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Complete the previous line and enter part of a new line of poetry... |
On behalf of its originator, the Mad Poet himself, Writer of the Winds ![]() PRESENTING POETIC INSANITY 1. Complete the previous line of poetry and start the next line. 2. Do not ever complete your own line but leave at least one word blank. 3. We define the term poetry very loosely! ABOVE ALL, HAVE FUN! |
"Keep your eyes on the road, I say!"/With nothing in sight and no where to go/the van just spiraled out of control/rolling, bouncing and before long.... (~Lifelessons~ The driver burst into song / So Jock fished around in his suit / And pulled out a flute / Said "What key are you in?" / The driver scratched his chin / "Never thought about that" / Said Jock, "It sounds like G ... (deemac "oh darn / we're lost once again / and it's starting to rain." / But the driver pushed on / until daylight was gone / and they needed to stop for the night. / Jock was now scared / and wondered if he dared / remind the driver of his quite / unusual ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums beard/ that was really quite weird/ with three colors it was quite a sight/ the red side flew free/ out the left window, you see/ and the blue side flew out of the right/ the green center hair/ blew back to Jock, where/ (MadMan at Large it disappeared right up his nose / Driver let out a shout / "Hey, sneeze my beard out!" / Too late, beard was grabbed by 2 crows / To their nest they did go / With the driver in tow / Leaving Jock in the van all alone / He grabbed for the wheel / But ... (deemac he saw a great deal/ on a billboard beside the road/ so he jumped from the van/ and said "Later on, man"/ "That car is so cheap it's a steal!"/ So the van cruised along/ as if nothing was wrong/ until it was chased by a cop/ it tried to escape/ but the (MadMan at Large zoo's escaped ape / Jumped into the van with a hop / At last, that's the end / Of old Jock, our friend / He featured in many a plot / Now maybe it's time / To start a new rhyme? / Or then again, maybe it's ... (deemac time for a snooze./There is nothing to gain when it's starting to rain/and you're tired of... (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! sleeping or beating a cane, for canes may be hollow, but hollow or not, they're all bent on vengeance on sober or sot, but let us not dwell nor stay in one spot, to stay is dismay while to dwell is pure hell, the first is unhappy, the latter - can't tell (Misawa or yell or ring a bell or cast a spell or (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! take a trip to Dingly Dell / Where the willows are weeping / While violets are sleeping / And the skunk's giving off a bad ... (deemac smell, but a lady named Grace, decided to chase, that poor skunk all over Hell, which is a town in Michigan, but I wouldn't start wishin, that I was there rather than here, then the skunk met a deer, with a ring in his ear, and they headed downtown to a (MadMan at Large pub for a beer./ Now Grace preferred wine,/ but the skunk said, "Beer's fine"/ and he started to slurp & to guzzle./ Now Grace was distressed/ she was very well dressed,/ but the skunk was a bit of a puzzle./ She tried not to find fault/ but that was... (☮ The Grum Of Grums brought to a halt / When more slurping came from the deer / And to add to their slurping / They both started burping / Grace jumped up, saying "I'm outta ... (deemac here/ so she ran out the door, and bumped into a score/ of pigeons who had stopped quite near/ "Pardon" she said, "Sorry about your head," and quickly threw her car in gear/ now the pigeons were pissed/ they don't like being dissed/ so they quickly... (MadMan at Large flew off to their nest / Said the deer to the skunk / "Them birds done a bunk, / If they'd stayed, they'd only have ... (deemac messed / up our plan to rob Grace / and find a new place / to hide all our loot and our cash." / But the skunk didn't care / he was very aware / that the deer was not to be trusted / So he took off real fast / left behind a ripe blast / of skunk odour .. (☮ The Grum Of Grums with strength unadjusted / Now into our story / Came a woodsman named Rory / In his hand he wielded an axe / Through a layer of dirt / You could just see his shirt / Was red tartan as befits lumber .... (deemac jacks/ he could fell a big tree/ in minutes (2 or 3!)/ but he failed to pay enough tax/ so the story of Rory/ becomes rather gory/ as the IRS sued him to the max/ now the deer and the skunk/ fell into a funk/ as The Man led Rory away/ they cried out... (MadMan at Large like banshees/'Let him go, ya Comaches!"/but they laughed and dragged him out the door/where a white van stood waiting/on top of a grating/that was gushing (Teerich - 2019 a geyser of steam / which made the van gleam / and really did seem / like a scene from a dream / but Rory's wide beam fur / and two huge orange eyes. / But it started to purr / when it saw my ... (Dan I Am feet/as they were claws/and could cut..... (donna flaws/ out of an otherwise pristine sheet/ but claws on the feet makes it hard on your socks/ like being attacked by a razor blade flock/ but the furless cat knew this and went on his way/ to the potter to purchase a bowl made of clay/ but the potter was (MadMan at Large not at his wheel / So the cat turned on his heel / And let out a squeal / Then that scaredy feline / Dashed off in a beeline / All along the treeline / Getting hotter and hotter / Till he met an old otter / And asked him, "Have you seen the ... (deemac potter/but of the potter the otter had not/seen hide nor hair so off he did trot/ the otter decided to tag along/ while they searched for the potter the otter recited/ Homer's "Ottercey" and then he invited/ the cat to a dinner of pancakes and trout/ but (MadMan at Large there came a loud shout / "Please let me out!" / From a place thereabout / Said the cat to the otter / "That sounds like the potter / I think maybe we ought-er / Go investigate?" / So they opened the gate / Of house number ... (deemac eight/ and there was the potter, lying prostrate/ Thanks for the rescue, he said with a grin/ I was taken by gypsies who were all rather thin/ the cat would like to employ your skill/ said the otter to the potter as they went down the hill/ He'd like a (MadMan at Large large pot / But that's not what I've got" / said the potter with a disparaging sneer. / "You just want it to hold grog and beer. / My product's high class / not the crude sort of farce / you're suggesting I'm making down here." / But the cat wasn't ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums .. impressed / At being addressed / In such a derogatory tone / So he climbed on a log / And howled for the dog / Who was busily burying a ... (deemac bone/ 'Oh Dog" said the cat, as he look this way and that/ 'could you deepen that hole for this crone?'/ The dog he dug faster, as if the cat were his master/ and the potter's face turned white as stone/ 'My good sir' he said, 'Please don't... (MadMan at Large ...try this at home / but instead, in the middle of town, where you act like a clown / for when you with 'pon a star..... (Dad .... sorrow, for there's always tomorrow / But to take nothing away, from living for today / but always remember.... (Dad ...as it sat on its bum / and stared at the wall, which kept it enthralled / it seemed to believe that the wall would leave / if the cat took its gaze... (Dad If you wont cease your endless yappin / with that the dogs head swung back / its ears and jowls flappin / now leave me be for cant you see?/ i cant even stop to scratch my
(greenbrair sanity/ although it many be vanity/ I choose to write rhyming verse/ though it may be a little (dragonwoman better or a little worse / than driving a coal truck. / I dreamed of a butterfly / that flitted from ... (Dad mustn't stare, or continue to chew on the clock. / For time is a thing ever fleeting, never still, unless one counts... (Soldier_Mike ....one's precious time/ but as they look to the stars with wonder.... (TINMAN 4000 -aphod, who presides over the Galaxy like the Mod Squad, but the plunder was thunder, and they stared at it in wonder, as to how it was put in a trunk, but by then it was gone, and Ford's face became drawn, and he fell into a terrible... (MadMan at Large ...yawn/wobbly rings of smoke came floating o'er the folk/ and how did they weep at the horrible breath/as the blibbering.... (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo ...of the addicts of meth / began to make sense / to those missing a tuppence. / As I step in time / to the sound of ... (Dad a bovine drumbeat nor here nor there / Ford rocked in his sleep backward and forward / And the tune grew shriller, and merrier and merrier/ The Cat in green pulled a (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo green bean out of his green (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! sock/rotten smell of the shoe killed all the rats in frocks/ wincing with a sore nose (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo ...while draining the garden hose / a caterpillar was spinning a cocoon / in the merry merry month of June. / I mowed the lawn / in the..... (Dad morning he'd gone / In his place was a moth / Laying eggs on a cloth / I yelled, Hey just a second! / And with my hand beckoned / The moth fluttered over / And landed on a leaf of ...
(deemac small pearls/
His tiny eyes pierced my... (Sally ...... swirls / of my mind / I will find / a way to go / that will....... (Dad not be slow/ for the cat is fat, but he still moves quick/ he doesn't speak softly but he carries a big stick/ he quotes shady characters like ol' Al Capone/ like 'you can get more with a kind word and gun than a kind word alone'/ and other gems like... (MadMan at Large "They call me scarface cuz I wear a scarf" / Which make the cat chuckle and larf / He larfs so much his face goes red / Then he turns purple and drops down ,,, (deemac ....into a bed / of roses / while they use their fire hoses / on the dogs / who live on the bogs / also known as moors / by those who are..... (Dad knowledgeable about the outdoors/ with a passing understanding of the Queen's English/ the numbers of such people does daily diminish/ but the cat knew a moor from a swamp any day/ he was well traveled, and knew mud from clay/ he was crafty and clever and (MadMan at Large bossy like a beaver/ showing aplenty of teeth/then like logs he gets merry with/ roll and pitch/the dogs from the bogs/their clayey bottoms hitch/in a scarf... (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo with matching mittens/ the dogs didn't expect such a lickin'/ especially from one they had known from a kitten/ so they howled and cried and barked at the moon/ they raised such a ruckus they woke up the loon/ he flew over to see what was wrong/ and the (MadMan at Large loon was soon laughing out loud. / His laughter at the cat and the dog / drew such a crowd from all over the bog. / This sight (Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ate French fries / the fries are good with burger and shake / and cake, if someone does bake / Have a picnic by the lake! / Talk of something except food, for goodness' .... (THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! sake / the season of baseball is in full swing / oh am I now punning / I really am cunning / Are you (Dad Stunning? / Why, sir! I'm flattered by your remark. / But looks can be deceiving. / My heart is cold and skin like bark / 'Twas an illusion you were... (Goddess receiving/ like a vampire she totally charmed you/ in ways that only a seductress can do/ but if you are lucky, and use your rubber ducky/ you might get to see her true blue/ but you must be ready for a shock/ and your heart must be hard like a ... (MadMan at Large block / a solid crystal of ice / or is your brain full of mice / should I send in a cat / to make the mice scat / you will see / the worst of me / and I will... (Dad make you a nice sandwich and we'll sit by the sea/ we can enjoy the fine sunset and a hot cup a tea/ with a mouseless head you can enjoy the view/ of waves and crabs, and pelicans, too/ you can surf or swim or fly a big kite/ you and your honey could ride (MadMan at Large a grey Shetland pony. / The truth is only orange (Bertos when its a cautionary tale
But all of Life is but a (dragonwoman rotten tomato./ Slimy and full of (Lostwordsmith Of regret./ For indeed I met/ a goddess in Hawaii./ On a surfboard, ""Oh, Honey!"/ I yelled, "Can (Kotaro "Can you lend me some money?"/ For I was kind of broke./ Floating on my sinking boat./ And with a smile she... (Pesky Amanda A.K.A. LadyNazlia ...lent me a goat / a stinky, smelly and disgusting excuse / for a good friend / so you should.... (Dad look the goat/ in the throat/ for you may find/ a thing to ease your mind/ a gift so wondrous/ so don't you cuss,/ just (Kotaro pick it up , get on the bus / Take it home to your pad / Show it to your Mom and Dad / Their hearts will get a real big lift / Checking out your lovely gift / Then they'll say, Go get another / For your sister or your ... (deemac your best friend, Zbigniew Lobitski / who rides a snowmobile / with his pet eel. / When will you learn / you have no money to burn / so you should... (Dad pinch your penny/ and be less of a Winnie/ so just get your goat/and stink as you gloat/ its new opera tunes/ and pushy communes/with your back/ pretty whack at the... (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo ...snack shack / where a guy named Jack / drives a Cadillac / with power steering and brakes / but no roller skates. / So be like Jack and... (Dad ... lift some weights/ which you hate. / ride a bike to get some gains / that surely will reward you with... (Mc Writer ...many pains / you take with you / 'cause catsup stains, and... (Soldier_Mike a couple baguettes / or maybe French bread / It's good for my head / I will lead you to wonder / a gift ..... (Dad .. I'll leave under / Your Welcome door mat / / If you just feed my cat / When I go on vacation / And walk my Dalmatian / That dog has got lots / Of black and white … (deemac stones. He plays Igo with a Martian/ while my cat takes a nap in my cap/ The Martian always win cause it's got two heads/ It makes my dog howl and the Martian to rap/ then my cat gets out of bed and... (Kotaro his wings a-flap / A cat that can fly / Soars, high / saying 'bye bye' / Not 'aye aye' / Please don't cry / Not a dry eye / On a gal or guy / Why do I / Rhyming words from A to I! Now take over ... (THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! well I/ for a cat that flies and cries bye bye/for a Dalmatian that howls at a two-headed Martian/ I'll expect a gift that gives me a lift/ if... (Kotaro … you hold down shift / And type in CAPS / I'll send some chaps / Who shall find out / Why you so loudly shout / And if you're grumpy / Cos your porridge is lumpy / Just get a spoon, sir / And give it a ... (deemac loon/ for what's a spoon without a loon?/ A lonely croon, as you'll see soon/ sitting all alone on a big sand dune/ as the cat flies by with a loon named June/ showing off smugly his stolen spoon boon/ why it's enough to... (MadMan at Large ... that gators don't crave you. / They of the toothy grin / who think it's no sin / to sink their teeth / into my friend Keith / and never.... (Dad let go again/ cause moon gators are tough/ they're into hard rock and other stuff/ and eating lost loons is never enough/ to satisfy their lunar appetite/ they find space ships a lunar delight/ if you got close enough you even might/ see one as it... (MadMan at Large ....hovers in flight. / An alien grin beckons you aboard. / Beam me up Scotty! Onward to the stars. / Earth is the pits, off to Venus or Mars. / In fact, gimme the wheel of this celestial... Goddess snoop/ or how dare you scoop/ `me and offer up this goop / Such a goofy loon/ On the way to the moon/ Lemme steer... (Quest-YELLOW-Thanks Schnujo The Celestial Voyager to a race who only loves/ to play the game they call White Doves/ for when I find their hidden den/ and show I have mastered Zen/ then (Kotaro ...I will have to begin again / to watch a show with Stempy and Ren / whilst drinkig some gin / whereupon ... (Dad whereupon I met Harry Potter/ how dare he want my daughter?/ he is nothing put a pauper/ I will… (Mina~ put another lightening bolt on his forehead/ so he will be mistaken for an SS death head/ a Hitler lover he will attract/ ain't that an interesting fact!/ right arms raised, goose stepping down Main Street/ they will get a lot of left wing heat/ then.. (Kotaro we'll send him to the moon/ where he can wait for the Mars-bound loon/ if nothing else, he'll have the crocs/ they can make shady deals down by the docks/ or he could rent a tiny sliver/ and live in a van down by the river/ all day long he drinks a... (MadMan at Large Blue Elephant, guarantee to calm you down (that is what he needs). But if he stays down by the docs, watch out for that one suspicious croc, with the ticking clock, who awaits.....
(Seabreeze while his teeth he grates while it is he who decides on your fate. Will it be left leg or right that...... (Monty our hungry croc decides to bite? / Or might he grab you by the toe / And ask to dance the do-si-do? / Perhaps if he has drunk his salts / The two of you could dance the ... (deemac waltz, if his face isn't puckered too bad, for drinking salt'll pucker a lad, even a tough old croc like Bill, who's used to drinking the ha'penny swill, you'd think he'd learn to build his own still, wear a hat like Hawkeye and sit back and chill, but he (MadMan at Large got hooked on watching MASH, a blast from the past, speckled with hangul and plenty of hash. The birds, they kept falling, the fault failed the air, the spooks were now calling, who cares if they share. But on the next morning the mourning took place.... (Misawa ...all humans had died, they had been effaced/ Poor Bill left behind, wiping the dust off his face, Katie Veer as well, as she had lost her taste, in heaven and... (Mia Kiyoko ...Earth, no more peopled with people, just carrion birds hanging out in the steeple, while... (Soldier_Mike land/ two people can't meet the feline demands/ it's not even enough for a good marching band/ for the cats the situation was soon out of hand/ for cats need people like Joker needs Batman/ they need hands to bite and knickknacks to break/ and a... (MadMan at Large lap of milk and a big fishcake /But Katie and Bill had tons of nous /They went to town and bought 2 cows /Their names were Daffodil and Daisy / When the cats saw them, boy they went crazy /They ran away down the lane /And never were seen in this place ... (deemac again but showed up in a state of dismay a long way away in a large stack of hay, see they didn't know that cows...
(Monty went moo/ and they didn't quite know what to do/ about the situation they were in/ until Katie and Bill came around with a very clever friend... (LadyGreen He was a wise old owl / The very cleverest sort of fowl / Who lived in Farmer Giles's barn / He told the cats and cows a yarn / And when the yarn came to an end / The cats and cows were all best friends / The owl then winked and flew away / he promised .. (deemac the cows took over, no need to worry / memories of kittens soon became blurry / Daisy was bold a true leader at best / leaving Daffodil behind to fail every test / jealousy began, starting out just as a seed / building and growing as fast as a weed (Dominique Binds her./ Summoning the raptors for a quick (Angelica Weatherby- Easter tim 'pleasure' and 'measure' equal - treasure? Pressure? / It doesn't matter / the former or the latter / given on a platter / cause everything to ... (THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! splatter against the battered barn, clattering down into the rain-swollen gully, where it... (Dave ... began to sully / my best Sunday frock / which gave me a shock / as Daisy began to slide down the gulch / I frantically scraped at the congealing mulch / and scrabbled to move out of her path/for I didn't relish a Daisy filled bath/especially when .... (Teerich - 2019 since I had no fresh clothes/ which of course, ol' Daisy knows/ but she doesn't care about the state of my affairs/ why would she, for the only thing that Daisy wears/ is a bell around her neck/ why if I tried that, I'd... (MadMan at Large Look a wreck, but it depends on the bell, at the gateway to hell, gives a sombre dark racket, if you prefer, call it “racquet” but my French ain’t inspired, as an interpreter, I’d be fired, so I won’t bother with that, just go back, find the ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums plot / Hard to discover? Is it? / You really can't miss it / It won't take you ages / Just go back a few stages / Peruse every word / Ignore the absurd / Found it? That's fine! / Now just add your own ... (deemac ....line / lest you be fined / for it clearly is mine / and we'll ne'er be apart / this is the start/ of a... (Dad race in a go-cart? // Do you know the fine art // of throwing Cupid's dart // In Walmart? // It's not tough // If you try enough // Through all the stuff // You'll find you ... (THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! ‘re engaging in bluff/ but this just won’t work/ don’t sound like a jerk/ be assured and all smooth/ you’ve nothing to prove/ except how to rhyme/ well, some of the time/ and others herein/ won’t allow you to ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums continue a theme/ it's almost as bad as a poorly-made meme/ but we do what we love and love what we do/ some call it therapy, some call it voodoo/ it's an unending line of passion and lies/ we pour out our hearts, and a small child.... (MadMan at Large could do better / but here I should pause / and find the right clause / to express my belief / just hold the horses, chief / that the cricket’s going well / ah, dammit to hell / the Indians’re on top / when’s it all going to ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums go Pop! / Like a big green to boast / about her form / not only striking and warm, / but unbeatable over the jumps / wearing four inch heeled pumps / not so good on the flat / but we won’t talk about that / let’s just focus on ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums Mame / For that was her name / When she fluttered her lashes / Men came out in rashes / Any man she could hook / With one lingering ... (deemac Book/ made on who she’d go kiss /and who would miss /out and go fulminating to bed / with pains in his back and his head/ /but sleep would not come /what a pain in the bum /so he tossed and he turned /for her kisses he yearned /but that could not ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums be, for Mame was a tree/ a huge weeping willow with curves for miles/ when she swayed in the wind men fell down in piles/ she's the reason other trees became Ents/ even maples and oaks fell prey to her hints/ old Mame was a legend among.... (MadMan at Large lumberjacks / She stopped every one of them dead in their tracks / Any man who approached her while toting a saw / Got a big swinging branch right square in the jaw / For miles around her, face down in the dirt / Lay any man wearing a lumberjack's ... (deemac skirt/ though they preferred to call it a kilt/ ol Mame could even make a Scottish 'jack wilt/ She stood proud and tall and swayed with the breeze/ any kid could climb her if they just said 'please'/ but one day a wizard sat down at her feet/ and said... (MadMan at Large The pleasures of reading,
What awakens your mind?
Is it profound writing?
Witty brains need the drastic change.
Sometimes curiosity and is strange,
Why me is the single question. (preksha Then the wizard had a touch of indigestion / He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pill / But when he swallowed it he felt really ill / Then suddenly he realised with a groan / Instead of a tablet he'd swallowed a ... (deemac crone/ a little old lady with a bad disposition/ but his magic wand caused her shrunken condition/ it gave him great pleasure 'til he'd swallowed her whole/ now he felt like a cat who had eaten a mole/ there was only one way to solve this dilemma/ so he.. (MadMan at Large so he pulled out his phone and rang his friend, Gemma/ but she wasn’t home and he cursed fluently in Greek./ That caused his hair to fall out and made him feel weak./ so he pulled out his wand and waved it about,/ in an effort to ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums cure an attack of the gout / But his memory was poor and he said the wrong spell / His neck started twisting and he let out a yell / In front of his eyes was a very odd scene/ 'Stead of where he was going, he saw where he'd … (deemac been/ his belly faced front and his head face the back/ and for the first time he could see his own crack/ now that is a sight no man should behold/ for'twas wrinkled and hairy and covered in mold/ so he lifted his wand and tried a new spell/ abracadabra- (MadMan at Large .. Dingley Dell / Before he knew what was happening / He was whooshed off his feet / Right into an episode of Sesame Street / He bumped into Kermit, rolled over and over / Then was asked 'May I help you?' by a Monster named ... (deemac Grover / but he was no help / just caused the wizard to yelp / as he scrambled to his knees / a scene destined to please / kids watching Sesame Street / a new spell needed to beat / the problems and worries / he was destined to ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums fail/ so he conjured up his most powerful spell/ and poof he was gone, except for his smell/ when he opened his eyes, twas a sight to behold/ he stood on a beach selling Panama Gold/ his old body was young, and tanned to light brown/ and his eyes.. (MadMan at Large could see everything for miles around / To the east was a rainbow, arched in the sky / To the west a young robin was learning to fly / To the north he saw fields of emerald green /To the south the prettiest girl that he'd ever... (deemac seen/ but as she drew close he could see her eyes dance/ they sparkled and glowed with magic enchants/ for she was a mage and her power was strong/ and the wizard had been lonely for far too long/ he mustered his courage and as she grew near/ he said... (MadMan at Large "Maid, may I whisper some words in your ear?" / The young lady blushed, averting her eyes / Said the wizard, "Come join me for a couple mince pies" / "My mom says I mustn't" the damsel replied / "But a definite rumble comes from my inside" / So off to,, (deemac where the oysters were fried / along with assorted other delights / available by day and during nights / but the maiden was frightened / her gut muscles tightened / the resultant smell / seemed to come straight from hell / with a wave of his wand, the ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums wiz (quite unfond of the stench) made a wrench that he put to good use which was... (AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! ... as good as a cinch / to send the stench to the bench / but the wait for the food was long / and her hunger was strong / so say suggested that they ... (Dad all get along / and stop all the grousing / and focus on carousing / but the wiz didn’t care / he was losing his hair / in great lumps and chunks / to the applause of the hunks / who all .. (☮ The Grum Of Grums the drought blistered all life / the topical oasis singed / all that flowed was dust... (Burntpoet but only just / for the heavens erupted / with so much rain / the oasis was corrupted. / There was joy through the land / exquisite relief on every hand, / although flooding became a curse / too much water and getting worse / “Oh for a dry ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums day / One like last Friday" / Thought old Farmer Giles /"Just to bring back some smiles / And we don't want a worse day / Like that big storm last Thursday / Or a Singin' the Blues day / Like we had just last... (deemac Tuesday / and that was a fun day like we had last Sunday / or maybe it was Monday because I’d lost track of one day / since falling on my head, when climbing out of bed / just a really small concussion / and another simple ... (☮ The Grum Of Grums solution / I put a bandage on my head / And booked a vacation on the Med / Somewhere where I'll feel fine / Cos the sun will always.... (deemac ... shine on me whilst I dine / or mayhaps I dine whilst it shines / on the Med's water / more than I oughter / while I watch a rich man's daughter ... (Dad take her recently-caught fish to slaughter/ It was a huge green beast/ five feet long, at least/ and the fish was big too/ but not as ugly as the daughter of the dude/ with her haughty expression and bad attitude/ she looked like a... (MadMan at Large shark / That had escaped from the ark / With long pointy teeth / And a grey beard underneath / I gave her a wave / Saying, Hi, my name's... (deemac Dave / and I'll attend this weekend's rave / with those who have fame / (don't tell her Ken is my name/ and the place of the rave and me won't be the same) / I'm just going ... (Dad ...to the shops/ To buy some lamb chops/ But my butcher, Pete / Was fresh outta meat / So I said, Call yourself a butcher?! / I'll use a new one in future/ Pete's eyes opened wide / And he broke down and ... (deemac ...admitted he spied / during the war / which was a chore / he did not adore / but someone has to do it / and he was afraid someone else blew it /. He'd heard that Mata Hari / was not sorry / that she ... (Dad Total Displayed: 150 |