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Rated: E · In & Out · Other · #2314905
Make up a language
Make up a language. What would you call it? How would you communicate? Is there a written form or is it just motions?

: 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰 Author IconMail Icon
: 02-26-24 @ 12:16pm
: Wolf-a-nese: Language of movement of paws, tail, and ears to communicate.

: Blessed Christmouse Author IconMail Icon
: 02-26-24 @ 1:48pm
: I created a language for my alien race The Shiloh called Shilah..One of the words in it is Igal, which means the Intergalactic Language, or Earth English.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2314905-New-Language