: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 05-29-21 @ 5:09pm : hide previous January and March entries.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-30-21 @ 4:25am : January prompt 30/21 My favourite blog was yesterdays29 when I wrote about my aunt falling dow the bed.I'm now 80 and still hane a laugh about it.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-29-21 @ 3:25am : January prompt 29/2021 My thoughts go to my childhood, and shared a bed with auntie, who was the crabit auntie, and the bed had a frame and the bace just sat on top. I stepped into bed and the bace moved and auntie fell into the middle on to the floor
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-28-21 @ 5:57am : January Prompt /2021.
I start my writing day with my daily blog, and review; 1
My awards on the site are slow but they are welcome whenever they are given. 2
The contest is not always about wining it's the fun of entering into it. 3
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-27-21 @ 9:59am : January Prompt 27/2021
Trivia to me means quiz and information can be interesting and also useless.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-26-21 @ 8:42am : January prompt 26/2021.
No I don't practice meditation, but I put aside some time to reflect on my spiritual prayers and needs. I don't have any emotional problems with my brain, just medical problems, which I don't dwell on.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-25-21 @ 2:46am : January Prompt 25/21
I have two rings handed down to me, first my mother's wedding ring,. My mother died when I was two and she was 27. My eldest daughter was married with it, and now my grand daughter is married with it. My aunt left me her ring.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-24-21 @ 2:35am : January prompt 24/2021
My memory of my teacher is not good, Miss F she was always comparing me with her niece; How clever she was. Years later I met her at mass and she asked me what job I had, and then asked if I
could get her niece a job.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-23-21 @ 2:07am : January Prompt 23/2021
I would have a party in the kk club in Corby and invite all my friends it would be my 80 birthday. I would have a buffet and a disco and a huge cake baked from grand daughter.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-22-21 @ 3:45am : Follow on 22/21 January.
I don't have a reading list but read from the library, I 'm reading Catherine Cookson book 'The Girl;'
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-22-21 @ 3:20am : JANUARY PROMPT 22/21
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-20-21 @ 11:14pm : January Prompt.20/21i
I was planning to visit my daughter in Cyprus for 2 month and she was coming over to the UK to see her daughter, my grand child, who lives in Leeds and I was travelling back to Cyprus with her.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-20-21 @ 2:33am : Follow on 20/1/21
Are exactly the same very vane, they get this from their Dad, My son is good looking, loud, You hear him for he is the life and soul of the party, and has plenty friends. The four of them are very confident.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-20-21 @ 2:18am : January 20/21 prompt.
There is only one to describe my family and this is first good looking all four, and vane. My youngest daughter, will not go out the door without dressing up and make up. She always looks at herself in the mirror, daughter2 and 3
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-19-21 @ 1:26am : January Prompt 19/20
I usually go with the flow, in fact at my age every time I'm travelling to Cyprus my daughter arranges the flight and assistance all I have to so is book a taxi for the plane.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-18-21 @ 2:40am : January Prompt 18/2021
If I could travel on time machine I would go back to 1957. I loved my life during those years when I met my husband, and going into Glasgow to meet him. We went jiving and were on a TV show, sampled all the dance halls. Happy days.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-17-21 @ 5:36am : January Prompt17/2021
Wgebever I'm worried about something my first action is to pray for guidence to get me through whatevers bothering me, and then I try io forget about it by wrting or some housework.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-16-21 @ 4:52am : Direct follow on 16/1/21
' Look at those sinks, they don't look clean, I'm going to report her to the Manager .I stood at the door and replied
'No the sinks haven't been done because I don't start my shift until 2. ' Her face red , she left the room.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-16-21 @ 4:30am : January Prompt 16/2021.
The last time i overheard a person talking was in 1968, I was a cleaner in a factory and I was in the toilet cubicle and there were two machine operators standing by the sinks and they were having a cigarette, one of them
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-15-21 @ 3:50am : January prompt 15/2921.
I don't dream very often, but when I do it's usually about a friend who has passed away, and I believe if you dream about the dead they are asking for your prayers.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-14-21 @ 4:01am : January prompt 14/2021
My choice would be to visit Rome and see the history of Christ and to go to mass with the Pope and other famous places around Rome.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-13-21 @ 1:45am : January Prompt 13/2021
There is three songs that I play and get very emotional,, Danny BOY, . My father is called Danny, and he died at 33; Elvis singing Glory Hallilulia and Heart Break Hotel.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-12-21 @ 1:42pm : January Prompt 12/2021
I look back on fashion and cringe when I see the tank tops I wore in the seventy's
I liked the fifties style, but I loved the trouser suits in the sixty's. I would design one in 50s style tapered legs instead of flairs.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-11-21 @ 1:15am : January Prompt 11/1/2021/on
My show was on the tv but it was only on for company . It was the crown a program about the royals. I usually change channels for I'm not a lover of the royal family, but I enjoyed it I
viewed their lives.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-10-21 @ 1:20am : Prompt January 10/2021
I would chose a house keeper because her duties are cleaning and a house keeper usually does a little cooking and shopping . I'm 80 years old and still clean and cook and a house keeper would be a great labour saving gift.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-09-21 @ 12:17pm : January Prompt 9/2021 I have tried to do calligraphy in the past, which is specialised, and if written correctly it can have a beautiful asset to your writing, I didn't quite master the skill but my husband did. and I added his skill to my writing.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-08-21 @ 6:16am : January 8/2021 prompt . I never put off what I have to do whether i's my writing or personal issue . I open my letters as soon as they arrive and deal with the contents . As for my writing, my motivation comes from trial and error, i learn by errors.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-07-21 @ 6:44am : PROMPT JANUARY6/2021
i'M NOT SURE about movies it's different in the UK as we don't have drive in movie shows, but my favourite block buster movie was in the forties ANNIE GET YOUR GUN,, AND have a coppy on my shelve.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-06-21 @ 10:33am : January Prompt /6/2021.
In the past I did many charity organisations, courier for disability travel, voluntary, and Red cross. Red cross was my main charity and I had many good activities such as The Grand Prix racing, Now too old just post code lottery.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-05-21 @ 2:06pm : January prompt 5/1/2021
If I could see into the future and was allowed to ask a question, I would ask God to help me chose the right question ,and would put my trust in His guidance.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-04-21 @ 3:42am : January prompt 4/1/2021
I'm frustrated, about not seeing my youngest daughter, because of the lockdown. My daughter had lung surgery and isn't allowed to come and see me, and I'm not allowed to see her,
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-03-21 @ 12:49am : January 3rd prompt 2021
I would like to be taken to Cyprus to see my daughter, I didn't get to see her last year/
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-02-21 @ 3:54pm : January prompt 2nd 2021
The good and best thing that I can remember in 2020 is going into hospital for total knee replacement, I'm pain free after four years of severe pain.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-02-21 @ 9:41am : JANUARY PROMPT 2 2021 The good memory of 2020 is that a knee replacement and the pain is gone
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 01-01-21 @ 2:28am : January prompt 1/1/2021 the good event was 2020 new years day My son and two daughters took me to the pub and we were allowed to take our own bottle of scotch to give our friends a wee dram.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 12-27-20 @ 3:04pm : 2236358 OFFICIAL30 DAYS BLOG January sign up
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-30-20 @ 4:09am :
MY FAVOURITE PUB IS providing food so it can open on the 2/12/20 to follow the rules of the lockout it will be good to go out again.
29/11/20 I'm looking forward to Christmas, MERRY CHRISMAS. . CHOICE DISPLAY 35
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-29-20 @ 3:57pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT 29
yesterday I received a parcel in the post from Cyprus, and I know MY daughter likes me to open
is on Christmas day, but L opened the box, only to find another inside wrapped and word HANDS OFF JUST WAIT.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-28-20 @ 12:36am : NOVEMDER PROMPT 28.
I have looked forward to being with my family at Christmas, because of the virus I don'nt think it's going to happen this year.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-27-20 @ 2:42am : 27 NOVEMBER PROMPT I will be happy tf my family are with me at Chjrsmas ist christmas and no lockout. I haven't seen much of them this year.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-26-20 @ 7:39am :
Direct follow on
26. scots welsh, and Irish left there native homes to starta near new life in Corby. The most important and historical is Thorp house where you can go and view as well as Trasham house. The local college is naed Treasham college.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-26-20 @ 7:18am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 26
i LIVE in Corby a steel town no longer, and before 1935 it was a thriving vilage and acording tothe street namesbin the village, the Dixons and the Spencers were important. 1935 Stewarts Loyd opeed a huge steelworks. The scots, Irish,
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-25-20 @ 2:14am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 25
My creative items are inspired by pictures, I look at a picture and a poem is created. For instance I found an old key and created poem 'An Old Rusty Key. ' You will find it in my portfolio.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-24-20 @ 3:45pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT 24
I remember when I was waiting for a house I was staying with my parents and I went to Carfifn Grotto which is like Lurdes, and walking around I felt at peace and calm come over me.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-23-20 @ 8:25am : NOVEMBER PROMPT23 SKILLS my pride is when i developed the skpll of laying out a book and self publishing.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-22-20 @ 1:11am : Follow on 22/11/ 20 I later went to see her perform in the theatre she was a different lady, Susan had a new look, hair and clothes and sang like an angel. Susan still lives in the home she lived in before she was a singer,
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-22-20 @ 12:44am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 22
Susan Boyal from the xfactor show a 47 year old lady who everyone laughed at when she entered the stage. Susan wore a print dress and she had curly hair the people were laughing but when she sang they were amazed, and cheered.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-21-20 @ 3:40am : NOVEMBER 21
I gave birth to a daughter and she was taken to London to be operated I had 8 weeks of worry and I prayed so hard and she came home to me and this has strengthened my faith in God.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-20-20 @ 11:02pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT20: I don't have acsess to movie but hosted my book launch,
served wine, non and finger food, twiglets.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-19-20 @ 6:55pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT19
when I was a young mother snd traveling on the coatch to my family home in Scotland, a young man took the seat bestde me. He chated al th way, and the six hour journey passed so quickly arriving in Scotland.,and I had good journey.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-18-20 @ 2:10am : Follow on from 18 Mc Phedran family name and born in Scotland.
HISTORY Neil Mc Phedran boat man brought ROBERT THE BRUCE
to Scotland to claim KING OF SCOTLAND
CULTURE: Boat men, and arrow making.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-18-20 @ 1:07am : NOVEMBER PROMPT18:
MCPHEDRAN HISTORY: My history as I have is a lot immigrated to Canada. My family name began with Archie Mc Phedran from Invirerry.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-17-20 @ 6:18pm : N0VEMBER PROMPT17
If I had te choice of spoiling myself I would go to Malta where I spent many holidays with my husband, and explore the parts of Malta that he didn't want to.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-16-20 @ 2:42am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 16
The biggest risk I have ever taken was havong my 4th child after being warned not to have any more when my third was born and being catholic I refused sterilisation. I had my little girl now 52 and OK.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-15-20 @ 2:18am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 15
A good life means to me is to be able to have enough money for a few luxuries and to have faith and health to serve my God.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-14-20 @ 1:06am : FOLLOW ON 14
Waa s a bed wetter and recieived a smacking in front of all the children. my granny took us to live with her and we were saved from thhat hurribil place.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-14-20 @ 12:42am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 14
I will never forget the day my dad left my brother and I at the home because he was to gmo into the sanitory with TB. My mother was dead.I was shown how to make my bed and polish around it. My brother
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-13-20 @ 3:22pm : FOLLOW ON: to the evening reception and I was a littel tipsy and tpld her that I wasn't pleased about it infront of a whole lot of people. We didn't speak for along time and a friend came to visit ftom USA, and she inviter me to come and see her/
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-13-20 @ 1:38am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 13 I was ratsed by granny in Scotland, and her youngest child and I grew up as sisters and both of us mooved to Corby. We became very close but when she sent wedding invites she she only invited me and my husband, and my family the
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-12-20 @ 2:08am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 12/11/20/20 I f I was invited to a dress up party I would look for MARY POPINS outfit i love the film.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-11-20 @ 2:25am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 11/11/2020 When I'm hungry and need to cook a quick meal it is an al day breakfast, Sausage egg black puding baked beens. I'm really hungry I add chips.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-10-20 @ 8:41pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT 10. my blog depens on the contest and I try io make the blog easy to find.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-09-20 @ 7:03pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT 9. the sillly object I have is an elvis picture it is 4 feet long and hangs on my bedroom wall. As much as I like Elvis I expected s0mething more sutable fur ny birthdAY AY 72.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-08-20 @ 11:19pm : NOVEMBER PROMRT 8. I rember
when my friend school was going on a trip to NORTH BERWICK, a scotish
resort, and I was allowed
to change schools and go with Motherwell High on the trip. A great day and an honor.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-07-20 @ 12:00am : NOVEMBER PROMPT 7 i love my Scotish Emblem the thistle which is a weed, the gardeners nightmare. I see the beautiful flower a purple head, others see it as a jaggy nettle, a weed the flower bed.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-06-20 @ 10:44pm : NOVEMBER PROMPT 6 off the grid I'm not sure what the question means but I have always wanted to visit Florida.
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-05-20 @ 11:02pm : DAY4 November 4 POSTED somewhere
NOVEMBER DAY5 Not sure if I will be around in 2030 BECAUSE I'm 8o, so I
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-05-20 @ 10:45pm : looking dacj
: Mary Ann MCPhedran  
one each day: 11-05-20 @ 2:22am : dtrect follow on 3/11/20 Iwas thrown in at the deep ebd in the mill to opperate Three enormas
machines when a worker was absent, and Iwas a trainee It wasn't a pretty sight when she returned next day.
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