Printed from https://writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2314210-Favorite-Show
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Rated: E · In & Out · Other · #2314210
What is your favorite?
What are some of your favorite shows & what are they about? Note: Please keep your choice limited to those that you enjoyed as a kid & would still enjoy as an adult (ex. Scooby Doo).

: Blessed Christmouse Author IconMail Icon
: 02-16-24 @ 11:04am
: Transformers - the cartoon version. I think everybody knows what it's about.

: 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰 Author IconMail Icon
: 02-16-24 @ 2:23pm
: Digimon A anime where seven young kids go to summer camp, but end up in a digital land filled with monsters!

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