Bubba???" "It: Special is not something my species understands. We were all created with absolute equality. But, we are superior to the human race. Are you trying to be superior?" "He: Yogi? Didn't he play for the Yankees way back in the 50's or 60's? Well it was a long time ago, anyway." "HE: 'Hic! Wish you'd make up your mind woman! One minute I drink too much .. hic! .. next you want me to be more of a sot .. And how did ya know my name was Eric?" "It: I find it intellectually stimulating to see who can say the most with the absolute least number of words. Do Earth females share that view? " "He: No matter how much she moves on with her life and says she's over me I know, I just know that she is still devastated and wants me back! She will never be able to live without me, can't do it, nope, never happen." "He:Yeah,she bought satin sheets.Satin Sheets!Ever try them?Your pillow will slide from under your head first.You actually can't stay on the bed.You'll find yourself on the floor in the morning!" "He: Golleee! Them thangs are strange. Do you thank they's got a mother ship somewhere? What are they doing now? 'At's a mite strange what they a doing now." "He: Maybe because they're not that good after all." "It: Where are the good men taken?" "It: I'm sensing a lot of hostility here. Particularly related to this special soup stirring stick." "He: Hehehehehe......." "He: Aww honeybutt, you don't need that there buzzin stick, you got me! She: I know I have you, that is precisely WHY I need this buzzin stick! It: It's all tingly :)" "He: "Say darlin, when's supper gonna be ready?" She: "As soon as you take yourself in the kitchen and cook it." It: "He's making hot dogs again isn't he?" She: "Yes!"" "He: "Hey baby, why don't you come on over here and gimme some sugar?" She: "Why don't you go take a shower and brush your teeth and I'll think about it sometime!" " "He: Women! You can't live with em and you can't live with em." "It: Am I mistaken or is that redundant?" "He: " We gotta stop at Home Depot on the way to Best Buy!" (while thinking OH BOY a day in heaven!)" "It:I am considering recommending to my home world that we eliminate one of your earth genders to stop this endless and chaotic dialog. I have not decided for sure yet..or which sex should go if that becomes the answer..." "He: Honey will you grab me a pack of cigs? He: Will you pack them? He: Will you open them for me? She: Do you want me to smoke the damn things too???" "He: "Oh baby you were really screaming my name while we were makin love tonight, I liked it" She: "Don't flatter yourself, my hair was caught in the headboard"" "She: "Why won't you cuddle anymore?" He: "Why do we always have to cuddle before you'll give it up?"" "It: "How do turn the oven on?" He: "We have an oven?" She: "Honey it's the thing I keep asking you to put your head in"" "She: Sweetie, would you grab that can off the top shelf for me? He: Get a chair. It: Go go gadget arm." "He: There's something amiss here. She: You mean me? It: You haven't been a "miss" since you married that no-good bum you call a husband. She: That doesn't sound very "Spockish"." "He: It has a sprocket loose. She: It has pockets? It: LOOSE! As in loser, which you married. He: Lose her? Bad advice, Spock. It: Ohhh, cheese and rice... I .. am .. not .. Spock!" "It: "Why must you always call me "IT"! I have a name you know and it aint spock!" " "He: "Well then what is your name little buddy?"" "It: "Now you ask, after all this time! After all we've been through!"" "HE: We have been through a lot, haven't we? Blood, guts, sweat, and tears. SHE: Oh, you make everything sound like a major battle. HE: Well isn't it? SHE: It's only an In&Out, not World War III." "It: "What is 'War'"?" "HE: It's the way civilized people settle their arguments. Might makes right. History is written by the victors." "It: "Who's Victor? I haven't met him yet."" "SHE: Victor? Mature? I think not!" "HE: More mature than your children. She: You mean the ones that I made by myself and apparently am raising by myself? It: You procreate singularly too?" "HE: I have to she's always gotta headache." "He: Well, I guess I'll go get my toolbox. She: I guess I'll call the plumber. It: I guess it's time for me to go home now..." "He:Damn, woman always trying to find new ways to spend money. I can fix the sink myself.
She:I should probably get the first aid kit, as well." "She:Why is the kitchen flooded? Honey? Where are you?
He: I'm under the sink, I think I found the problem
She: Me too, but all I see are his feet.
It: Your appliances don't fix themselves?" "He: Where's the remote? She(sarcastically): Did you check up your ass?" "It, excitedly: Finally, a similarity! I also have storage units in the area you humans call an 'ass.'" "He: (looks her up and down) "You're kind of snippy today. Is it that time of the month?"" "She: You mean the time of month I consider divorce.
He: Well, it's definitley the time when I consider it." "It: You also find new mates each month?" "She: "Only when I'm lucky"" ""He: Why do women always respond to problems by crying? She: Why do men always respond to problems by getting drunk? It: I always cry when I get drunk."" "He: You're all making me depressed! I'm headed to the bar for a beer!" Total Displayed: 50 |